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Old 12-10-2006, 19:05   #1
God Member
steeljack's Avatar

Pensioner still separated fom wife

I can't believe this is still going on , Is there no-one in a position of authority able to step in and sort this out . Wheres the local MP on this ?, in my mind the human rights of this couple are more important than some sodding foriegn terrorists in Cuba .

As I said when this story was in the news months ago the names and pictures of the social workers involved in this tragedy (and it is a tragedy) should be posted in every shop window in Hyndburn
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Accrington Web
Old 12-10-2006, 20:00   #2
I am Banned


Re: Pensioner still separated fom wife

Even if he cant actually care for her at home why cant he join her in the home surely she will be more settled probably again comes down to costs - damn curse LCC!!
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Old 12-10-2006, 20:02   #3
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Re: Pensioner still separated fom wife

Don't believe everything you see!! for obvious reasons I can't go into why I say this, but all is not what it seems to be..
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 12-10-2006, 20:04   #4
I am Banned


Re: Pensioner still separated fom wife

She wants rid really had enough & hasn't told him???? lol

Otherwise i didnt understand that slinky lol tho i know you cant lol
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Old 13-10-2006, 00:43   #5
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Re: Pensioner still separated fom wife

You have to look at all aspects of the case. Its hard looking after someone with dementia and its right the social workers should look closely at the situation.
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Old 13-10-2006, 06:49   #6
Resident Waffler

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Re: Pensioner still separated fom wife

He may believe he is capable of looking after her but perhaps he isn't. How do we know? He may be an ex-para but he's 88 years old. I'm nowhere near that and I wouldn't like to try looking after someone with dementia. I know someone who was in the exact opposite position and had to plead for a residential place for her husband who has dementia. He kept "escaping" from home and getting into all kinds of danger.

Many years ago an elderly lady with dementia who lived near us burned herself to death. I often used to find her wandering about the streets bcause she had forgtten where she lived. Every time took her home she woud ask me where I lived and if I'd had to go a long way out of my way. She hadn't a clue who I was. We often used ta say she shoud be in a home where someone would keep an eye on her.

Perhaps the real tragedy of this case is that the gentleman can't be in the same home as his wife but there is no room for him there.

I found this part of the report partiularly sad
Just 12 hours after the move, Lancashire County Council secured a "guardianship" court order giving it legal possession of her.
Possession of her? Is she an inanimate object?

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