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Old 25-07-2007, 11:45   #16
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Problem is that one of the reasons we think there are problems ( ie electoral roll privacy for protection reasons ) is also the reason Mel can't go to the papers
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:47   #17
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Unbeleiveable silly moo even admitted my point - its upto me to prove who i am not for them to check me still on phone!
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:48   #18
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Sorry to hijack your thread Mel, but might help some other people.

A renewed message about passports, and time running out

I have for some weeks been urging readers to renew their passports, because you will soon not be able to do this without being fingerprinted and placed forever on the national identity register. I think fingerprinting is for burglars, and registers are for sex offenders, and I am afraid that millions of people are as yet unaware that this is going to happen. I don't want anyone to be taken by surprise when it does. If you want to be registered as if you were a cow, and fingerprinted as if you were a mugger, then fine. If not, you need to act soon. Please do spread the warning as widely as you can
The interrogation centres where the fingerprinting will be done are being built and equipped, right now. And at some point in the next 18 months, perhaps much sooner, those who seek to renew their passports will be told they cannot do so unless they attend at one of these centres, often quite distant from their homes. I suspect there will be no warning, just an announcement that this is now the rule. The law has already been passed, and merely needs to be brought into force. The price of renewal goes up in October, yet another reason to get on with it.
Here are some questions and answers which may help those who have not yet acted.
Q. My passport is valid until 2014. Why renew now?
A. Because if you wait until 2014, and probably a great deal sooner than that, you will have to be fingerprinted and registered forever on a state database, simply to get a new passport, whether or not you wish to have a supposedly 'voluntary' Identity Card.
Q. How soon will this happen?
A. I do not know. The preparations are far advanced and the law already in place. My guess is that you are safe for some months yet, but I cannot be sure. My advice is to renew as soon as your summer holiday is over.
Q. Officials say that this change only affects new applicants and I do not need to worry.

A. This is a confusion of two completely different things. Pay no attention. New applicants do already need to attend an interview. Fingerprinting and registration are a separate issue, and have not yet come in. But they will. Q. Do I get any credit for the unexpired time on my old passport?
A. Yes, you get a maximum of nine months credit for unexpired time.
Q. Can I do this at any time?
A. Yes, you can. You're the one paying the fee.
Q. I'm told that new passports are microchipped. Surely that means this is all too late?

A. They are microchipped, but the microchip - at present - contains only the normal information written in your passport. Some people may find this objectionable, but it is nothing like as objectionable as being fingerprinted. Q. Surely, once ten years are up, I'll have to be fingerprinted and registered anyway, and this is all futile?
A. Not necessarily. If enough people renew early, it will be a sign of major resistance to the Identity Card scheme, and political pressure will grow for its abandonment. Also, if , ten years hence, several million people - whose passports all come up for renewal in the same short period - all refuse to be fingerprinted and registered, will the government be able to refuse them all the right to go abroad? Now, and ten years hence, it faces the government with real, effective resistance. Please tell all your friends to act now.

26 June 2007 | Permalink | Comments (22)
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Last edited by garinda; 25-07-2007 at 11:53.
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:48   #19
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
The reason I asked is because we were under the impression that all first time applicants now have to have an interview. On closer reading of the information on the passport office website it contradicts itself by saying in one paragraph you may have to have an interview then in the next paragraph saying you will required to have an interview

No wonder the service is useless
LMAO!!!!! what a bloody farce!!!! Me and Ginger have just got ours and not only that, 2 friends of mine received theirs last month, 4 people that I know of there that didn't get called for interview!!! so what a load of twaddle!!!

When my mate was applying for his, they said they wouldn't be calling for interviews for people that didn't have a local office to be interviewed at, because apparently they have to pay for traveling costs if it is a certain millage out of their way.

God knows Dave...... I seriously think they are making their minds up as they go along!!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 25-07-2007, 11:52   #20
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Re: Passport making me example ?

I will win I will win pedantic gets!

They are ringing me back - funny if they check my forms its the same number as she has to speak to her supervisor mmm cos i wouldnt let it lie they are now arguing over 1/2 sodding months of 2006 that i didnt cover - so im arguing my sols letter they are now checking that with electoral role [i did remind them im not on it] ummmmm she will ring back in 15mins!

I argued point over the above post for all you tax payers ^^ not happy & still got big guns to come out if still no resolution - i bet they put me for that interview now!
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:00   #21
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
i bet they put me for that interview now!

No they won't Just seen that nearest one to here is Glasgow or Peterborough. That would be a hell of a travel expense bill
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:05   #22
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Are you having problems with kids passports mel ??
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 25-07-2007, 12:06   #23
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Garinda, you won't have to go to Liverpool as they are opening a passport office in Blackburn.
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:07   #24
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Are you having problems with kids passports mel ??

Thats one of the most stupid points. The kids passports have arrived, they accept Mel is their mother but she can't have a passport
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:07   #25
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Ah well not looking good unless i want to pay private fee for having a letter done by my doctor - that is the only way & i know my doctor - it'll be an expensive letter!

She wont even take a letter from Greg Pope, whom i will be contacting anyway as this is not only a constitutional issue but national issue that they government proposals on what it is seen to stop terrorism & fraud is simply stopping ordinary folk born & bred going anywhere!

Looks like theres no holiday sun for me im afraid - i better make most of yorkshire I knew my complicated life would get in the way & it has i cannot escape the bully that has ruined my life!
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:08   #26
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Garinda, you won't have to go to Liverpool as they are opening a passport office in Blackburn.

It's rumoured they already have a passport office in Blackburn but the government are thinking of opening an official one as well
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:08   #27
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Accy mel Hope you get sorted and have a fantastic holiday to make up for all the hassles you are having now.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:10   #28
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Mel get onto Greg Pope NOW and tell him that you are about to lose your holiday through no fault of your own.....see what he can do.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:10   #29
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Are you having problems with kids passports mel ??
Nope they have arrived & was rather quick, its just me they have a problem with

I feel so much like a criminal just for being here & im ruining my familys fun
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:11   #30
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
Ah well not looking good unless i want to pay private fee for having a letter done by my doctor - that is the only way & i know my doctor - it'll be an expensive letter!

Get the letter off the doctor and then we will fight the b**stards for compensation afterwards. With a bit of luck the woman concerned will marry somebody who tries to kill her then she can suffer the same way
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