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Old 17-09-2007, 02:17   #16
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Re: Playing Out

I think children should be allowed to play out on the street at the ages you are saying, but a parent needs to judge the safety of the area first. If you live on a main road then your obviously going to be less willing to let a child lacking knowledge of road safety out to play.

I think the problem with children turning to games consoles and technology for entertainment is that the paretns are failing all round to keep their children motivated or provide them with a good example. I had a games console when i was younger but I never spent a day without opening a book. Children aren't encouraged to read or take up proper hobbies in this society, as a games console can provide all the entertainment they need. It wouldnt surprise me if alot of people had bought their children 'brain training' and games of the likes to kid themself their children are getting an education out of recreational activity this way.

Once children get to the age of 6 and onwards many parents seem to think that school is enough to educate their children and they dont need to bother anymore. Computers can take the place of educating children at home so why should I bother type of attitudes.

If your children are crying to go outside but you're too afraid to let them play out then you need to do something interesting and educational with them.

And no I dont have children of my own, but I have been a child and I'm quite aware of how a parent succeeds or fails in teaching their children things, including the safety of outdoors, and I know you dont learn it from being locked in the house.
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Old 17-09-2007, 06:05   #17
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Re: Playing Out

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
And no I dont have children of my own, but I have been a child and I'm quite aware of how a parent succeeds or fails in teaching their children things, including the safety of outdoors, and I know you dont learn it from being locked in the house.
Weren't all parents children once ?

If we could all get through life on the basis of theory the world would be perfect. Come back in 20 years time and tell us you got everything right as a parent because you knew the theory and I might just admit you were right on this occasion.
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Old 17-09-2007, 06:42   #18
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Re: Playing Out

Originally Posted by junetta View Post

As our kid says 'never did us any harm'!!
have to agree with Junetta's brother , I used to wander as a kid over Whalley nab to Whalley or over the top road by the New Inns to my Grandmas in Little Harwood and never met a perv, in Gt. Harwood you were more likely to be 'exposed' to a 'flasher' at one of the public urinals either next to the old Fire Station or the old Council yard, next to the Plough Inn , which we kids knew to avoid , pardon the pun word of mouth .....
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Old 17-09-2007, 06:56   #19
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Re: Playing Out

I think you've got to start gradually allowing children a little bit more freedom as they grow. Otherwise parents would be taking their children to college and picking them up again to take home.

When mine were in the infants they were not allowed out of school until collected by a parent or other person known to the teacher. At that time they would play in the yard at home or just outside the house. By the time they were in the 'top end' of the Juniors they made their own way to school assisted by the lollypop lady at the road junction and they played out with friends, rode bikes and went up to the park in groups. When they got to High School they went there on their own and travelled on buses etc. Now Mimi is at college and has been to places such as Manchester with her mates. They have both been on camping trips with school, with church and to church dances as far away as Huddersfield. It's all part of growing up.

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Old 17-09-2007, 13:29   #20
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Re: Playing Out

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Weren't all parents children once ?

If we could all get through life on the basis of theory the world would be perfect. Come back in 20 years time and tell us you got everything right as a parent because you knew the theory and I might just admit you were right on this occasion.
That will be a first a parent who got everything right. What Theory are we not following correctly? I wish someone could tell me so I can tell my daughter
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Old 17-09-2007, 14:25   #21
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Re: Playing Out

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
That will be a first a parent who got everything right. What Theory are we not following correctly? I wish someone could tell me so I can tell my daughter
Is there a theory or set of rules governing this? Here was me thinking it was like pin the tail on the donkey. If you do find the perfect parent please hide them as they would take some of the fun out of being a parent. Besides its bad enough being told by the government how to bring our kids up without some self righteous egocentric upstart telling us how it should be done.

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Old 17-09-2007, 14:43   #22
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Re: Playing Out

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
Is there a theory or set of rules governing this? Here was me thinking it was like pin the tail on the donkey. If you do find the perfect parent please hide them as they would take some of the fun out of being a parent. Besides its bad enough being told by the government how to bring our kids up without some self righteous egocentric upstart telling us how it should be done.
Surely all children come with a manufacturers guarantee and you just send the faulty ones back
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Old 17-09-2007, 15:04   #23
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Re: Playing Out

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Surely all children come with a manufacturers guarantee and you just send the faulty ones back
So it seems just wish somebody had told me that years ago
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Old 17-09-2007, 15:47   #24
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Re: Playing Out

Tricky one.

I wont let my daughter play out unless I know where she is and that she is with someone with sence.

The are to many preditors out there now. and knowing of one that stalks accrington I would never be comfortable not knowing where she is at this stage as she is only 5.

I feel once she is older though I will let her have the same freedom I was allowed.

It is slightly better in one way nowadays as at least they can be given a mobile phone so you would never be to far away.
Everything is OK
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Old 17-09-2007, 21:16   #25
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Re: Playing Out

Thats a good point about the mobiles Mr D and despite all the alleged health concerns they are just the thing kids need when out. My daughter always has hers when out though more for photo's of her friends mishaps than anything else.

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