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Old 19-03-2009, 10:24   #16
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

hmmm wonder what that reason is
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 19-03-2009, 10:45   #17
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
hmmm wonder what that reason is
The same reason why nothing is ever done about how visitors to mosques never get prosecuted for blocking roads and parking cars on peoples private property

but shhhhhhh any critisism even if the small matter of truth is involved will get you labeled a racist
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 19-03-2009, 12:51   #18

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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
hmmm wonder what that reason is
And you said I dont say what I mean ( or words to the effect of )
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Old 19-03-2009, 12:52   #19

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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
The same reason why nothing is ever done about how visitors to mosques never get prosecuted for blocking roads and parking cars on peoples private property

but shhhhhhh any critisism even if the small matter of truth is involved will get you labeled a racist
They are just as bad outside Churches though. With two within yards on Catlow HAll Street, Sunday morning is madness
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Old 19-03-2009, 12:53   #20

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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

And come to think about it outside schools as well. I think many people are so lazy they want to park 6 inches from the school door.
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Old 19-03-2009, 14:35   #21
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Cool Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
And come to think about it outside schools as well. I think many people are so lazy they want to park 6 inches from the school door.
I can relate with that living right across the road from a school.

The disabled bay marked out on the road in front of my flat is for any disabled driver displaying the Blue Badge and seeing as I’m the only one within a hundred yards of it, it is generally me. There are also railings along the edge of the footpath with a gap to allow my neighbours and me access to our flats.

One regular parks across the gap in the railings and is so close to the edge of the disabled bay that it is difficult, even impossible some times, to get out and back in, if someone does the same at the other end of the bay.

But if other drivers park and leave me sufficient room to get out and in and I go out during the day and especially close to around noon and 3:00 pm, when I get back you can bet your sweet life that a car has squeezed in and encroaches on the disabled bay leaving me with no room to get back in even though the disabled bay is three quarters empty.

Have a look with Google Earth at these coordinates - 53° 42’ 12.83” N - 2° 27’ 32.11” W

You can see my car in the disabled bay and the railings, at around 11:00 am about two years ago. How do I know? Look at the shadows cast by the trees, they are pointing North West, meaning that the sun is in the South East. At midday the sun is due South so the shadows would be pointing North. My previous car was red and I got this one, a blue car, in April 2006 so the snap shot had to be taken after then. If that snapshot had been taken two hours later or at around 3:00 pm you would see two busses parked in front of the school and cars nose to tail for a hundred yards either way on both sides of the road with cars trying to get by in both directions.
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Old 19-03-2009, 14:48   #22

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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
The disabled bay marked out on the road in front of my flat is for any disabled driver displaying the Blue Badge and seeing as I’m the only one within a hundred yards of it, it is generally me. There are also railings along the edge of the footpath with a gap to allow my neighbours and me access to our flats.
Does your bay have a restriction plate saying when and for how long you can park? Without this plate they are not enforceable as far as I know.

What happens when the disabled person who had the box put down outside their house moves? Do they remove the box? If they don't I would have thought they would de value the house they are outside.
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Old 19-03-2009, 15:03   #23
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Cool Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Does your bay have a restriction plate saying when and for how long you can park? Without this plate they are not enforceable as far as I know.

What happens when the disabled person who had the box put down outside their house moves? Do they remove the box? If they don't I would have thought they would de value the house they are outside.
No it doesn’t and neither does anyone else’s. Or at least I haven’t seen any.

And you are right it is not enforceable. The disabled bays marked on the road are just a courtesy.

I doubt if they remove the box when the person who asked for it moves away. But why should it devalue a house?
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Old 19-03-2009, 16:15   #24
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
No it doesn’t and neither does anyone else’s. Or at least I haven’t seen any.

And you are right it is not enforceable. The disabled bays marked on the road are just a courtesy.

I doubt if they remove the box when the person who asked for it moves away. But why should it devalue a house?
Well if it's your house no, but for a potential neighbour and all they would have to put up with....?
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Old 19-03-2009, 17:01   #25
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

The council have added to the problems on Blackburn road, at the junction of oxford street, and with the junction of willows lane (little st i think), the times of the light changes have been lengthened, so you wait for ages for them to change now, which results in people taking the back street shortcut, and/or jumping the lights, when you get through the lights, theres are always obstruvtions, as detailed in previous posts.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 19-03-2009, 17:42   #26
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Cool Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Well if it's your house no, but for a potential neighbour and all they would have to put up with....?
What do you mean “all they would have to put up with”?
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Old 19-03-2009, 18:26   #27
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Mick, not sure whether will have much effect as you have not taken any photographs of the parking restriction here, however, have consulted, and may fall into one of these catergories :-

'Is that a pedestrian crossing? Usually, when there are markings on the road, the traffic regulation order runs from the centre line of the carriageway to the back of the footway. If he is on the pavement, parallel to the 'zig-zag' clearway markings present on either side of a pedestrian crossing, he is contravening the parking restriction. In the case of pedestrian crossings that is 3 points and £60 fine. It is a criminal offence to contravene this particular restriction rather than a civil one because it is intended to protect pedestrians at pedestrian crossings.

In addition he is blocking the footway. However, this is a tricky position -

It is not an offence in law to park a motor vehicle, other than an HGV, on a grass verge unless it causes an obstruction or a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) or byelaw is in force prohibiting it.

Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 prohibits parking by HGV's. An HGV (or heavy commercial vehicle) means any goods vehicle, which has an operating weight exceeding 7.5 tonnes . A similar prohibition to apply to other motor vehicles was contemplated in the late 1980's but was repealed before it ever came into force.

In light of the above it is a criminal offence to park an HGV on a verge adjacent to a road irrespective of the presence or absence of waiting restrictions and this can be enforced by the police. In areas where a Special Parking Area (SPA) is in force, the offence is decriminalised and can be enforced by the traffic authority rather than the police.

Whilst there is no blanket prohibition on parking on verges, a particular incident of verge parking may be considered dangerous or obstructive or cause damage and may constitute a criminal offence under one or other of the following statutory provisions: -

Section 28 Town Police Clauses Act 1847 - wilfully causing an obstruction to any public footpath or public thoroughfare.
Regulation 103 Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 - vehicles causing unnecessary obstruction of the road (including verge).
Section 22 Road Traffic Act 1988 - leaving vehicles in a dangerous position on the road (including verge).
Section 137 Highways Act 1980 wilful obstruction of the free passage along a highway.
Section 72 Highways Act 1835 - driving on any footpath or causeway by the side of any road made or set apart for the use or accommodation of foot passengers.
Section 131(1)(c) Highways Act 1980 - deposits anything whatsoever on a highway so it would damage the highway
Allegations concerning any of the above possible offences would be a matter for the police to investigate and enforce, rather than the traffic authority.'

Goes on :-

'The best evidence for parking violation is:
1. Picture of vehicle parked illegally;
2. Picture of registration plate;
3. Picture of road markings; and
4. Picture of Traffic Regulation Order plate (usually on-street - yellow or white sign indicating what the restriction is).

The police might follow up - probably not though because it's a relatively minor offence. They could pass it onto the parking wardens who might do more patrols etc in this area... '

Best of luck anyway, we know more patrols 'aint gonna' happen ...
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Old 19-03-2009, 19:46   #28
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Bloody hell kate, before we know it you'll be vying for the title of Queen of Goggle from MargaretR
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Old 19-03-2009, 19:54   #29
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Bloody hell kate, before we know it you'll be vying for the title of Queen of Goggle from MargaretR
She has a better source than Google for such info - her son works in the realm of Transport Planning

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Old 19-03-2009, 19:55   #30
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

nice one mick. hope police respond it's time somebody did.
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