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Old 08-05-2005, 11:08   #16
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Uncle Mick's Avatar

Angry Re: Panopticon set to get green light

[QUOTE=Graham Jones]
. We knocked on 4000 voters doors and the Panopiticons never came up once. Most strange if you read Accy Web!!!! I think you`ll find that on Gayle Knights last posting before the election she said that debate on the panopticon was being put on the back burner because it was`nt an election issue. Next thing we hear, the project has ben passed!!
" Crashes "
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Accrington Web
Old 08-05-2005, 11:28   #17
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Re: Panopticon set to get green light

What about this ?
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File Type: jpg Accrington Web Forum - Signboard on Coppice.jpg (73.1 KB, 39 views)
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Old 08-05-2005, 14:14   #18
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Re: Panopticon set to get green light


to be honest my mind is been put at rest in the knowledge that todays younger generation will soon destroy anything put on the coppice

hell if i see them doing it and they scarper off i will call them back and tell them to continue
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Old 08-05-2005, 14:39   #19
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Re: Panopticon set to get green light

[QUOTE=Uncle Mick]
Originally Posted by Graham Jones
. We knocked on 4000 voters doors and the Panopiticons never came up once. Most strange if you read Accy Web!!!! I think you`ll find that on Gayle Knights last posting before the election she said that debate on the panopticon was being put on the back burner because it was`nt an election issue. Next thing we hear, the project has ben passed!!
The project hasn't been passed yet. Things were held off because of the election and now the election is over we can proceed again. There is a cabinet meeting due at the end of May when the Panopticon is on the agenda (I don't know why but it has been moved forward because I was under the impression that it was due to go on to the June agenda). Anyway, the general mood is now that certain Councillors who were saying no, no, no to the scheme have now decided to support it if it can be classed as a Coppice redevelopment scheme and the emphasis taken off the Panopticon.

I think that's why the general feeling is that it will get the green light - it hasn't yet and could still be turned down by the cabinet. Also, it has not got planning permission so still has to be approved at that stage.
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Old 08-05-2005, 14:45   #20
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Re: Panopticon set to get green light

The point is that we already have two things on the Coppice that have been well and truly vandalised so what makes anybody think that a new panopticon would be any different? The vandals will be in their element with something new to have a go at.

Personally I don't want to see High Form or Tellytubby land up there but I wouldn't actually waste my energy vandalising it. There are plenty of bikers and off roaders who have probably never so much as heard of AccyWeb who would simply see humps and bumps as a new playground challenge. Don't you see that Purplelass?

I agree 100% with what cashman says about being able to disagree with a person's opinion and yet still wanting them to voice that opinion. We'd all hate to be told what to think, wouldn't we? There are people in my life who I like very much and yet can totally disagree with their views on some topics. It doesn't make me like them any less. We should all be able to make the distinction between the person as an individual and their opinion on one or more topics. It's called being adult. Children fall out because they disagree on minor issues but adults should be able to behave more sensibly.

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Old 08-05-2005, 15:08   #21
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Thumbs down Re: Panopticon set to get green light

[QUOTE=Gayle Knight Anyway, the general mood is now that certain Councillors who were saying no, no, no to the scheme have now decided to support it if it can be classed as a Coppice redevelopment scheme and the emphasis taken off the Panopticon.

The emporers new clothes then...
" Crashes "
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Old 08-05-2005, 17:16   #22
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Re: Panopticon set to get green light

Coppice redevelopment scheme

so basicly its a classic case of a different name but the same old crap..?
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Old 08-05-2005, 17:27   #23

Roy's Avatar

Re: Panopticon set to get green light

There are plenty of bikers and off roaders who have probably never so much as heard of AccyWeb who would simply see humps and bumps as a new playground challenge. Don't you see that Purplelass?
wow wow wow, calm down there... why would off roaders want to play on a few lousy bumps at the top of the coppice.. aint gonna happen, I have to step in to defend off roaders as I am one and we respect the enviroment and DO NOT go around off-roading anywhere where we shouldn't. We have permission from farmers when we go off roading up there... Sorry about that, but we are getting a lot of bad press these days and I aint about to just let it go on in here as well..
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Old 08-05-2005, 19:58   #24

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Re: Panopticon set to get green light

Originally Posted by Graham Jones
Whats the point, or what fun is there, of visiting Accy Web when so many people feel at ease running other people down personally?
Graham, why don't you join in with other non political type threads? Most of your postings almost invite some people to disagree with you.
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Old 08-05-2005, 20:05   #25
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Re: Panopticon set to get green light

NOT EVERYONE GOES ON YOUR THREADS GRAHAM some are the silent few, but do have OPINIONS, please stop trying to upset everyone //// i for one am NOT impressed/
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
'The views expressed here are my own and are not necessarily those of the site'
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Old 08-05-2005, 21:40   #26
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Re: Panopticon set to get green light

Originally Posted by Roy
wow wow wow, calm down there... why would off roaders want to play on a few lousy bumps at the top of the coppice.. aint gonna happen, I have to step in to defend off roaders as I am one and we respect the enviroment and DO NOT go around off-roading anywhere where we shouldn't. We have permission from farmers when we go off roading up there... Sorry about that, but we are getting a lot of bad press these days and I aint about to just let it go on in here as well..

You are one of the silent majority of responsible people Roy. I know I didn't word it very well but what I meant was that there are always enough irresponsible people out there who would see it as a challenge just in the same way as those who spray painted the memorial and vandalised the shelter. If everyone respected the environment we wouldn't have half the problems that we do, but how do we educate the irresponsible people into having the same sort of attitude? The few who do these things spoil it for the rest of us.

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Old 08-05-2005, 22:08   #27
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Re: Panopticon set to get green light

Originally Posted by mez
NOT EVERYONE GOES ON YOUR THREADS GRAHAM some are the silent few, but do have OPINIONS, please stop trying to upset everyone //// i for one am NOT impressed/
Ooh, Now you've done it Graham, you have managed to get Mother Hens feathers ruffled...
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Old 08-05-2005, 22:27   #28
I am Banned

Re: Panopticon set to get green light

[QUOTE=Gayle Knight]
Originally Posted by Uncle Mick

The project hasn't been passed yet. Things were held off because of the election and now the election is over we can proceed again. There is a cabinet meeting due at the end of May when the Panopticon is on the agenda (I don't know why but it has been moved forward because I was under the impression that it was due to go on to the June agenda). Anyway, the general mood is now that certain Councillors who were saying no, no, no to the scheme have now decided to support it if it can be classed as a Coppice redevelopment scheme and the emphasis taken off the Panopticon.

I think that's why the general feeling is that it will get the green light - it hasn't yet and could still be turned down by the cabinet. Also, it has not got planning permission so still has to be approved at that stage.
Hi Gayle. Thats right, though the report is dated the 9th May and it is the Coppice Redevelopment Project as said. It could still be turned down however. There won't be any political oppostion to it.
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Old 08-05-2005, 22:32   #29
I am Banned

Re: Panopticon set to get green light

Originally Posted by mez
NOT EVERYONE GOES ON YOUR THREADS GRAHAM some are the silent few, but do have OPINIONS, please stop trying to upset everyone //// i for one am NOT impressed/
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Old 08-05-2005, 22:34   #30
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Re: Panopticon set to get green light

What would "Coppice Redevelopment" entail? I do agree that we could do with a bit of redevelopment up there such as cleaning up of the graffitti and mending the vandalism, making the paths better etc. It's a pity about the trees but I don't suppose after all this time that much can be done about those.

Such a pity that we'll be away at the end of May because I'm dying to hear what will have been discussed and the conclusions that have been reached then. (I know that sentence is grammatically all to pot but it's late and I'm tired so I hope it makes enough sense.)

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