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Old 25-07-2007, 12:11   #31
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Mel get onto Greg Pope NOW and tell him that you are about to lose your holiday through no fault of your own.....see what he can do.
The barstewards have my letter with his phone no on - anyone got it as it sounds they wont accept his either!!
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:12   #32
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Thats one of the most stupid points. The kids passports have arrived, they accept Mel is their mother but she can't have a passport
PMSL OMG!!! sorry I'm not laughing at this, I'm laughing at their total stupidity!!!!

So they accept Mel is their mother, but they won't accept she is who she is??

My god they get thicker!!!!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 25-07-2007, 12:14   #33
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Mel they may have his letter with the phone number on it,but I would still get in touch with the man himself and ask him if there is anything he can do to help.......maybe a phone call from him to them would speed things up....when do you go on hols? can you get to Liverpool to see them in person?
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:16   #34
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
The barstewards have my letter with his phone no on - anyone got it as it sounds they wont accept his either!!
Mel don't let them win, I know it's very annoying!! but pay for the letter from your doctor, then send it to them, get your passport, and get out of this hell hole!!!

Believe me I know how frustrated you are!!! Don't these people realize that not all lives are plain simple and cut and dried and that things happen that we have no control over that makes us seem a bit odd??

I'm glad I managed to beat the buggers, and when I am sat in a lovely country with sun sea and BEER, I will gladly stick my middle finger up at the passport office with no thanks to them.

Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 25-07-2007, 12:23   #35
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Mel don't let them win, I know it's very annoying!! but pay for the letter from your doctor, then send it to them, get your passport, and get out of this hell hole!!!

Totally agree. Unfortunatley we will have to go through the 'proper' channels but I will make sure this is taken as far as possible up the complaint ladder.
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:39   #36
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Garinda, you won't have to go to Liverpool as they are opening a passport office in Blackburn.
That's better news.

I blame your Christopher Hitchen in the Mail on Sunday for starting the panic.
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Old 25-07-2007, 12:42   #37
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Re: Passport making me example ?

I think a letter from doctors is either £10 or £20

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Old 25-07-2007, 12:59   #38
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
I think a letter from doctors is either £10 or £20
No its more than that as its a 'private' not NHS so im lead to beleive its a hell of a lot more than that certainly guarentee it with my GP looking double ^^that easily!
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Old 25-07-2007, 13:15   #39
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Spoken to my local DV unit about this matter they advised me to email Greg & Harriet Harmen [whom DV unit has had meetings with], dont know what they can do about it but again as in my life 'i suffer so those before me dont' as again i face a new wall apparently life would determine me for that job
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Old 25-07-2007, 13:27   #40
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Re: Passport making me example ?

God pass - hard to do an email or call MPs when one is in such emotional distress & without getting mad, swearing or in floods of tears - this is what this mess has done to me, im beginning to wish i'd stayed in bed today is definately one of those days.

There are things i should be doing rather than still in jammys just had brekki after a morning & half spent on this load of shiiiii!
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Old 25-07-2007, 13:29   #41
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Re: Passport making me example ?

So to sum up, despite you paying taxes in the past & the government paying you our taxes in child benefit and benefits, the passport office refuse to beleive you are a British Citizen. This makes you an illegal immigrant which technically gives you more rights to a British passport than you have now anyway.
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Old 25-07-2007, 13:30   #42
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Isn't Christopher Hitchen the atheist brother of Peter Hitchen, who is the journalist in the Mail?????

Anyway, they don't ake as much notice of those renewing their passports(well, at present, anyway) they are more interested in those requesting passports for the first time.
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Old 25-07-2007, 15:45   #43
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Isn't Christopher Hitchen the atheist brother of Peter Hitchen, who is the journalist in the Mail?????
You're right. I should have said Peter of the MoS, and not his brother.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 25-07-2007, 16:35   #44
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Good grief Mel. That's a horrendous saga and absolutely ludicrous on the part of the Passport Office.

How on earth can they have happily given your children their passports with you as their mother if they still don't believe you are you? Sheer, total, absolute, utter madness!

I can understand how you feel like you are bashing your head against an unrelenting brick wall.

Busman and I went through a similar ever decreasing circle when we got married. I didn't want to change my name to Mrs. Busman out of deference to my kids and their relationship with their deceased father but equally Busman didn't want to become Mr. Whisp. So we opted for a hyphen. We asked at the register office how we go about officially becoming Mr & Mrs Busman-Whisp (or Whisp-Busman) and were told that once we had signed the cert in our old names that was it - just tell the world that our new name was the double barrelled one and hey presto all would be well. Oh yeah? So we try to get it changed on the electoral roll and they want documentation from the Bank, so we try to get it changed at the Bank and they want documentation from the council! Aaaargh! Eventually I found one obscure storecard of mine which would simply accept my word for it and that started the ball rolling and eventually others followed on from that until eventually I think we got through to everybody but it took months.

Also it never ceases to amaze me how many organisations accept a birth certificate as proof of ID when I, as an amateur genealogist, know that it is no such thing. I have applied for umpty million birth, marriage and death certificates on behalf of people whose family trees I have been tracing and you don't even have to be related to the person never mind BE them!

I do wish you luck Mel and hope that you can get through this stupid mess and get somebody to see sense. Don't give up. When are you planning on going on holiday?

Here are contact details for Greg Pope if that helps.

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Old 25-07-2007, 16:46   #45
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Well in the eyes of this country im just a mother - no person in my own right - gee felt like that at times but never thought that would actually be the truth. Would of gone if all was well in Aug sometime but seems cos of me that might be kyboshed or they may just go without me. No matter which way atm i really depressed about this issue

Not even changed names just went back to birth yeh i was told the same thing about it being easy too - absolutely not would of been easier to change name by deed poll in the long run.
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