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05-06-2008, 15:48
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Whether you heard it or misheard it, it should have not been repeated here
Theres no doubt I didn't mishear. I think its right, people should know what a public figure is saying about people. I'm sure the Labour supporters would be only too happy for me to keep my mouth shut, but I know the same wouldn't be done if it was a Conservative saying these things, and too right, I wouldn't support ANYBODY who said them, no matter which party.
formerly cyfr
05-06-2008, 15:51
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Heaven help us if your political qualifications land you a job in the Foreign Office!!!!
Discretion and Diplomacy - you sadly lack
05-06-2008, 15:53
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Politics and eavesdropping must be a close second to religion in creating wars !!
05-06-2008, 16:01
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Originally Posted by andrewb
Theres no doubt I didn't mishear. I think its right, people should know what a public figure is saying about people. I'm sure the Labour supporters would be only too happy for me to keep my mouth shut, but I know the same wouldn't be done if it was a Conservative saying these things, and too right, I wouldn't support ANYBODY who said them, no matter which party.
you pathetic little boy,its not about who supports who, its about discretion, n if GJ did say that, which i certainly did not hear, i would have been disgusted n said summat at the time, you obviously did not, so therefore that gives me grave doubt it was said.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-06-2008, 16:04
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Originally Posted by cashman
you pathetic little boy,its not about who supports who, its about discretion, n if GJ did say that, which i certainly did not hear, i would have been disgusted n said summat at the time, you obviously did not, so therefore that gives me grave doubt it was said.
I regret not pulling him up on it at the time. I should have done because I fundamentally disagreed with what he was saying. It was said no doubt about it, I wouldn't post lies about something like this.
formerly cyfr
05-06-2008, 16:31
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Originally Posted by g jones
I was asked about Mr Farrer, if I knew him, if I had met him (I have). His attacks on Labour. I stated quite clearly that he had been a significant beneficiary of the welfare state (not an issue), but i would have thought he would have had a better understanding, more appreciation or the need for a welfare state. With his personal experience I can't understand why he opposes Labour, Labour policies when he is able to judge at close what a huge benefit it can be. There was never any personal references/insults and no-one on here seems to be able to verify or confirm what are pathetic comments.
Did you actually tell every person there that they were a beneficiary of the welfare state, or purely him?
To be honest with you, Mr Jones, if you had said that to me, even in your words, I would have an issue with it. Unless you said exactly the same every person, that is a personal comment/reference.
To me, the higlighted statement could quite easily be misconstrued as spin on 'dole dosser' or ' sponger' or other less than pleasant names
The again, maybe it is just me
05-06-2008, 16:32
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
[quote=andrewb;587668]I regret not pulling him up on it at the time. I should have done because I fundamentally disagreed with what he was saying. It was said no doubt about it, I wouldn't post lies about something like this.[/quote
Whether its correct or not, you should have said something at the time, and it should never have been posted on a public post. If you had an issue with it, you could have pm'd the person in question, not waited for a time to do it publicly to cause the most trouble
05-06-2008, 16:40
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Originally Posted by g jones
Complete lie. You'll make anything up to defend you silly little causes.
FACT I didn't speak to you beyond your stupid comments regarding miners. FACT After that I walked away from you.
FACT Cashman was there. In fact it was he that pulled you up for talking rubbish. I barely spoke with you.
I was asked about Mr Farrer, if I knew him, if I had met him (I have). His attacks on Labour. I stated quite clearly that he had been a significant beneficiary of the welfare state (not an issue), but i would have thought he would have had a better understanding, more appreciation or the need for a welfare state. With his personal experience I can't understand why he opposes Labour, Labour policies when he is able to judge at close what a huge benefit it can be. There was never any personal references/insults and no-one on here seems to be able to verify or confirm what are pathetic comments.
So I benefit from the the wefare state, how would you know, only three people know my financial affairs Mr. Jones and your not one of them. I persons dealings with HBC is covere by the data protection act, the only way you are able to access my deatails legally is if you were dealing with a case on my behalf and I had given the necessary permission.  For all you know I may have won the pools, or the lottery, or been left a fortune when my Father died, I would be very interested to hear your explanation, and whats more I have no reason to doubt Andrew. And how dare you even intimate that I am on depentant on the welfare state,it is none of your business what my personal finances are, and you as a councillor should know better.
Last edited by jaysay; 05-06-2008 at 16:48.
Reason: error
05-06-2008, 17:13
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Originally Posted by jaysay
Never met met the guy, don't want to
Originally Posted by g jones
I was asked about Mr Farrer, if I knew him, if I had met him (I have).
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
05-06-2008, 17:42
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Originally Posted by Gayle
I thought that Gayle, seeing I can't bring the occasion to mind I can only think that some one is telling porkies, and it aint me. I have only seen Mr. Jones once tha was 2 years ago during the election campaign, I went out to get a taxi and he was about 20 yards down the road with Colette, and that was to near for me 
05-06-2008, 17:52
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
I do know that you do not enjoy the best of health.
There are other ways of benefitting from the Welfare State, other than to be in receipt of a monetary benefit. But am I sure that you will agree that you have benefitted (and are still benefiting) from the services of the NHS-which is part of the Wefare Sate - over the years.
Without wishing to labour a point (no pun intended), the Welfare State was created by a Labour government -would you have had the same help from a Conservative government. I know we all pay for the NHS in our taxes but it is free at the point of use.
05-06-2008, 18:31
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
I really have nothing to say on this matter, except that political point scoring seems to have reached an all time low, and it disgusts me. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
05-06-2008, 18:47
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Originally Posted by garinda
I really have nothing to say on this matter, except that political point scoring seems to have reached an all time low, and it disgusts me. 
It's not even point 'scoring' because no one has done themselves any favours here - this is more like point 'losing'.
I want to state right here and now that I now consider myself to be of NO political party whatsoever and will plonk myself safe and sound back on the fence! I don't want to be associated with any of this!
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
05-06-2008, 19:06
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Originally Posted by garinda
I really have nothing to say on this matter, except that political point scoring seems to have reached an all time low, and it disgusts me. 
Well said!
05-06-2008, 21:06
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints
Originally Posted by jaysay
So I benefit from the the wefare state, how would you know, only three people know my financial affairs Mr. Jones and your not one of them. I persons dealings with HBC is covere by the data protection act, the only way you are able to access my deatails legally is if you were dealing with a case on my behalf and I had given the necessary permission.  For all you know I may have won the pools, or the lottery, or been left a fortune when my Father died, I would be very interested to hear your explanation, and whats more I have no reason to doubt Andrew. And how dare you even intimate that I am on depentant on the welfare state,it is none of your business what my personal finances are, and you as a councillor should know better.
You have at various times talked about your life. No problem. On here and openly to others. I am not here to talk about you or your circumstances personally. As a Labour person I support fundamentally the welfare state to help those in need. You get some who don't appreciate it and thrown it all back. I like to know why it is is no good or the Labour Party is no good in persuing a welfare state? It is not a trick question, nor is it personal.
And we have met, you just don't remember. You were right and I was wrong.
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