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Old 29-06-2006, 15:19   #16
Resting in peace
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Re: Phobia

I can't even read about heights without my stomach turning. The very thought turns me sick. I walk along balconies hugging the wall. A couple of years ago on Lord Mayor's day, we went to a party at our friends' flat in the Barbican - 25th floor of the Shakespeare Tower. Did I go out onto the balcony to watch the fireworks? Too damn right, I didn't. I hung onto the balcony doorpost, trying not to even think about the drop. It's making me feel sick just writing about it ....... phobic or what?

Oh, and snakes.
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Accrington Web
Old 29-06-2006, 15:27   #17
Senior Member

Re: Phobia

Rats and mice terrify me, so much so that I can't even see them on t.v. without heaving! So those 'clean up' programmes are out for me.
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Old 29-06-2006, 16:22   #18
Resting in Peace
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Re: Phobia

Originally Posted by jambutty
What if you get cremated whilst you are still alive jaysay?

I’m not sure if my hate is fear of heights or fear of falling from them but it only comes into play when I can see the height. By that I mean I can go up a high rise building just as long as I do not see the outside and the drop down to the ground.

Strange really because my last job before joining the navy was with Uni-Relay as a TV aerial rigger and re-wiring the Accrington district to put Radio Luxembourg into thousands of homes. That meant not only climbing ladders with a TV aerial in one hand (not these tiny little ones but the large H and X aerials) or a coil of wire weighing some 50 lbs but also running along the roof tops of terraced houses running out the wire. In the navy climbing masts to get to the radar antenna to execute a repair was second nature even in rough weather. Doing the same on the 600 feet masts at HMS Inskip near Preston was a doddle – then. I’ve stood on the very edge of Table Mountain in Capetown and looked down and out and thought nothing of it.

But today if I walk out onto a first floor balcony I have to keep my eyes firmly on the inside to avoid feeling pretty horrible. Yet I can gaze out of an aeroplane window without a problem.

Yes! I know! I’m weird!
At least it will be warm and not bloody freezing like being in the ground
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Old 29-06-2006, 17:29   #19
Passed away 25-11-09
West Ender's Avatar

Re: Phobia

Daddy-long-legs. It's childish, it's irrational, but if one comes into the room - I go out, they make me feel physically sick. Only half a tin of fly-spray and a rolled up newspaper makes me feel any better.

Also, can't stand pitch blackness. The tiniest pin-prick of light is fine but total dark freaks me, I feel like I can't breathe.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 29-06-2006, 18:12   #20
Resting in Peace

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Re: Phobia

Cockroaches ... Yuk. Thank Gawd never seen any at this house, saw plenty when I lived in Barnes Street. Even ex. did not like, particularly when he came down in bare feet in the middle of the night, in the dark and heard this horrible crunching under his feet

Mice: Well, not too bad really, until they knocked quite a lot of the houses down in Lower Barnes Street, and population migrated up to the upper. Tried traps, etc. Wasn't bothered til daughter woke up crying, they were actually getting on her bed and chewing her hair ! Ex got out air-rifle and bagged a couple. Finally, borrowed friend's cat and that cured 'em.

Buried alive: Yes, what a horrible thought, only movie I ever walked out of was an Edgar Allen Poe Movie, whereby his victims suffered from catalepsy and thought to be dead; they were consequently buried but then they woke up and were found with all their nails ripped off trying to scratch their way out ... Aaaagh, perish the thought. Manicures cost a fortune.
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Old 29-06-2006, 18:17   #21
white rabbits

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Re: Phobia

Originally Posted by katex

Buried alive: Yes, what a horrible thought, only movie I ever walked out of was an Edgar Allen Poe Movie, whereby his victims suffered from catalepsy and thought to be dead; they were consequently buried but then they woke up and were found with all their nails ripped off trying to scratch their way out ... Aaaagh, perish the thought. Manicures cost a fortune.
Maybe thats where i get the phobia from,,i watched all those Vincent Price films too...
Not a full brick
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Old 29-06-2006, 18:22   #22
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Re: Phobia

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
Maybe thats where i get the phobia from,,i watched all those Vincent Price films too...
I know G-C ... you don't really want to watch do you? but hard to turn away .. maybe good to be scared of something, puts all the good things in perspective.
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Old 29-06-2006, 19:11   #23
Beacon of light

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Re: Phobia

Dentists....I would say I am bordering on phobic about dentists.....just thinking about them gives me the collywobbles.
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 29-06-2006, 19:18   #24
Resting in Peace

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Re: Phobia

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Dentists....I would say I am bordering on phobic about dentists.....just thinking about them gives me the collywobbles.
Tee hee Margaret ... strange how these highly qualified nurses have phobias about the treatments they inflict on other people.
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Old 29-06-2006, 20:19   #25
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Re: Phobia

Spiders and heights. Me and ginger once took the kids up Blackpool Tower. He thought it was funny to take the kids on the " walk of faith " all I remember was shouting very loudly " you kill yourself you B"""rd, but leave my kids out of it" grabbing there hands and walking off, which Ginger thought was hilarious. Then I turned round and saw a baby crawling on the glass with it's little dummy in it's mouth, I remember shouting something awful to that babies dad too lol. My stomach just seems to jump into my throat and I feel sick and dizzy.

Spiders, well i have had that phobia since I can remember. When I was younger I used to roll a quilt up and stuff it down the side of the bed so that no spiders could crawl up the wall onto my bed at night. My phobia is mostly insects in my ears, nose or mouth. That stems from watching a Documentary where a spider had crawled into this ladies ear and it had been there months. She thought she had a ear infection, when really the spider had made a web round her Ear drum.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 29-06-2006, 21:01   #26
Resting in Peace

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Re: Phobia

Sorry about this fellas, but just thought of another. Moustaches and beards, can't help looking at these things when I am in convesation with someone with this adornment, wondering what is nesting there, literally panic attack mode.

How can ya' get to those lips with that bristle ... yuk.
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Old 29-06-2006, 21:10   #27
God Member

Re: Phobia

lol this thread is a good one, I think the last is the best post
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Accy-web-web-web, push pineapple, grind coffee
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Old 29-06-2006, 21:15   #28
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Re: Phobia

Originally Posted by katex
Sorry about this fellas, but just thought of another. Moustaches and beards,

I have a very similar one Kate, I can't actually tell you but those who know me will tell you I have a genuine phobia of a certain colour and textuure of hair in a particular part of the body!!
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Old 29-06-2006, 21:29   #29
Resting in Peace

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Re: Phobia

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle

I have a very similar one Kate, I can't actually tell you but those who know me will tell you I have a genuine phobia of a certain colour and textuure of hair in a particular part of the body!!
Oh no, Tinks, just know ya' gonna' say Red Hair ..sob, sob.
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Old 29-06-2006, 21:31   #30
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Re: Phobia

Originally Posted by katex
Oh no, Tinks, just know ya' gonna' say Red Hair ..sob, sob.
Can;t be that frigtened of them many red haired men have you been with?? hmmmmmmm, never fine me licking a spider ROFLMAO
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

Last edited by slinky; 29-06-2006 at 21:34.
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