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Old 15-07-2005, 21:03   #46
Senior Member
Lampman's Avatar

Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Sorry to dwell on the credit card issue,if they were true Muslims,do they not shun Usery(Bank loans etc.)
Surely a credit card is the biggest nod to our decadent Western ways why would they being so devout have them?
Double standards perhaps?
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Old 15-07-2005, 21:23   #47
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

That's an interesting point Lampman and has made me wonder about something else too. Isn't it supposed to be wrong to get something for nothing? Isn't that what the non-interest bearing bank accounts are all about? I remember when I worked in a bank and a devout muslim asked specifically if we had an account which didn't pay interest as his employer wanted to pay his wages directly into the bank.

In that case how come the hook handed hatred spouter accepts state benefits and freebies?

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Old 16-07-2005, 05:21   #48
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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

I find it interesting that several people have picked up on the fact that what appear to be usual procedures do not appear to have been followed in this case. The Times article was quite clear that several wills may be made by a suicide bomber, including one made on video with the banner of the sponsoring group in the background. it is also usual for the families to recieve some sort of honorarium payment. Maybe the four who planted the London bombs were mislead into becoming suicide bombers.

However, this does not excuse their actions, it merely outlines the depth of their stupidity in even starker detail. If you play with fire, the old saying goes, you can expect to get burned.

The article explains further that another of the possible reasons why some of these half-wits decide on "martyrdom" as a career path is that once they are safely in paradise they are able to save 70 of their relatives from Hell. Why only 70? The almighty seems inordinately concerned with quota's. Or is it rather, as with the 72 houris, that this was the largest number that the vehicle for the transmission of this revelation could imagine?

In the coming weeks and months you will see the government, the media and the PC brigade go into overdrive in attempting to make multiculturalism and diversity acceptable to an appalled nation. In response to the increasing whinging that "nobody likes us or trusts us, oh it is a shame for us" They will chuck countless millions at the problem. The asian muslim minority will be raised to a level of importance and influence that far exceeds their numerical and economic significance and the eventual goal of Britain-istan will take several steps forward. The organisers of this atrocity must be patting themselves on the back for a job well-done!

And for the families of those who were murdered in last Thursdays outrage...? A handful of Books of Condolence, a Square in the capital where they can go and remember and two minutes silence.
Remind me again, who are the victims in all this?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe

Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 16-07-2005 at 05:23.
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Old 16-07-2005, 08:07   #49
Resident Waffler

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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Has it not yet dawned on the PC Brigade that their very actions are creating more of a divide because they are causing resentment amongst the rest of the population?

No, probably not - or else they plan to take yet further action later when that happens.

Is there no-one who can spare us from these imbeciles?

As for the families of the victims it does seem to be adding insult to injury doesn't it?

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Old 16-07-2005, 14:25   #50
Beacon of light

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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Again A-B you are spot on with your todays paper Sir Iqbal Sacranie was complaining of police 'insensitivity' towards the Asian community. This was because the police raided a Leeds youth centre that was thought to have been used by the bombers. (Might not they have been collecting evidence)..Sir Iqbal Sacranie who is the secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain said of the police

'Not much of the support is coming through to us'........There has been hardly any communication with community leaders in the areas which have been raided.......and families of the so called bombers have been under intense pressure'

Is this man for real.......? I suppose he thinks that the people whose loved ones were blasted to eternity are finding life a picnic at present........and the people who are maimed and face many years of therapy and rehabilitation are having a ball too.

I may be wrong but, I think the Muslim community will close ranks and support the families of the young men who carried out these atrocities (allegedly) while the victims will find it difficult to claim anything other than state benefits. Insurance companies usually do not offer cover for terrorist activity.
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Old 16-07-2005, 14:28   #51
Beacon of light

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Re: PC Insanity - off we go again

Oh and as to the use of credit is hard to get through today without having some kind of credit/debit card......they may have been debit cards.......some current accounts accrue no interest.
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