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Old 31-05-2008, 09:06   #46
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
A VOTE to increase councillor's expenses sparked cries of disgust from the public gallery at Accrington Town Hall on Tuesday, during a Cabinet meeting.

Labour members had tabled an amendment which would have scrapped an estimated £5,000 rise in the allowance for council leader, Councillor Peter Britcliffe but this was defeated.

His basic allowance has jumped from £17,032 to £19,842, but he is also allowed to claim allowances for more than one special responsibility, which has led to the extra £5,000 he can claim.

This equates to a whopping pay increase of around 20 per cent.

A case of let them eat cake...if they can afford it, whilst I enjoy living of the fat of the land.
When you take into account what leaders of other councils get, its not much. Hyndburn is a business which spends around £14 million per annum, in comperison with what MPS get its a pitance, their exes are more than that
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Old 31-05-2008, 09:18   #47
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Are there any allegations of the other side vote rigging being investigated???
There's been some counter allegations. Cllr Allah Dad was the first to make a complaint in fact. No evidence to my knowledge was presented by Mr Dad, just allegations.

Mr Ali has presented a dossier of facts and photos - which I have seen.

The Liberals had serious allegations, facts addresses, statements, presented them to the Labour Party but then backed off after I am led to believe, speaking to the Conservatives.

Mr Dad' supporters were warned on the day and have broken several rules openly. This is accepted. Conservative supporters caused mayhem on the day and were called in by Mr Ali for bullying and intimidation. Several neutral sources confirm this and action was taken on the day against Mr Dad's supporters.

There has been subsequently a counter allegation by Saftar Ali against Munsif Dad in Spring Hill which I know without a shred of doubt to be completely bogus.

What's happened is those that look guilty are trying an old and tested method, spread the preverbal and everyone will covered and they will get away with it.

My message to these people is that I represent East Accrington and no amount of sour grapes, or community pressure, will have any impact with people around here, or myself.
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Old 31-05-2008, 09:28   #48
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Well I suppose Mr Jones has to save face somehow, after all he is now officially the worst Labour leader in the history of Hyndburn Council, Since 1973 when Hyndburn Council was formed Labour has never had just 13 councillors, until now, take a bow Graham your legend in your own lunch time
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Old 31-05-2008, 09:31   #49
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
When you take into account what leaders of other councils get, its not much. Hyndburn is a business which spends around £14 million per annum, in comperison with what MPS get its a pitance, their exes are more than that
With all the budget cuts in services, it seems self indulgent to be looking to rack up your own pay first.

I do NOT have the accurate figures but will offer an opening gambit...

A good guess...The leader is on £22,000 basic plus £11,000 bonus (Special Responsibility Allowance) as leader. This has risen considerably from about £12,000 plus £6,000 about 6 year ago. Two changes happened last year to scale this up considerably. You could only claim 1 SRA/Bonus. That was removed. So the Leader who chairs 4 or 5 committees can now add all those on too. The highest is about £5,000 pa each he medium £2,500 and the lesser £500 (such as Chair of Oswaldtwistle Area Council).

Secondly the 75% rule was removed. This affects Tories more than Labour. Only hard working Labour Councillors have survived our meltdown! Tories are getting elected for fun. At least 4 Tories (more in reality) got elected on the basis of not attending any meetings and not being tied to doing any Council work, just being a Conservative vote in full council. Even meetings they are on there attendance is poor. The 75% rule which was scrapped (partly for legal reasons) meant that if you attended less than 75% of your meetings, you now did not lose your allowances.

Both PB (he's done a u-turn) and I agree that the 75% rule should come back. Legal keep saying it is challengeable. PB did get a whisper I was fed up of his lazy councillors and something needed to be done an we were planing on taking action. Don't know if he jumped in because of my 'leaked' comments or because he felt that way.
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Old 31-05-2008, 09:35   #50
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well I suppose Mr Jones has to save face somehow, after all he is now officially the worst Labour leader in the history of Hyndburn Council, Since 1973 when Hyndburn Council was formed Labour has never had just 13 councillors, until now, take a bow Graham your legend in your own lunch time
I thought your campaign was against Mr Brown and the Government. Remember
Government short changes us
Post Office's
Petrol - food

and even locally
Labour's Black Hole (before my time - I'd just got elected that year)

You know PB's plan is to never mention my name, what I stand for, what I have proposed to not give it oxygen.

Thought I'd say all that, not for your benefit Mr Farrer, but for the rest of the public who have to put up with your drivel.
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Old 31-05-2008, 09:49   #51
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
I thought your campaign was against Mr Brown and the Government. Remember
Government short changes us
Post Office's
Petrol - food

and even locally
Labour's Black Hole (before my time - I'd just got elected that year)

You know PB's plan is to never mention my name, what I stand for, what I have proposed to not give it oxygen.

Thought I'd say all that, not for your benefit Mr Farrer, but for the rest of the public who have to put up with your drivel.
Theres only one person talks drival and thats you, Its the Graham Jones rule book which just has two rules, rule 1) Graham Jones is always right, rule 2) if its proved Graham Jones is ever wrong rule 1 applies
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Old 31-05-2008, 10:01   #52
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
My message to these people is that I represent East Accrington and no amount of sour grapes, or community pressure, will have any impact with people around here, or myself.
Sorry is this trying to get to the truth of the matter through the police, or is this you trying to gain politically on something that may or may not be true?
formerly cyfr
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Old 31-05-2008, 10:13   #53
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
Sorry is this trying to get to the truth of the matter through the police, or is this you trying to gain politically on something that may or may not be true?
Well Andrew it does get a little monotonous, how many time has he reported PB to the standards board only be told "NO CASE TO ANSWER", As I have said before anyone who has a delusional hatred of Tories, just because of their political beliefs is not wired up right
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Old 31-05-2008, 10:14   #54
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

You shouldnt put someones name on a public forum without their permission........thats why we have usernames.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 31-05-2008, 10:21   #55
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
You shouldnt put someones name on a public forum without their permission........thats why we have usernames.
Well ema I use mr jones name because thats his user name, mr jones often use my real name when I hit a nerve with some comment, looks like I hit a real nerve this morning, He likes to dish it out but can't take it, thats when his toys come out of the pram

Last edited by jaysay; 31-05-2008 at 10:22. Reason: error
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Old 31-05-2008, 10:22   #56
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well ema I use mr jones name because thats his user name, mr jones often use my real name when I hit a nerve with some comment, looks like I hit a real nerve this morning, He likes to dish it out but can't take it and his toys come out of he pram
wasnt aimed at you
I would be pretty annoyed if someone used my real name on here.. if i wanted people to know it i would have used it as my username.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 31-05-2008, 10:40   #57
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
wasnt aimed at you
I would be pretty annoyed if someone used my real name on here.. if i wanted people to know it i would have used it as my username.
I think you have a fair point ema, as far as I'm personally concerned it doesn't undully bother me beause I did tell everyone what my real name is a long time ago, but I have got used to jaysay now, but it just shows g.jones up for what he is, a big spoiled child
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Old 31-05-2008, 11:34   #58
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
When you take into account what leaders of other councils get, its not much. Hyndburn is a business which spends around £14 million per annum, in comperison with what MPS get its a pitance, their exes are more than that
I bet nurses, firemen, or soldiers, wish they could vote to give themselves a 20% pay increase.

Still, as long as Peter Britcliffe thinks he's worth it, while many residents of Hyndburn struggle on, that's okay then.
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Old 31-05-2008, 11:39   #59
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well I suppose Mr Jones has to save face somehow, after all he is now officially the worst Labour leader in the history of Hyndburn Council, Since 1973 when Hyndburn Council was formed Labour has never had just 13 councillors, until now, take a bow Graham your legend in your own lunch time
It was actually 1974.

Rude and wrong.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 31-05-2008, 11:51   #60
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I bet nurses, firemen, or soldiers, wish they could vote to give themselves a 20% pay increase.

Still, as long as Peter Britcliffe thinks he's worth it, while many residents of Hyndburn struggle on, that's okay then.
That a load of B******** and you know it Rindi, its like a broken record or is it g.jones pulling your strings. Councillor in Hyndburn are underpaid compared to other authorites, when you consider cabinet members at LCC are on the thick end of £35 grand and the leader is on around £60 grand. Leader of HBC is now a full time job, its a business and should be run as such, when officers are on telephone number salaries, £20 grand for the Leader is still low in comparison. The reason g.jones opposed it, is that if he was leader, he still has a full time job, and thats a good reason he shouldn't even be given the chance.
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