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Old 28-06-2006, 22:54   #1
Always EVIL within us

Busman747's Avatar

Cool Phobia

I have just watched a short video of a girl that has a phobia and it got me wondering how many accy members have a phobia about something - but before you reply, just watch Is your phobia as strong and emotional as her fear of pickles?

The only phobia I had as a child was of scorpions after watching one fall down the neck of a soldier in an old film, I now have a real but dead scorpion mounted by the side of my monitor to remind me that fear can be overcome!
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Accrington Web
Old 28-06-2006, 23:00   #2
Senior Member+

Re: Phobia

ONLY IN AMERICA will people try n fob this crap off as tv.....iv'e seen better acting on corrie and eastenders ffs
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Last edited by BLACKBURN RAVER; 28-06-2006 at 23:03.
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Old 28-06-2006, 23:02   #3
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Re: Phobia

for crying out loud ........PICKLES???????? get a grip. I know phobias can be a real and scary thing but ....PICKLES???

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 28-06-2006, 23:21   #4
white rabbits

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Re: Phobia

The thoughts of going in one of those scanners in hospital makes me sweat..I have visions of not being able to move and the power going off,,oh i am getting the creeps just thinking about it now..and the fear of being burried alive too....
Not a full brick
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Old 28-06-2006, 23:54   #5
God Member

Re: Phobia

Ye well never mind that video, it's a good thread anyway.
I had a dislike of red ants and woodlice, I have nightmares even now about being covered in the things.
Stange thing is I've been gardening for that long now and I don't use gloves, I've got used to them, yet still have the nightmares. Maybe it was the old shed when I was a kid, the roof used to be covered with them and they'd drop on my head.
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Old 28-06-2006, 23:56   #6
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Re: Phobia

I saw a programme recently that showed a woman with a genuine phobia of chips!

Not keen on mice and rats. Wouldn't call it a phobia, just a fear of hairy things with tails.
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Old 29-06-2006, 00:20   #7
Senior Member+

Re: Phobia

always used to chase the girls around school with spiders untill i watched arachnaphobia now i cant stand the site of spiders and if i see one anywhere near me, im sorry but its gotta die
blackburn rovers born n bred since 1977

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Old 29-06-2006, 01:46   #8
God Member

Re: Phobia

I had a phobia of falling too, I'd often dream I was falling down a shiney flat metal cliff, down, and down. Then I got a job putting highbay light fittings up in wharehouses, fitting street christmas lights
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Old 29-06-2006, 08:28   #9
those were the days's Avatar

Re: Phobia

My son has a phobia of eating food he has touched with his hands, that all started when the dog warden scared him to death by a talk he gave them about the dangers of dog muck and how the stuff could be so easily picked up without noticing the muck.. like football bouncing where it has been. Seemed like dog warden came on a bit strong for the age of the kids. He has improved but is still phobic.

When i was a toddler i was apparantly frightened of running water and open fires.. hmm must have been a witch in my last life!

I do remember a programme that reckoned a deep fear in toddlers can be related to how they died in a previous life... hmmm not sure where i stand on that one!
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Old 29-06-2006, 08:32   #10
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Re: Phobia

my friends laugh at me but i cannot stand being in fields when there are either horses,sheep,cows or geese that are not tied/penned up.I wouldn't say it was a serious phobia because i can walk past them but i have know exactly where they are and walk beside someone...i thought this was odd till i told my mum who then said 'thats my fault,i took you on a picnic in Cambridge,and we walked through a field of cows that started chasing us for our lunch'..............Cheers mum!

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Old 29-06-2006, 09:23   #11
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Re: Phobia

I have a fear of heights, a fairly common one I know - also Daddy Long Legs', I can't stand to be in the same room as one cos I'm convinced it's out to get me, silly cos I know they can't hurt me but it doesn't make any difference
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Old 29-06-2006, 09:42   #12
Resting in Peace
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Re: Phobia

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
The thoughts of going in one of those scanners in hospital makes me sweat..I have visions of not being able to move and the power going off,,oh i am getting the creeps just thinking about it now..and the fear of being burried alive too....
I have the same fear of being burried alive, so I'm being cremated just in case
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Old 29-06-2006, 09:42   #13
Senior Member+

Re: Phobia

I cant stand being on the motorway i get really clammy hands and i feel sick and i have visions of the car crashing in some horrific way it is awful to have a crash at such speed dont leave you with much chance really.

I know where this comes from i used to watch the trauma life in the ER programme where crash victims came in all the time there was some very disturbing scenes!

If we go anywhere if at all possible i make daddiboo drive the long way through the back roads even just on short trips to see my mum and dad we go the back roads.
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Old 29-06-2006, 13:08   #14
Full Member

Re: Phobia

Im petrified of spiders. I cant go within 2 mtr of one. And I cant kill them because I dont dare go near them to do anything to it..
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Old 29-06-2006, 13:31   #15
Apprentice Geriatric
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Exclamation Re: Phobia

I have the same fear of being burried alive, so I'm being cremated just in case.
What if you get cremated whilst you are still alive jaysay?

I’m not sure if my hate is fear of heights or fear of falling from them but it only comes into play when I can see the height. By that I mean I can go up a high rise building just as long as I do not see the outside and the drop down to the ground.

Strange really because my last job before joining the navy was with Uni-Relay as a TV aerial rigger and re-wiring the Accrington district to put Radio Luxembourg into thousands of homes. That meant not only climbing ladders with a TV aerial in one hand (not these tiny little ones but the large H and X aerials) or a coil of wire weighing some 50 lbs but also running along the roof tops of terraced houses running out the wire. In the navy climbing masts to get to the radar antenna to execute a repair was second nature even in rough weather. Doing the same on the 600 feet masts at HMS Inskip near Preston was a doddle – then. I’ve stood on the very edge of Table Mountain in Capetown and looked down and out and thought nothing of it.

But today if I walk out onto a first floor balcony I have to keep my eyes firmly on the inside to avoid feeling pretty horrible. Yet I can gaze out of an aeroplane window without a problem.

Yes! I know! I’m weird!
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