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08-02-2008, 15:40
Beacon of light
Re: P.C.gone mad?
If certain elements of society want Sharia law, then they should migrate to where this is practised...e.g.Saudi Arabia.
There can be no benefits to having two tiers of law......and as one newspaper suggested choosing which law you will be governed by.
The law of the land is there to be obeyed by everyone.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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08-02-2008, 16:11
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
I dont think they will have two tiers of law as some of you think to be. Elements of Sharia law will simply intergrated into our own law.
It's funny, a lot of people would love to watch some criminals hang and yet a law that advocates that sort of activity is suggested to be made part of our law and then everyone jumps away from the idea. I can understand why some people may think we want these kind of laws. A lot of people on this forum have said the law should be 'eye for an eye'. Many elements of Sharia law follow this natural law do they not?
I personally wouldn't want to see the sexist, natural law ideas implemented into our laws, but sharia law involves a lot of discipline and i think that is what this country needs. It probably wont happen anyway, but if it does I dont think we are going to see the country completely changing its way over night, so I dont think there is a need to worry.
08-02-2008, 16:17
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
Originally Posted by panther
my personal feelings on this? ..........someone CHOOSES to live in this country that means accepting our laws. if they dont like that then dont come here.....simple
Was the Archbishop of Canterbury not BORN in England? He's the one proposing this change isn't he, not any followers of Sharia law.
Also to whoever mentioned dictating. He cant dictate what is changed because he doesn't have that power, he is only a persuasive force. He can say whatever he likes but it doesn't have to be taken into account.
The country isn't as religious as it was in the past, I'm not denying what I have previously said, but I do think its a loss to the country that we don't have such a strong religious element anymore. I'm not under Church of England so I don't have to believe the same as this guy, and maybe it is a strange thing to come out with, I'm not sure which bits he wishes to change, I haven't read the news, but I do think that some bits may make a positive change.
08-02-2008, 16:35
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
Originally Posted by blazey
Was the Archbishop of Canterbury not BORN in England?
Correct, he wasn't born in England. He was born in Swansea, Wales.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
08-02-2008, 17:43
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
MikeSz's post regarding de Tocqueville's impressions of America are worth noting. However, we have always had a separation of church and state here, although not an absence of faith. This fact has long been a source of strength for our country.
As to the Archbishop.....he seems to be implying that the law is a lifestyle choice. It is not the first foolish thing he has said and I doubt it will be the last. He is, to quote Henry II, a meddlesome priest. Under his scenario, Muslim women - who happen to British - will become second class citizens under Sharia.
08-02-2008, 19:26
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I've just been watching the mid-day news and not one muslim interviewed seemed to think it was a good idea. In fact most said it would be divisive and cause many problems.
Good point hon. I think that what people should be guarding against is religious extremism of all forms. When a probably well-meaning man as the Archbishop no doubt is, asks for some tolerance, too many people assume the worst ... that the worst aspects of Islam will become part of the English social fabric. This is not going to happen. Someone mentioned "honor killings" as if muslims had a monopoly on this kind of violence. Every year in Canada over one hundred women and many of their children are murdered by ex boyfriends and ex husbands. Most of these are white males from a christian background ... honor killings with a western twist. In North America christian extremists bomb abortion clinics, kill doctors who perform abortions, beat or kill gays, drag blacks behind pick up trucks, blow up federal buildings, etc. etc. In Canada, in the really friendly city of Saskatoon, white cops dump drunken indians by the roadside to freeze to death. At Iperwash, On, an OPP snipers kills a peaceful native protester. Synagogues are still being defaced by swastikas in our country.
No doubt extreme Islam poses great dangers to world peace. But it is the extremism that is dangerous. Israel faces a threat from the Arab world, but also has to deal with its jewish extremists who make compromise difficult to the point of impossibility.
The English may consider themselves as living in a post-christian state; but that is only because England has, over centuries of trial and error, adopted the better parts of christian teaching into the fabric of their politics and their social relations. Most of the bad parts have been tossed out. Maybe Islam, which has only been around since the seventh century is still working on this secularization of religion. Also, the US is still working thro this problem, as is Canada.
08-02-2008, 19:49
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
The muslims themselves cant agree over Sharia law as it is. Shiya muslims interpret Sharia differently to Sunni muslims, it would just cause chaos.
We have our Law, if folk don’t like it, they can bail out as I and others have said.
The Archbishop needs to go and polish his candlestick holders or summat.
Semper in stercore versor, solum altitudo mutat
08-02-2008, 19:59
Coffin Dodger.
Re: P.C.gone mad?
seems today reports say the archbishop is in "shock" at the furore his comments have caused.! i say the guy has completely lost touch with reality.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
08-02-2008, 20:26
Beacon of light
Re: P.C.gone mad?
The Archbishop needs to do some fence mending in his own back yard before he tries to tell the law makers what should be happening.......the Church of England is divided by so many ecumenical issues at present, you would think he had enough to do to address those without sticking his beak into politics.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
08-02-2008, 20:42
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
The archbishop is a prime example of what happens to some people given any kind of power, they think the world should listen to them when they speak, and become blinded by the feeling of self importance, he should concentrate on his own business, that of enticing people back into church, and preaching his religion. I am surprised that any woman would even half agree with any of sharia law, given that a large percentage of it seems to be aimed against women, in my humble opinion, we are already too giving in our adoption of some foriegners and thier ways, even so far as posting notices in public buildings in different languages, but specifically, a certain few languages, there are many chinese, african, polish and others in this country, but we don't see thier languages so, or on council forms, therefore, I conclude that any adoption of any law other than our own, (which is far too lax), is another step towards being a minority in our own country.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
08-02-2008, 20:56
Coffin Dodger.
Re: P.C.gone mad?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I've just been watching the mid-day news and not one muslim interviewed seemed to think it was a good idea. In fact most said it would be divisive and cause many problems.
i spoke to a couple round our area this aft, n both guys think the guys lost it, n will cause division. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
08-02-2008, 21:21
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
Originally Posted by derekgas
The archbishop is a prime example of what happens to some people given any kind of power, they think the world should listen to them when they speak, and become blinded by the feeling of self importance, he should concentrate on his own business, that of enticing people back into church, and preaching his religion. I am surprised that any woman would even half agree with any of sharia law, given that a large percentage of it seems to be aimed against women, in my humble opinion, we are already too giving in our adoption of some foriegners and thier ways, even so far as posting notices in public buildings in different languages, but specifically, a certain few languages, there are many chinese, african, polish and others in this country, but we don't see thier languages so, or on council forms, therefore, I conclude that any adoption of any law other than our own, (which is far too lax), is another step towards being a minority in our own country.
Well I'm a catholic and the bible is just as bad for discriminating against women. If we had never got the vote I could be a doting housewife instead, wouldn't have to bother with getting an education, wouldn't be on accyweb, I could just be a wonderful cook and raise a nice happy family whilst my husband worried about the strains of a job. I want to have an OXO family 
08-02-2008, 21:22
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
Originally Posted by blazey
Well I'm a catholic and the bible is just as bad for discriminating against women. If we had never got the vote I could be a doting housewife instead, wouldn't have to bother with getting an education, wouldn't be on accyweb, I could just be a wonderful cook and raise a nice happy family whilst my husband worried about the strains of a job. I want to have an OXO family 
And I'll wait for the angry people to throw stones at me now.
08-02-2008, 21:40
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
Marry a muslim! A steadfast one, you would not be allowed on here, or to give many opinions about very much, and just think how peaceful it would be for us!!  
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
09-02-2008, 19:10
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Re: P.C.gone mad?
There was an item on CBC (Colonial Broadcasting Corporation, operating out of an Igloo in Tuktuyaktuk) about the Archbishop. It was rather kind to him saying that his comments were made, but were taken out of a complex context, and exploded by the media. That, I understand. Maybe the good prelate should have been clear and straightforward in his comments like Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty in Sept. of 2005: "There will be no Shariah law in Ontario. There will be no religious arbitration in Ontario. There will be one law for all Ontarians." Now that is not difficult to understand.
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