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Old 19-04-2014, 10:35   #361

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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Was that 9 years ago?
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Old 19-04-2014, 15:45   #362
God Member

Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Was that 9 years ago?
feels like it

i just tell folk im 50 now so they dont look suprised
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Old 26-05-2014, 08:37   #363
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

I think I will go for a coffee.... now where can I park ? I know anywhere I like
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Last edited by Mick; 26-05-2014 at 08:42.
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Old 02-06-2014, 11:13   #364
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Not just the AA that will fix your car at the side of the road, the car spares place does as well.
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Old 04-06-2014, 08:51   #365
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Have you seen the end of Harvey Street where the garages and car wash are? I'm dodging death every day trying to get round them. There are cars and vans stuck out in to the road and on the double yellow lines but nothing has been done. Good on them for their industrious spirit but the location is terrible, right at the junction with Union Road.
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Old 04-06-2014, 08:59   #366
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
Have you seen the end of Harvey Street where the garages and car wash are? I'm dodging death every day trying to get round them. There are cars and vans stuck out in to the road and on the double yellow lines but nothing has been done. Good on them for their industrious spirit but the location is terrible, right at the junction with Union Road.

two of my cars have ended up in the repair shop because of that junction and on one occassion both me and my two children were hospitalised.Theres always a car paked at the junction to the right blocking your view and the way the idiots cut the corner when turning onto harvey street its no wonder theres as many crashes as tehre are.Its even worse just further up cars travel at around 70mph past a junction where children play and on a few occassons ive had near misses with people racing transit vans.

blackburn road is a problem but theres vey little enforcement in ossy either if you go down by the chip shops ,bank etc where there are zigzags that people are quite happy to park on because they know nothing will happen

the carwash place isnt too bad for leaving cars but teh garage further down causes a lot of problems especially when their taxi driving customers decide to dump their cars in the middle of teh road to chat to tehir friends or teh mechanic
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Last edited by accyman; 04-06-2014 at 09:02.
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Old 04-06-2014, 10:39   #367
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

I once saw a traffic warden across the road watching just after they'd added double yellow lines. A woman driver parked right on the lines in front of him but he didn't seem to bat an eyelid. As for the rest of Harvey Street, I've seen cars from that garage being test run at full speed from one end to the other. It only takes a dog to run in to the road from the playing fields causing the driver to swerve and mow whoever happens to be walking on the pavement down. It's an accident waiting to happen.
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Old 04-06-2014, 11:07   #368

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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
I once saw a traffic warden across the road watching just after they'd added double yellow lines. A woman driver parked right on the lines in front of him but he didn't seem to bat an eyelid. As for the rest of Harvey Street, I've seen cars from that garage being test run at full speed from one end to the other. It only takes a dog to run in to the road from the playing fields causing the driver to swerve and mow whoever happens to be walking on the pavement down. It's an accident waiting to happen.
You must be mistaken, they have spent a fortune and made the busy bits at each end 20mph speed limits. Unfortunately they have messed up putting the speed limit signs up but most people wont have noticed.
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Old 04-06-2014, 14:03   #369
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
You must be mistaken, they have spent a fortune and made the busy bits at each end 20mph speed limits. Unfortunately they have messed up putting the speed limit signs up but most people wont have noticed.
That end of Harvey St is a nightmare fer pedestrians Neil, my missus is frightened of crossing yon n we walk up n down pretty regular yon, Its not much point spending n NOT even trying to enforce the regs.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-06-2014, 15:29   #370
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
You must be mistaken, they have spent a fortune and made the busy bits at each end 20mph speed limits. Unfortunately they have messed up putting the speed limit signs up but most people wont have noticed.
they only made the ends of harvey street 20mph because it was a bourough wide incentive they didnt specially go out of teh way to do it.As it stands LCC have done absolutely sod all to make harvey street safe .

they need to stop parking at the end , make it so the exit is visable and make it so you cant park outside the pub,stop parents and players double parking their cars when the football pitch is in use especially on the brow of harvey street as that is extreemely dangerous for drivers and pedestrians....

i guess there hasnt been enough accidents or injuries yet to justify action been taken unless they are waiting for a decent death to motivate them

they did put a flashy thing up that says your speed but that gets broken easy enough when a car shoots past at 50 or so mph as it cant cope with the speed of teh cars trying to see how fast they can go in 300 yards
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Old 04-06-2014, 19:25   #371
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

No explanation needed.
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Old 05-06-2014, 09:07   #372
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Not just the AA that will fix your car at the side of the road, the car spares place does as well.
Less, where on Blackburn Road was the picture taken. Also, very interesting to see cars parked facing each other
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Old 05-06-2014, 18:06   #373
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

So, there I was wending my way home from a friendly afternoon, I'd called in and got a Chinese.
I walked under the viaduct and someone decided to park exactly where I was walking, I stopped, fortunately so did he, then he shouted for me to fook off out of the way because he wanted to park on the pavement.

Well, my children, as you know, I can be a touch stubborn when I choose, so I stood my ground and explained to this person that I was supposed to be allowed on the pavement, (me being a pedestrian), he insisted it was his parking space.

I could see nothing would convince him that he was wrong, so I got my 'phone out and started to take photographs, he put his car in gear and shot off no doubt realising he was in the wrong, perhaps he would have stayed longer had he known, the battery in my 'phone had died and needed re-charging over an hour before.
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Old 06-06-2014, 01:33   #375

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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
That end of Harvey St is a nightmare fer pedestrians Neil, my missus is frightened of crossing yon n we walk up n down pretty regular yon, Its not much point spending n NOT even trying to enforce the regs.

It is bad for pedestrians. One of the problems is that the footpaths end at the entrances to the units so they cant do anything about cars parked in the entrances as that bit belongs to the unit and is not the footpath. What I find wrong is that if you cross the road to stay away from the garages and car wash places they have put obstructions on the footpath telling you they sell tyres or whatever making both sides hard to walk along.
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