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Old 15-03-2005, 23:29   #91
I am Banned

Re: Panopticons

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
I could not agree more. But how do we convince the NWRDA that they are decorating a cake that is rotten? Graham is a supporter of the regional park idea, another quango generated scheme which is full of grandiose ideas and fine phrases, but as we have seen with the fast dissapearing Rapid Transit System, it is meaningless! It swallows millions and millions to conduct feasibility studies which conclude that it's grandiose ideas are just that, grandiose and impractical and too expensive!
I am a Panopticon supporter, true. But not the parody, or the spaceship, or the hillocks or any other bullocks! The Regional Park is the only thing I have seen of any worth eminate from that quango ELP and I think the idea has much merit.

I understand Mr Beard has scrapped the hills and it is now something to do with the Accy Pals, the trenches [which I am told were 2nd world war trenches not the pals?] and incorporating the cannons.

BUT - the town centre, jobs, the economy and basic quality of life indices are far more important than this project. This project was all about one mans newspaper headlines and his elections IMHO.

More curious to note, is how quickly BwD became bedfellows with LCC and drove the agenda. A reminder who the big boys in East lancs are, who gets all the funding and who the small fry are.
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Old 15-03-2005, 23:40   #92
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Re: Panopticons

Remember it`s budget day tomorrow and Gordon Brown is getting rid of 30,000 civil servants in quango type positions. This may include The Panopticon project and it`s partner Land.... we can live in hope!
" Crashes "
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Old 15-03-2005, 23:47   #93
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Panopticons

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Oh, and Less...... thanks for the memory. That picture took me back to when we had a town to be proud of. Would that it could be so again!
Just to let you know Margaret, I stole the picture from another thread, I've just come in from a nice night out, so I'm not going looking for the proper contributor but wouldn't it have been nice if way back then they had refused to rip the centre out of the town? We can move on without making things worse, just let the people have their say, then all of a sudden the things we do will be the things we want. (yeah right, maybe I'm to old to believe in fairy godmothers!).
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Old 16-03-2005, 00:07   #94
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Re: Panopticons

the best thing i like about the photo is how clear teh spread eagle is

its barely visable now i have no idea why they ruined it as it was somthing you could point out and say hey dosnt that look like an eagle to your kids etc

who needs the fancy crap when nature had provided us with somthing much better and promminant to look at

one day i may actualy get drunk enough to fell a few trees so it can be once seen again lol
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Old 16-03-2005, 16:13   #95
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Re: Panopticons

For your info. About 40 people were at the Huncoat area meeting last night. I wasn't there myself so perhaps anyone who was could report back. I have heard though that Brendan Shiel asked for a show of hands and over 30 of them voted yes to a Panopticon. Democracy at work?
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Old 16-03-2005, 16:18   #96
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Re: Panopticons

Originally Posted by PurpleLass
Democracy at work?
Nah, loonatics in the asylum
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Old 16-03-2005, 16:20   #97
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Re: Panopticons

my mum told me they are stopping the bumps on the coppice now because of the number of complaints they have recieved about them.
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Old 16-03-2005, 16:32   #98
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Re: Panopticons

Your mum has alot of foresight. Luke
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Old 16-03-2005, 16:34   #99
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Re: Panopticons

she works for the council
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Your mum has alot of foresight. Luke
Luke rules
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Old 16-03-2005, 16:50   #100
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Re: Panopticons

Very good, Luke. I think "PurpleLass" works for the Council as well, in some capacity. Maybe your mother knows her? However, your mother knows alot more than Purplelass because everyone like your mother knows that the building on the Coppice is not going to happen. Except for Purplelass,who thinks it is going to happen. Is'nt that a shame!
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Old 16-03-2005, 17:04   #101
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Re: Panopticons

I have spoken to several people today who are not even aware that there was a meeting about the Panopticon. In fact a couple of people didn't even know what I meant when I said Panopticon. When I said "mounds on the Coppice" they knew then.

I think perhaps any meetings about the issue haven't been publicised enough.

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Old 16-03-2005, 17:13   #102
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Re: Panopticons

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I think perhaps any meetings about the issue haven't been publicised enough.
Quite true, Willow....I know the Ribble Valley meeting was very well publicised and hundreds turned up, 90% voting against. I suspect the only notification for the Hyndburn meetings is that pinned up in the Panopticon room at Scaitcliffe House so that its the council side-kicks and yes men who turn up.
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Old 16-03-2005, 17:18   #103
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Panopticons

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
so that its the council side-kicks and yes men who turn up.
Gosh Tea' do you really think HBC has some yes men? Wouldn't saying yes involve thinking?
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Old 16-03-2005, 17:30   #104
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Unhappy Re: Panopticons

The meeting was advertised in the Accy Observer, two weeks before it happened, but not on the day before. It was also advertised on Radio Lancashire but apparently the start time was`nt given. Quite a few people wandered in late and the whole proceedings were taped for some reason or other. The Accy Observer was slated throughout for it`s negative press, though it was pointed out that these were the opinions of its readers. Mind you it was Mid Pennine Arts who released the pictures of the "Tele tubbies" design so they have only got themsleves to blame. Oh, and the was mention of turning the Peel Memorial into seating!!
" Crashes "
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Old 16-03-2005, 17:34   #105
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Re: Panopticons

40 people goto a meeting and 30 vote in favour of the crap

so 30 people out of the whole of accringtons population dicate what happens

most people dont get to hear where these meetings are and if they do find out they are too busy with work , children and many more importand life events than sitting in a room listening to some pompous pillock dictating what he says is good for accrington

no one wants it , no one likes it so stick it up your damn asses and go get propper jobs instead of screwing money from where ever it comes from to subsidise you pathetic careers

i find it disgusting that money gets wasted on pathetic projects like these just so some w4nker who thinks he knows art can sit on his ass instead of working for a living

goto a meeting in a small room where people will kiss your asses but dont come here expecting us to fall in line it just wont happen

you want to bring people into accy do what oswaldtwistle did when they opened up ozzy mills..


accy mills sounds good to me theres plenty of old buildings that can be renovated to accomodate stalls etc
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