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17-01-2015, 11:04
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Re: Paris Shootings.
Originally Posted by DtheP47
You missed the 1000 lashes sentence to blogger Raif Badawi Rob !!
I hadnt seen that
17-01-2015, 11:26
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Paris Shootings.
What really bugs me, is the way we constantly kiss Saudi arse, when they are as barbaric as anyone, wouldn't be owt to do wi money would it. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
17-01-2015, 11:47
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Re: Paris Shootings.
Originally Posted by cashman
What really bugs me, is the way we constantly kiss Saudi arse, when they are as barbaric as anyone, wouldn't be owt to do wi money would it. 
We wouldn't do that just for money, cashman. We have standards you know!
However, money, oil, selling arms?
Well, that's different.
17-01-2015, 12:04
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Re: Paris Shootings.
There are folk who think this event is staged and is just a psyop being used to destroy folks rights.
I know i'm going to regret this but what do you folk think,is there anything in it?
17-01-2015, 12:27
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Re: Paris Shootings.
Originally Posted by Accyexplorer
There are folk who think this event is staged and is just a psyop being used to destroy folks rights.
I know i'm going to regret this but what do you folk think,is there anything in it?
No, let's play your game properly!
First you tell us what you think.
17-01-2015, 12:51
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Re: Paris Shootings.
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
No, let's play your game properly!
First you tell us what you think.
Well not being one to derive their opinions from the government or mainstream media,I think there is some truth in it.
Who's a Charlie? France cracks down on free speech in order to defend it | The Electronic Intifada
An intended consequence perhaps?
17-01-2015, 12:55
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Re: Paris Shootings.
Originally Posted by Accyexplorer
are you one of THOSE ?
17-01-2015, 13:07
Beacon of light
Re: Paris Shootings.
so are you saying that this french policeman is not dead?
That those coffins supposedly bearing the bodies of the Jews which were killed at the hypermarket were empty?
As for the no blood...well it depends on where a body was shot.......and blood pools to the lowest point so it could be hidden under the body...but you believe in this world what you want to believe.
Just seems a tad elaborate to have to create new identities for so many supposedly dead people...and to hope that they won't blab.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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17-01-2015, 13:38
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Re: Paris Shootings.
I believe some events are 'staged', some are deliberately provoked, and some spontaneously happen.
The media and governments are so good at population manipulation that it is not always possible to discern what is fact or what is fiction.
17-01-2015, 13:43
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Re: Paris Shootings.
Originally Posted by Accyexplorer
AstraZeneca are trialling new drug AccyX. Maybe you can get on the programme? Evidently it's a brain numbing tablet that relieves people of the urge constantly tap the keys on their keyboards. I believe you are afflicted with the Intercontinental Verbal Incontinence Virus
17-01-2015, 13:49
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Re: Paris Shootings.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
so are you saying that this french policeman is not dead?
That those coffins supposedly bearing the bodies of the Jews which were killed at the hypermarket were empty?
As for the no blood...well it depends on where a body was shot.......and blood pools to the lowest point so it could be hidden under the body...but you believe in this world what you want to believe.
Just seems a tad elaborate to have to create new identities for so many supposedly dead people...and to hope that they won't blab.
I know what your saying M,I don't believe this copper was 'killed' by a shot to the head from a AK47 like the MSM says he was (if he was there wouldn't be much left of his head).
If they can lie about that what else can they lie about?
17-01-2015, 13:56
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Re: Paris Shootings.
Originally Posted by dthep47
astrazeneca are trialling new drug accyx. Maybe you can get on the programme? Evidently it's a brain numbing tablet that relieves people of the urge constantly tap the keys on their keyboards. I believe you are afflicted with the intercontinental verbal incontinence virus
17-01-2015, 14:22
Beacon of light
Re: Paris Shootings.
Originally Posted by Accyexplorer
I know what your saying M,I don't believe this copper was 'killed' by a shot to the head from a AK47 like the MSM says he was (if he was there wouldn't be much left of his head).
If they can lie about that what else can they lie about?
So then, what happened to him?
Is he dead..or is he not dead?
Was he shot in the head? I don't recall reading about where(on his body) this Muslim policeman was shot.
A fellow Muslim.......and although an establishment figure(as a policeman) surely he would not be happy to have other Muslims accused of something they did not do to provoke unrest/alienate Muslim people in France and across the world.
I don't know the origin of the clip of video that you have posted, but how do we know that this has not been edited in some way to support the conspiracy theory??
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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17-01-2015, 14:26
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Re: Paris Shootings.
And let's not forget FGM, flying planes full of people into buildings full of people, bombing buses and subway trains, hacking a soldier to death in the middle of the street, shooting an unarmed soldier in the back as he stands guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, setting off a bomb during a race, killing a shopper 'cause his last name is "Jewish", shooting a girl in the head for the sin of going to school ... and lots more. There has to be a common thread to all this. If only I could figure it out. 
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