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Old 14-04-2009, 13:51   #91
God Member

Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by emzy View Post
Oooopsie, that could have got you in a little bit of trouble lol
seen as they video record all their procedures there may well be a video kocking around somewhere of me doing the jesture at them and may turn up on police stop one day pmsl

must say their car looked pretty sweet kitted out with all the kit plus the police stickers and stuff , i bet they have some fun with it when they get an excuse to do a pursuit
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Old 14-04-2009, 16:02   #92
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
Are they related to the Blackburn motorists who share the same privileges on Audley Range and Whalley Range?
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Old 14-04-2009, 16:36   #93
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by wadey View Post
It seems to me that if you stand in the area of the old college and watch the cars go by certain members of the car driving population are exempt from the laws relating to seat belts, ringing friends when driving, blue lights displayed on a non emergency vehicle etc etc

No need to have a go at the Police Mate!!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:04   #94
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Funny that none of our local councillors have commented on this problem yet Greg Pope has promised to look into it. Is it not a problem if it isn't in the wards they are elected to represent? Wonder what the response would be if someone is injured or even killed because of the illegal parking.
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:09   #95
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Funny that none of our local councillors have commented on this problem yet Greg Pope has promised to look into it. Is it not a problem if it isn't in the wards they are elected to represent? Wonder what the response would be if someone is injured or even killed because of the illegal parking.
don't think most of ems been on lately in fairness, is a bit odd though. Andrew e-mailed greg pope though, which i never found odd,after watching a WW2 documentary tonight, it said most of the Jap "Kamikaze" pilots were university students. apparently cos they were educated numptys.
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:16   #96
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Not even sure what Greg Pope can do to be honest, except put pressure on HBC to put pressure on LCC to put pressure on their traffic wardens for indiscriminate parking in this area ... nowt to do with the Police in the circumstances put forward on this thread.
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:24   #97
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

So there is nothing anybody can do? You can bet your bottom dollar that there will be an uproar if/when somebody gets hurt, it is disgusting that these things are allowed to happen Why can the police not do anything? These people are breaking the law by parking illegally
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:26   #98
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

its plenty to do with the police when they let folk drive by yakking on their mobile phones, park at traffic lights , block roads because they couldnt care less about the big yellow box which means dont enter unless your exit is clear , lights not working ( epecially on taxis ) blah blah blah etc etc basicly teh entire highway code gets ignored down there

a clampdown by both the council and police working together would be ideal

sort out the worst area and make an example of them then get to work on other problem areas
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Last edited by accyman; 14-04-2009 at 22:28.
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:39   #99
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
its plenty to do with the police when they let folk drive by yakking on their mobile phones, park at traffic lights , block roads because they couldnt care less about the big yellow box which means dont enter unless your exit is clear , lights not working ( epecially on taxis ) blah blah blah etc etc basicly teh entire highway code gets ignored down there

a clampdown by both the council and police working together would be ideal

sort out the worst area and make an example of them then get to work on other problem areas
Of course, most of these you mentioned are criminal motoring offences Accyman, not parking, in which the police would be involved. You see all these types everywhere you go .. not just Blackburn road, and they do get stopped if spotted on other areas of the road network. You can enter a yellow box if turning right by the way ... a rule lots of people do not follow. (sorry, just an aside which annoys me)

You would be the first to grumble if the police were spending time ticketing motorists for non criminal offences as Mick's photos, and not attending to other duties. The LCC own all our roads in Hyndburn, so their responsibility to lay out parking restrictions and to 'police' it themselves for people overstepping the mark.
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:45   #100
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

funny how times change, the police stopped me on blackburn rd early 80s n threatened to prosecute me fer having a brake light out in me taxi, even followed me to the garage were tesco express now is on manchester rd till i bought a bulb, of course 90% of the drivers were english then, wonder why things have changed.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:47   #101
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

the point is katex wether it be criminal or whatever it appears no laws get enforced down there wether it be parking illigaly or pulling people over for criminal offences

i have said before on here that i saw a traffic cop sat right behind a car with the driver yakking on his mobile and did naff all even though the police officer continued driving for a while behind teh talkative driver infront of him he merely turned off and let the guy go and it wasnt a one off as i used to spend quite a lot of time in that area and have seen plenty of things slide that beggars belief right infront of police officers

you can gurentee teh second i make a phoncall with my mobile while driving witha copper behind me the recording equptment will be on logging my offence and then the flashing lights saying pull over would come on and i would get my fine and points
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:50   #102
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Was just going to say Cashy when Ian had the factory at bottom of Bridge Strret in Church the police were quick to give him a ticket when he was unloading things for the works. As you say funny how times change
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:51   #103
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
funny how times change, the police stopped me on blackburn rd early 80s n threatened to prosecute me fer having a brake light out in me taxi, even followed me to the garage were tesco express now is on manchester rd till i bought a bulb, of course 90% of the drivers were english then, wonder why things have changed.
i once spent one summers night in the cells for walking down blackburn road barefoot after a night out .

mind you after a few mins discussion of my right to walk in my bare feet if i decided to i tired of his pompous atitude and told him to do somat with himself which i guess was teh bit thatgot me in teh cells lol

either that or my feet were a bio hazzard
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:55   #104
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

Originally Posted by accyman View Post

i have said before on here that i saw a traffic cop sat right behind a car with the driver yakking on his mobile and did naff all even though the police officer continued driving for a while behind teh talkative driver infront of him he merely turned off and let the guy go and it wasnt a one off as i used to spend quite a lot of time in that area and have seen plenty of things slide that beggars belief right infront of police officers

you can gurentee teh second i make a phoncall with my mobile while driving witha copper behind me the recording equptment will be on logging my offence and then the flashing lights saying pull over would come on and i would get my fine and points
You could always try it to prove a point .... You did get away with making hand gestures though at a police car didn't you. Mind you, not sure if that a criminal offence or not. LOL

I have seen lots of instances like this too all over the U.K. of other people getting away with these offences with police car trailing, so can't really comment whether more rife in the Blackburn Road area or not.

Was only interested in the parking really, which is what this thread is about.
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Old 14-04-2009, 22:56   #105
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Re: Parking on Blackburn road

yeah but like all good threads they wander a bit
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