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Old 20-02-2005, 09:44   #1
Resident Waffler

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PayPal Scam Warning!

Don't know if this is a good place to post this but I wanted to warn others. I got two emails overnight "warning" me that my PayPal account had been suspended and asking me to click a link in the email to get to the site and sort out the problem.

I know most of you probably have enough sense not to do that - I didn't do it either. I immediately forwarded the emails to [email protected] where they were checked out and proven not to have come from either ebay or PayPal.

Just wanted to warn others to be very wary of this happening. We've had the ebay ones loads of times but this is the first time I've had a PayPal one and it does look very authentic.

Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 20-02-2005 at 09:45. Reason: fingers haven't caught up with brain this morning
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Accrington Web
Old 20-02-2005, 09:58   #2
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Re: PayPal Scam Warning!

Aye Willow, The best advice is if you ever think one of these is genuine. DO NOT CLICK the link in the email. Go to your browser and type the paypal address yourself. Also check that the site is secure by the padlock icon on your browser being 'locked'

Of course remembering that no reputable company will ever email you asking to confirm details is the best prevention.
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Old 20-02-2005, 11:35   #3
I am Banned
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Re: PayPal Scam Warning!

i have a spoof e-mail from e bay almost every week. once you are alert to the problem you can just ignore it and delete it. it usually runs along the lines of your seller account will be suspended if you do not verify your details. please be aware that these people obtain you e-mail address through e bay itself, when you answer a question about a item you are selling or ask about a purchase.also please be aware of the western union scam. this involves fake money transfers when selling a item. at the end of the day it just boils down to common sense really. i have bought and sold on e-bay my most expensive purchase was 4000.00.
you just treat it as a purchase and if you arrive and decide that its not for you dont buy it. and DO NOT PAY LARGE AMOUNTS UP FRONT. a small deposit and cash on collection, for expensive items.

and as a foot note. if you want to purchase a large item e.g. sofas, wardrobes etc i use a e-bay member from hull that charges a BETWEEN 55.00 AND 75.00 for pick up and delivery to your door.from anywhere in mainland uk. i have used him to both send goods and pick up for me. if anyone needs his services contact me and ill send his e-bay user id and you can contact him .
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Old 20-02-2005, 15:15   #4
Resident Waffler

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Re: PayPal Scam Warning!

Are you allowed to pay small deposits up front and the rest on delivery on Ebay? I never knew that. I thought you were expected to pay the lot before you got the item. I have had an occasion when something never arrived. I do wish more people would use the feedback and give honest opinions because some don't like to give negative even when they have complaints.

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Old 20-02-2005, 17:06   #5
I am Banned
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Re: PayPal Scam Warning!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Are you allowed to pay small deposits up front and the rest on delivery on Ebay? I never knew that. I thought you were expected to pay the lot before you got the item. I have had an occasion when something never arrived. I do wish more people would use the feedback and give honest opinions because some don't like to give negative even when they have complaints.
sort deposit only with seller. when its a pick up by purchaser they should have no objection as long as you bring cash. if they do object, AVOID.
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Old 20-02-2005, 19:30   #6
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Re: PayPal Scam Warning!

Originally Posted by removal-man
i have a spoof e-mail from e bay almost every week. once you are alert to the problem you can just ignore it and delete it.
I have suffered from the same e-mail. What made me suspicious was the fact that I have never ever ordered anything vie e-bay or ever had an account with them. Needless to say, the e-mail was given the flick and booted straight into the re-cycle bin.
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Old 20-02-2005, 19:47   #7
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Re: PayPal Scam Warning!

Originally Posted by removal-man
i have a spoof e-mail from e bay almost every week.

I get three a day! Mainly due to my email addy being on a few web sites I run and Usnet. Spamassassin deals with it automagically so I rarely see any in my Inbox.

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