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Old 17-03-2005, 21:59   #1
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Parking in Accrington

I'm sure there is a thread regarding this but cannot find it.....thought you may like to read this article in this weeks Observer

Parking charges proposal earns immediate veto

TENTATIVE proposals to introduce charges at Accrington’s Arndale Centre car park have been promptly rejected by Hyndburn Council leader Peter Britcliffe.

Asset Management, the company which owns the centre, had suggested the charges as part of plans to revamp the shopping centre entrance and car park.

Hyndburn Council has unveiled plans to transform Broadway and has successfully bid for £10,000 from Lancashire Local’s innovation fund to add to the £250,000 already set aside to resurface the street and to install new benches and flower pots.

The Arndale Centre had been in talks with Hyndburn Council about funding the refurbishment of the entrance to the shopping centre, to tie in with the revamp of Broadway.

But Director of Asset Management, David Revill, suggested that the refurbishment, along with the introduction of lighting and CCTV in the car park, could be funded by the introduction of car parking charges.

Mr Revill said: “We would happily contribute towards the cost of refurbishing the section from Broadway to the Arndale entrance and our local manager has put forward this proposal to the council. We are currently awaiting a response.

“We would need to generate a substantial amount of revenue to add to the funding of this scheme and this may raise other politically-sensitive issues such as charging for car parking.”

Councillor Britcliffe said: “We have not heard anything about this but under a covenant we agreed with the Arndale the council would have the final say on any parking charges.

“It is not the policy of the ruling group to introduce any parking charges for Hyndburn residents.”
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Old 17-03-2005, 22:17   #2
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Re: Parking in Accrington

charge for parking

jesus christ we have enough trouble getting shoppers to our town as it is
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Old 17-03-2005, 22:21   #3

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Re: Parking in Accrington

If I had to pay to park I might as well go to Blackburn - at least they have shop other than pound shops.

Accrington the Pound Shop Centre of the World. Or is it Accrington the Charity Shop Centre of the World??
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Old 17-03-2005, 22:55   #4
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Re: Parking in Accrington

Asking consumers to pay to park in our town is an insult,we should be grateful they are here in the first place!Talk about the final nail in the coffin,this is it!Does someone from the Council want to come and take a view from someone who has spent 16 years working in retail in Hyndburn and just might have a valuable insight into where it's all gone wrong???

Let's have a "back to the floor "exercise in Hyndburn!
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Old 17-03-2005, 22:57   #5

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Re: Parking in Accrington

Lets have a new council in Hyndburn - this one is stale and well passed its sell by date.
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Old 17-03-2005, 22:59   #6
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Re: Parking in Accrington

Wasn't there some kind of agreement or contract when the Arndale was built on what was the town's large free car park that an equal number of free parking spaces would be incorporated into the development? Although different people now run the Arndale centre I believe they are still subject to that agreement/contract.

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Old 17-03-2005, 23:06   #7

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Re: Parking in Accrington

It is mentioned in the first post
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Old 17-03-2005, 23:30   #8
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Re: Parking in Accrington

No, not exactly.
In the first post PB says "We have not heard anything about this but under a covenant we agreed with the Arndale the council would have the final say on any parking charges." which seems to imply that should the council see fit then they might decide to permit charges to be imposed. That wasn't my point. I was under the impression that Accy had been guaranteed a large free car park to replace the existing large free car park on a permanent basis not at the whim of whoever was in control at Hyndborg BC.

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Old 18-03-2005, 08:44   #9
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Re: Parking in Accrington

All carparks in and around doncaster have a charge anything from £3.50 - £10.00 per day, it is a pain in the backside and you would expect after paying this that your car would be safe but no, it is a total rip off and very expensive if like I do you work in the centre of doncaster. I hope they don't introduce pay and display in Accy.

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Old 18-03-2005, 09:21   #10
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Re: Parking in Accrington

in my opinion we didnt need the arnale center all it seem to have done is reduce shoppers in accrington

before it was built the car park was full to the brim with shoppers cars and also where the tax office now is used to also be full of shoppers cars

it seems to me the lack of parking spaces deters people from shopping in accrington and now go to blackburn

if anyone remembers the carpark before the arndale was built it clearly had paking capable of holding twice as much as the arndale now does

all that happened was that shops moved into the arndale and left shops empty on broadway and union street or turned them into charity or pound shops

we had enough premisis for buisnesses without the arndale all we have now out side of the arndale are cheap shops , pound shops , charity shops and ex catologue shops
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Old 18-03-2005, 10:03   #11
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Re: Parking in Accrington

Originally Posted by chav1

if anyone remembers the carpark before the arndale was built it clearly had paking capable of holding twice as much as the arndale now does
See Photo Quiz - 010 in the Heritage section.
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