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Old 14-07-2005, 21:33   #31
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

It must be awful for the families.

Where does this idea of the 72 houris come from? Is it in the Koran or has someone come up with it to persuade impressionable young men to do their dirty work for them?

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Old 14-07-2005, 23:13   #32
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Yeah, any ideas where the 72 comes from?

Is 365 divisible by 72?
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Old 15-07-2005, 07:28   #33
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

We were just talking about this last night and concluded that there must be an awful lot of virgins in Paradise!

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Old 15-07-2005, 13:28   #34
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

I THINK it is in the Koran....but maybe Mani could tell us.
The parents of these boys must be feeling awful.......and there are two wives who have one child each and are expecting babies who will have no father. The parents and the wives knew nothing of their loved ones intent. I think they were really selfish and misguided.

On another note......a Muslim cleric who has been preaching death and destruction in America has been jailed for is time that our government got tough with these so called religious leaders.... though personally I think they ought to be hanged.....for treason.

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 15-07-2005 at 13:29.
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Old 15-07-2005, 13:43   #35


Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

I not sure that these people acted as suicide bombers. I think they expected to return home to the family’s they left that day. They didn’t plan all this on their own, someone masterminded this and intentionally sent these lads out to plant the explosives knowing that they where going to be murdered them for the cause. I think the bombs where rigged to a time signal or a mobile phone signal so giving the impression that the same level of extremist fundamentalism exist in the UK or at least to make sure they didn’t lead the authorities back with them. I think the murders where themselves murdered.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 15-07-2005, 13:48   #36
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

If that is the case Doug, why didn't the bomb go off before the guy got to the number 30 bus......if they had been detonated by a mobile phone signal to all go off together then the guy would not have made it to the bus.
The police must have very good evidence to suggest that they were suicide bombers......although one thing that puzzles me is, if they were suicide bombers, you would have thought that their identities would not have been so easy to appears that they were all carrying things which could identify them.
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Old 15-07-2005, 14:11   #37


Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

That’s part of my point Margaret. No effort was made to conceal their Identity and there was an absence of any video claiming responsibility and the commitment of those about to carry out the bombings. I think the bus may have been the intended target and there was some time delay between some of the explosions perhaps the same time needed to dial a number. This is admittedly all conjecture, but there’s something not right here.

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Old 15-07-2005, 15:22   #38
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Isn't it part of the point that they leave some identification so that people know who did it? Why else would they have had the ID on them? If you or I were going to London we wouldn't have ID papers on us would we?

If they were sacrificed by someone against their own wishes/knowledge then that makes the recruiters even more callous than previously imagined but I can have no sympathy for the bombers themselves in losing their own lives as they were quite prepared to take the lives of others and they didn't care who.

I agree with Margaret that it's about time our Government got tough too with those inciting hatred and violence and never mind the human rights bods.

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Old 15-07-2005, 15:23   #39
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

I had a similar thought on this Doug,if someone was a suicide bomber,therefore at the centre of the blast,surely credit cards etc. would have been shredded along with the Terrorist?
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Old 15-07-2005, 15:30   #40
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

They found ID in a similar way at the WTC. It strikes me as less likely to have been found if they didn't expect to be blown up because then it would have been on them and blown up with them but maybe they put it to one side somewhere before they detonated the bombs so that they would be sure it would be found?

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Old 15-07-2005, 16:18   #41


Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

That’s part of the point Willow, why leave such a clear trail for the authorities other than to deflect attention. It’s clear that these people expect to be martyred if they where caught. I believe that some had young children? But they don’t seem to have left any messages for them to see what daddy did for Islam. Its either all very armature which I doubt or it very contrived. I have no sympathy with those that seek to harm, maim or kill no matter what their individual role and when these people are caught justice should be swift and Permanente.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 15-07-2005, 16:37   #42


Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Originally Posted by Lampman
I had a similar thought on this Doug,if someone was a suicide bomber,therefore at the centre of the blast,surely credit cards etc. would have been shredded along with the Terrorist?
Without wanting to upset people, in respect of credit cards and paper based ID it often depends on the seat of the explosion and the explosive used in the attack as to what survives, coins, Jewellery, keys and even credit cards become part of the forensic scene because of there attributes of becoming part of the weapon itself. Part of the problem with identifying actually numbers of victims comes down to the sum number of individual body parts recovered to make a whole. Your both right in that these items can be both shredded and survive an explosion. Willow, when I go anywhere I have my credit cards, Driving Licence and other bits and bobs that would identify me. They’re in my wallet which rest on my right buttock. They would have more than likely to have survived……….

On - Stanley – On
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Old 15-07-2005, 17:08   #43
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

I think they were identified from their credit cards......although there were pictures of birth certificates in the newspaper........I think that was just for journalistic effect.........I think that perhaps they couldn't leave any letters for their children as they might have been stopped from carrying out their intended action. I know if my hubby gave me a letter and said 'don't open this until midday tomorrow' curiosity would get the better of me....and if I read something like that i would certainly contact the authorities...if only to save my hubby from himself. I think these guys who carried out the bombing had been severely indoctrinated and believed that what they were doing had its own reward.

In other countries suicide bombers are lauded and their families financial needs are undertaken by other muslims.......and maybe these men thought that the muslim community would look after their children and tell them that their daddy was a martyr......not a murderer.
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Old 15-07-2005, 17:59   #44
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Murdering scum obviously have little thought for those left behind to cope with aftermath of their cowardly,selfish action.I admit to feeling sympathy for the parents of these young men who were so brainwashed into committing this terrible act.I have,however,far more sympathy for the families of the victims;my thoughts go out especially to Marie Hartley's young family and husband. No father should ever have to break news like that to his sons.
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Old 15-07-2005, 18:22   #45
Beacon of light

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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

You are right thoughts are with Marie Hartleys family.........they have lost their most treasured words can come close to expressing the sadness felt by that family today.
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