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Old 15-07-2017, 11:32   #1
Full Member+

Parental responsibility

Is it not time parents were brought to account and made to be more re sponsible for their children? I have read today a 15 yr old girl has died in Devon from taking illegal highs and two other girls taken to hospital. They were found in a park at 4.50am today. What in heavens name are 15 yr olds doing out at that time of day. Under 18s are children in the eyes of the law and therefore the parents should be held responsible for them. Maybe if parents were charged with neglect or something similar more would make themselves aware of where their offspring are and what they are getting up to.
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Old 15-07-2017, 11:57   #2
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Re: Parental responsibility

easier said than done and a lot of bringing kids up is more by luck than management. at 15 tell em to do something they don,t agree with and they,ll do it anyway. looking back to your own life when you were 15 doesn,t help either as the way of the world has changed. thank goodness my lad got out of his teens unscathed as it was hard living everyday with a stick and a carrot.
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Old 15-07-2017, 12:17   #3
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Re: Parental responsibility

Both of my children came through without any trouble too but I did tell them that if I heard of them trying any drugs I would take them to the police station myself and they knew I meant it. It is difficult I agree but a lot of parents these days do not put themselves out to take or bring home their kids as they are more interested in going out themselves and have not the faintest idea where their kids are. To keep them on the straight and narrow involves being a taxi service and putting your own social life on hold if necessary.
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Old 15-07-2017, 13:25   #4
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Parental responsibility

That's modern parenting for you! To many of the new generation grew up with lax controls due to leftist attitudes dominating & overriding common sense & morals. Todays parents as you say have a more hedonistic approach to life & an overweening sense of entitlement without the counterweight of responsibility to balance things.

Added to that, the addiction to bookspace & myface, being "Mates" with their progeny as opposed to good parents, is it really any wonder the country is in the state it is?
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Old 15-07-2017, 16:01   #5
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Re: Parental responsibility

I agree whole heartedly with you Son.
Rowlf...tough love is what it is called.
Parents use(usually) the same codes of conduct that were exercised on them as children.
I certainly did, and I can see my daughter also using the same approach.
So I think that to be an effective have to have had parents who were effective.
It is not about control, it is about instilling in your children the right social/moral values.
The values of doing what is right(because it IS right) even when there is no one watching/checking.
My mother always told me that she had eyes and ears everywhere and that because we were a large family, people expected the worst from us....and if we did bad things then that would justify other people's low opinion of us...and we would let her down...that and the threat of a skelping.
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Old 15-07-2017, 16:38   #6
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Re: Parental responsibility

I agree about the difference in today and when we were young and as has been said today's kids have much more freedom and less respect. My original question was should parents be made more responsible for their children actions. As you rightly say Margaret most parents apply the same rules they themselves were given as children but just because some were not given those guide lines to me does not excuse them for not knowing or caring where their offspring are or what they are doing. If children are causing damage to property for example the parents should be made to pay along with the child making amends in some way.
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Old 15-07-2017, 16:43   #7
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Re: Parental responsibility

As far as i'm concerned quite a few parents today are totally clueless as to what responsibility actually is,
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Old 15-07-2017, 17:12   #8
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Parental responsibility

Originally Posted by Rowlf View Post
My original question was should parents be made more responsible for their children actions.
Simple answer - Yes!

Will it happen - No!

Why? Because they've got rights!

On top of that, should you even pass comment or shake your head in disbelief at certain "Childrens" behaviour, you're met with a flurry of abuse, threats of violence & undoubtedly told, in a barely coherent rant to mind your own business! (This I know from personal experience because when the M.i.L had the audacity to comment on some ill behaved little snipes whose parents really didn't care less to the annoyance being caused to others around them. She was bad mouthed & slated by their boorish father .... that was until yours truly stood up (literally) all 5'10, broad shouldered & beer barrel carting muscles flexing told said idiot to wind his neck in & get a grip of his pets, because if ours could sit quietly & behaved under the table the same should apply to his! And all this in German with a smattering of fine old Anglo-Saxon )

Shortly thereafter he & his brood left in high dudgeon, we were later thanked by the waiting on staff who had to put up with such behaviour on a regular basis but weren't allowed to say or pass comment "As the customer is (despite their obnoxiousness) always right!"
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)

Last edited by DaveinGermany; 15-07-2017 at 17:17.
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Old 15-07-2017, 17:37   #9
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Re: Parental responsibility

I have looked after my grandson since he was six months old, my daughter was a single parent and she had to work, he will be 13 tomorrow, I cannot believe where the time has gone. He is a joy in our lives. When he went to nursery at three, he new please and thank you, it was drilled into him, new how to use a knife and fork, and was disciplined if he was naughty. There are too many parents out there, that just do not care, there children just run riot.
I have a friend who is a Nursery teacher, some of the children that go there are still in nappies at three years old, never used a knife and fork, manners forget it.
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Old 15-07-2017, 17:50   #10
Beacon of light

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Re: Parental responsibility

Originally Posted by Rowlf View Post
I agree about the difference in today and when we were young and as has been said today's kids have much more freedom and less respect. My original question was should parents be made more responsible for their children actions. As you rightly say Margaret most parents apply the same rules they themselves were given as children but just because some were not given those guide lines to me does not excuse them for not knowing or caring where their offspring are or what they are doing. If children are causing damage to property for example the parents should be made to pay along with the child making amends in some way.
Children have to know that there are consequences for their actions and this is a concept which many of the 'little darlings' have no grasp on...and whose fault is this...well, I guess it is ours.
We have let children know that they have 'rights' but failed to tell them that these 'rights' come with responsibilities.
If parents do not already feel responsible for what their children are doing, then there is little chance at this late stage of making them see.
You cannot put sense where there is none(thanks Cashy) and neither can you instill a conscience where there is none.

So if parents do not understand the responsibilities of being parents then there is no chance of children understanding this is there?

That said, I do think the children have such different lives today.
They are influenced by what they see(you know the old saying..'Monkey see, Monkey do').
They are influenced by Z list celebrities whose only talent is for spouting foul mouthed trash,getting their kit off and having intimate moments(sex) in front of the camera - I'm thinking 'Love Island'...Big Brother...Geordie Shore, TOWIE.
My daughters girl is 12 and she talks about her classmates watching, then discussing at school, these programs.
My daughter does not allow her girl to watch this toxic stuff.
She knows that she cannot protect her from hearing what it is about, but she deems it unfit for a 12 year old(me too).

We cannot expect to raise children with social and moral boundaries if, as parents, we do not give our children boundaries.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 15-07-2017 at 17:55.
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Old 15-07-2017, 17:55   #11
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Re: Parental responsibility

Well done to you Hilleluk. My grandson too has manners and was able to use a knife and fork from the age of two (albeit a small set). He says 'Please may I leave the table and thank you for my 'what ever meal it is.' Manners are not learnt over night and today's parents obviously cannot be bothered to keep spending time over and over teaching basic ones.
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Old 15-07-2017, 18:05   #12
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Re: Parental responsibility

Thank you for that it means a lot. He has not been an angel all the time, the usual boy stuff, but nothing serious. He has promised me that when he starts work, every pay day he will bring me a bottle of wine and flowers, that from about the age of eight I have drummed into him, I love wine and flowers. I am looking forward to it.
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Old 15-07-2017, 19:35   #13
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Re: Parental responsibility

I don't know anything about the parents of said 15 year old. There are many tricks they use in their teenage years (like arranging to be at someone's house stop over and lying to both parents which allows for them to out and about) some with the parental responsibility can't control their offspring - I know this from my mum who couldn't control my niece who would stay out all hours and she had to call police countless times.

There are so many variables to be judgemental. But the problem here for me is the legal highs. Those responsible for selling these need to be brought to justice

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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Old 15-07-2017, 21:02   #14
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Re: Parental responsibility

There are strategies you can employ to overcome some of the devious methods used.
Like parents liaising with one another.
My daughter allows no sleep overs unless she has spoken to the parents of who ever the children are visiting...same goes for days out.
She also has tracking on their mobile phones.
They both know this (only one of them is a teen....but the other one is 12 going on 27).
They both know that there are consequences for lying...or doing something that breaches the rules.
They also are aware that once their integrity is in question and trust is lost, it can never again be the same.
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Old 15-07-2017, 21:22   #15
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Re: Parental responsibility

Your daughter sounds like an excellent mother Margaret and your grand daughter is very lucky to have such a caring mum. If more parents were like her there would be far less young ones getting into scrapes and worse.
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