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Old 25-07-2007, 10:55   #1
I am Banned


Angry Passport making me example ?

Really damn annoyed more than damn annoyed!!!!

As u gathered with 'what wound u up thread' im having serious issues with passport agency over my 1st passport - yeh over 31 & applying for my 1st passport what a shocker!!

They still not processing my application because they dont beleive i am who i claim i am - most of u know my circumstances but this is seriously hindering anything i do. Im a english woman born & bred here as many generations of my family - YET they are claiming with threats of terrorism & passport fraud this over pedantic method is to prevent that mmm!!! Problem is they want to see proof via letter that im resident here etc etc, they wanted letter one off the list of that covers the whole period from jan 06 - present day:

Employer - i dont have one
Benefits agency proff of claims - errr dont claim benefit now
Tax credit - only just got new claim sorted - so not covering the period above!
HM services - no im not in the army/forces
Morgage co/Landlord - have landlord but council rent book/their official letters to me ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH neither is this years council tax
Dentist - erm only got a dentist this year thanks to G Pope so doesn't cover the period they want!!

SO WTF DO I DO then when none of the above apply ??????????????????

SO i sent them

sols letter to to proof my circumstances 2005!
Council tax official bill
Rent book - this & last years
Letter from greg pope to NHS with my details on 2006
TV licence - another GOV doc 2006/7
Driving licence provisional with signature & details

^^^ the above cost a bit in postage which passport ag dont cover - YET NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! Im not using another name - i got divorced which they have proof of.

What more proof do they damn want!!????? Funny i cant ask them that cos they damn wont answer the phone to me gggrrr

Annoying when the passport agency has been reported in the press for their willy nilly approach to foreigners getting passports without a prob for those claiments!!

This country is going to the dogs bigtime - no wonder they wont give me a passport - cos i may damn well not come back to the 'green & pleasant land' - my arse!!


Last edited by accymel; 25-07-2007 at 10:59.
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:02   #2
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Re: Passport making me example ?

mel are you ringing london? or liverpool? i would suggest you turn up in liverpool if they are dealing with it might help seeing you in person. mind you id be livid too...sounds stupid to me .
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:13   #3
I am Banned


Re: Passport making me example ?

It is Liverpool thats dealing with it - probably not letting me the genuine person so they can use my details & passport for some illigal!!! Im sooooo angry cos a passport costs a fortune that we've paid them, funny is the child passports are here ready for use YET they are not allowing mine - which is what i dont get?!!

Looks like the only visa im allowed is to flipping Yorkshire & thats it!
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:15   #4
I am Banned


Re: Passport making me example ?

The thing thats breaking me up to pieces is that 4/5 of my family can now have a lovely holiday somewhere nice but cos of this crap i feel im spoiling it for them cos its a case of they go without me or stay & suffer because of me - thats killing me
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:18   #5
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Re: Passport making me example ?

why don't you try contacting Greg Pope and asking him the questions you have asked on may help....and it can't hurt to let your MP know of the difficulty that a bona fide resident of this country has.
He may even be able to give them a kick up the proverbials.
Good Luck Mel.
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:19   #6
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Oh Mel they are a waste of space.

Me and Ginger applied for our passports 2 weeks ago. When I was filling the forms in it said " If born after 1983 you need to send Mother or fathers Birth certificate and if you are applying for first time passport"....... so I told Ginger to ring them and ask why they needed parents Birth certificates when it clearly states on OUR Birth certificates where our parents were born.

Cut a long story short after ringing them 4 times about this matter ( because Ginger lost contact with his mother years ago) 3 people told us we needed the Birth certificates and 1 person said " no if you was born after 1983 you dont need to send parents certificates" Talk about right hand not knowing what left hand is doing.
So in the end I just sent our forms off WITHOUT parents B/C's.
Even when we were doing check and send she said " oh they will probably send them back asking for Parents B/C's" ..... I told her we'd risk it.

Hey presto 7 days later my passport back. 9 days later Gingers back!!!!!

It's a absolute disgrace that they don't even know all information!!!

Then we found out that as from 1st July 2007 for your first passport check and send is free!!! and post office isn't allowed to charge!!! they charged me cheeky gits, so I am reclaiming it.

AND another thing, I didn't know til all this, that you can apply for anyone's birth certificate ........ We rang Yorkshire where Gingers mum was born and asked " is it possible to get my mothers birth certificate?? " " oh yes just give us her name, D.O.B and we will send it through the post" .... omg alot of people see this as a form of identification, and you can request one over the phone hmmmmm worrying.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 25-07-2007, 11:25   #7
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Slinks, from reading that I think you are saying that they were your first passports ? Is that correct ?
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:27   #8
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Do u know Slinky - u hit the nail on the head there, exactly what i was saying to Dave, that THEY should be checking me out & with all the documentation i sent - including greg pope - all they need to do is ring those people to verify - BUT no they want a stupid letter only - yet all the docments i sent are originals [i so hope they dont lose them] of various people official that have had personal dealing with me - even HH, but they want just a letter headed letter, that if u were of fraudulent mind could docter anyway!!! Makes me highly suspicious that they are not contacting the people i've forwarded that are technically on their list of approved, seems they want me to do their job for them by prooving meself!!!

Errrr what am i paying my passport for at extortionate rates???
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:28   #9
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Awww Mel, what a horrid situation to be in.

They are usless because due to a serious error at the Passport Office, I have 2 passports!! I lost mine and only realised a week before I was going on holiday, so I phoned them up and asked if I could go down, so I went to Liverpool on the Monday to take all my forms etc.. and returned on Friday to pick it up. No problems, anyway I went on holiday and when I returned I had a package from the Passport agency - a 2nd Passport!!

I phoned them up to tell them and they just said "oh its fine, you can use it in an emergency" (I did feel better though when I went to live in Cyprus as my Mum kept one of them just incase!)

Your situation is very baffling, I have had my name changed by deed poll and that caused no problems aswell. So with all the ID you have sent them I can't understand what the problem is, have they actually said that they don't think you are who you are.

The only things I could suggest is, as Mez said turn up at the passport office and stamp your feet until you get to see someone senior, or go to see Greg Pope personally and see what he suggests. You might not get anywhere with that one, but at least you have tried. What about getting in touch with a newspaper??
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:28   #10
I am Banned


Re: Passport making me example ?

I worried about getting the full birth certs & it is reletively easy to get one without being asking for id or proof of who u are & relation to the persons birth cert u require - shocking!!!
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:32   #11
I am Banned


Re: Passport making me example ?

Eventually i get thro to the person dealing with my claim - now on phone fanging!
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:35   #12
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Slinks, from reading that I think you are saying that they were your first passports ? Is that correct ?
Yes it is our first passport Dave!!! bloody glad i won't have to go through all that again for 10 years!!!!!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 25-07-2007, 11:38   #13
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Absolute disgrace.

I'd be on to the papers if it's not sorted pronto, and your family holiday is at risk.

Like Marg said, try Greg Pope, that's what he's there fore.
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:40   #14
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Yes it is our first passport Dave!!! bloody glad i won't have to go through all that again for 10 years!!!!!

The reason I asked is because we were under the impression that all first time applicants now have to have an interview. On closer reading of the information on the passport office website it contradicts itself by saying in one paragraph you may have to have an interview then in the next paragraph saying you will required to have an interview

Reminder: From 1 June 2007, first-time adult passport customers will no longer be able to use the fast track one-week service as they may need to have an interview as part of the passport application process.
Passport interviews are a new part of the application process to protect an individual’s identity. They are required by all customers, aged 16 or over, who are applying for a passport for the first time. The interview confirms that the passport application we have checked belongs to the customer and that they are the rightful owner of that identity.
No wonder the service is useless
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Old 25-07-2007, 11:41   #15
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Re: Passport making me example ?

Just a note.

I've just renewed my passport, even though it had three years to run. The reason being that from next year, even for renewals, we'll all have to go to Liverpool for eye recognition and laser finger printing, as part of the supposed drive for greater security. You can add any unused time on to your new passport.
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