Really damn annoyed more than damn annoyed!!!!

As u gathered with 'what wound u up thread' im having serious issues with passport agency over my 1st passport - yeh over 31 & applying for my 1st passport what a shocker!!
They still not processing my application because they dont beleive i am who i claim i am - most of u know my circumstances but this is seriously hindering anything i do. Im a english woman born & bred here as many generations of my family - YET they are claiming with threats of terrorism & passport fraud this over pedantic method is to prevent that mmm!!! Problem is they want to see proof via letter that im resident here etc etc, they wanted letter one off the list of that covers the whole period from jan 06 - present day:
Employer - i dont have one
Benefits agency proff of claims - errr dont claim benefit now
Tax credit - only just got new claim sorted - so not covering the period above!
HM services - no im not in the army/forces
Morgage co/Landlord - have landlord but council rent book/their official letters to me ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH neither is this years council tax
Dentist - erm only got a dentist this year thanks to G Pope so doesn't cover the period they want!!
SO WTF DO I DO then when none of the above apply ??????????????????
SO i sent them
sols letter to to proof my circumstances 2005!
Council tax official bill
Rent book - this & last years
Letter from greg pope to NHS with my details on 2006
TV licence - another GOV doc 2006/7
Driving licence provisional with signature & details
^^^ the above cost a bit in postage which passport ag dont cover - YET NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! Im not using another name - i got divorced which they have proof of.
What more proof do they damn want!!?????

Funny i cant ask them that cos they damn wont answer the phone to me gggrrr

Annoying when the passport agency has been reported in the press for their willy nilly approach to foreigners getting passports without a prob for those claiments!!
This country is going to the dogs bigtime - no wonder they wont give me a passport - cos i may damn well not come back to the 'green & pleasant land' - my arse!!