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Old 12-07-2005, 17:19   #16
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

So how come the BBC are talking about the "London terrorist attacks" on tonight's news?
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Old 12-07-2005, 17:30   #17
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Maybe they've had a re-think.

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Old 12-07-2005, 18:26   #18
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

can we call them CU*TS

i have been using that one a while now and i find it desribes them pretty well

describes the terrorists pretty well as well i think
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Old 12-07-2005, 18:38   #19
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

There was a two page spread today in the newspaper about the mindset of a suicide if a journalist can find a suicide bomber to come the intelligence services in this country can't find him and do whatever is necessary to ensure that he doesn't get a chance to become a martyr....?
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Old 12-07-2005, 18:45   #20
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

be serious they cant even find binladen who needs to be hooked upto a dyalasis machine every day to clean his blood
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Old 12-07-2005, 18:54   #21
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Maybe they've had a re-think.
Common Sense 1 PC Stupidity 0!
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Old 12-07-2005, 19:48   #22
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

the death penalty is still there for anybody being found guilty of high treason. but think they have to be British Nationals to be charged with high treason.

errrrrrrrrrr suicde bomber still living?????????????? maybe the bomb didnt go off

sorry just had to point that out if you know what i mean
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Old 12-07-2005, 20:35   #23
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

That's a suicide bomber who hasn't yet been called to the line of duty.

I wonder if the nationality of the interviewer had anythng to do with his being able to get the story?

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Old 14-07-2005, 17:26   #24
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Originally Posted by Ber999T
the death penalty is still there for anybody being found guilty of high treason. but think they have to be British Nationals to be charged with high treason.

errrrrrrrrrr suicde bomber still living?????????????? maybe the bomb didnt go off

sorry just had to point that out if you know what i mean
Saw a newspaper interview the other day with a woman whose bomb didn't go off, not for want of trying, of course, in yet another attack on the Israeli public. She had apparently had her face and body burned in an accident some years earlier, and was therefore not marriageable - the mindset of some people is truly beyond belief - so felt that she might as well become a suicide bomber.
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Old 14-07-2005, 17:45   #25
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
What on earth goes through the head of someone like that?
The following article in today's paper may be of interest:

Are you ready? Tomorrow you will be in Paradise . . .
Nasra Hassan
What motivates a suicide bomber? Our correspondent talks to a young Muslim who survived his intended 'martyrdom' and describes the terrorists' rigorous training
AT DAWN, when the three men heard the morning call to prayer from a mosque in the village below their hideout in the hills, they knelt and uttered the traditional invocation to Allah that Muslim warriors make before setting off for combat. They put on clean clothes, tucked the Koran into their pockets, and began the long hike over the hills and along dry riverbeds to the outskirts of Jerusalem
The full artcle is here:,00.html
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Old 14-07-2005, 17:55   #26
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

I read or thought l did, that suicide bombers/terrorists/martyrs, having completed a suicide mission in the name of Allah, are promised all kinds of pleasures in the next life, including sex with virgins.

I'm not making this up, but it wasn't mentioned in the article yerself posted. Can anyone confirm this as true? I can't remember where I read it, but it was a British national newspaper.
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Old 14-07-2005, 18:01   #27
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Terroist, the name is fine by me.
Incidentally is it me or are the number of Muslim family's (both victims and bombers) being interviewed on TV,somewhat out of whack with the number of Muslim/non Muslim fatalities.
Are we being indoctrinated or are the media under orders to preserve the tolerance we historically show other religions in this country?
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Old 14-07-2005, 18:02   #28
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Originally Posted by garinda
I read or thought l did, that suicide bombers/terrorists/martyrs, having completed a suicide mission in the name of Allah, are promised all kinds of pleasures in the next life, including sex with virgins.

Follow the link and read the full article and you will find mentioned:

"and he will have at his disposal 72 houris, the beautiful virgins of Paradise"
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 14-07-2005, 19:40   #29
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Originally Posted by yerself
Follow the link and read the full article and you will find mentioned:

"and he will have at his disposal 72 houris, the beautiful virgins of Paradise"
Thanks yerself. Speed reading was not such as good idea on such an interesting and informative link.

Incidentally houris, l just looked up are beautiful young women of the Muslim paradise, the word coming from the Arabic for gazelle like.

[72? The mind bogles.]
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Old 14-07-2005, 19:48   #30
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

I'm glad you pointed out Willow, that this was a potential suicide bomber......apparently if you want to be a suicide bomber your name goes onto some kind of waiting list.......some suicide bombers are only notified of their target a couple of hours before the event.

They believe they will go straight to the side of Allah,(PBUH) in the gardens of paradise, will have 72 houris and be fed on sweet fruits.... so it is OK for them, but what about the poor families left of the relatives of the lad from the Leeds Chippy says that they will have no future in the area now...... and will have to leave.
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