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Old 28-01-2009, 17:42   #31
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Re: police raid

I have health problems caused by prescription drugs

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Old 28-01-2009, 17:44   #32
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Re: police raid

i try to take as little medication as possible, i prefer to use something more natural wherever possible, same with ty.. my uncle died because his body had built up a tolerance to his medication.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 28-01-2009, 18:28   #33
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Re: police raid

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
You obviously haven't had any serious health problems to make a statement like that
Maybe not, but whats that got to do with it.

BBC NEWS | Health | Doctors 'recommend cannabis use'

Not bad 45% say cannabis worked better than perscribed medicine.

Do a bit of googling on the uses of cannabis, you will see its not all that bad as some people make you believe.

Even Obamah Has a Opinion.
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Old 28-01-2009, 18:57   #34
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Re: police raid

I believe in cannabis for medicine purposes, because its controlled, but people taking it just to 'chill out' is stupid!, it can make ya paranoid and some people i know who have took it look terrible in my opinion.
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Old 29-01-2009, 11:47   #35
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Re: police raid

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Maybe not, but whats that got to do with it.

BBC NEWS | Health | Doctors 'recommend cannabis use'

Not bad 45% say cannabis worked better than perscribed medicine.

Do a bit of googling on the uses of cannabis, you will see its not all that bad as some people make you believe.

Even Obamah Has a Opinion.
Well the thing is Mr. D. I take prescription pain killers, probably the strongest you can get outside hospital, but cannabis wouldn't be any good for me as being chronic asthmatic smoking anything is a no no.
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Old 29-01-2009, 11:50   #36
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Re: police raid

you can eat it jaysay
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 29-01-2009, 12:34   #37
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Re: police raid

Originally Posted by emamum View Post
you can eat it jaysay
What she said. or drink it.

I believe threw the doctor it is in a spray form.
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Old 29-01-2009, 17:20   #38
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Re: police raid

Originally Posted by emamum View Post
you can eat it jaysay
I'm sure like your good self ema, I'm careful what I put in my mouth
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Old 29-01-2009, 19:02   #39
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Re: police raid

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post

Even Obamah Has a Opinion.
what a shocker

an american black guy whos ok with drugs pmsl
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Old 30-01-2009, 09:54   #40
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Re: police raid

There are convincing arguments from both sides of the legalising cannabis fence.
Medical use has been promoted for a number of years for conditions such as MS.
I have very limited experience of its medical use so would prefer to comment on the aspect I do have experience of which is social use.

The experts against legalising/non criminalising it tell us that it is addictive, causes paranoia, leads to the use of more powerful substances and turns people into social degenerates.
Smoked in small quantities, cannabis can be enjoyed as a recreational drug and the user suffers no after effects at all. It isn't addictive and does not automatically make the user want to try something stronger. It invokes a state of mild contentment and a feeling of extreme well being. In that respect, it is just the same as alcohol which when taken responsibly, creates a very pleasant atmosphere and causes the user no after effects at all, except in the case of alcohol a hangover the following day.

On the other hand, over use of cannabis does cause mental anxiety and can trigger some very serious mental problems. Smoked in large quantities, it is a very dangerous substance indeed.

Most cannabis smokers and alcohol drinkers take their chosen substance in controlled quantities and having enjoyed the effects, return back to their normal mental state and carry on with their lives.

Heavy smokers and heavy drinkers on the other hand, just don't know when to stop. Binge drinkers will quite happily drink themselves into oblivion and try the fight with the rest of the world on the way to the kebab shop after a session.
Heavy smokers will exceed the feeling of contentment and enter a state of near unconciousness. In the same way that excessive alcohol can damage vital organs of the body, cannabis too can damage the body, particularly the brain. Small amounts of cannabis have little, long term, effect on the brain but increased use can severely affect shorth term memory and induce paranoia.
The Government seem to have a strange attitude towards what we as the general public are and are not allowed to do. They make laws preventing us from using harmful substances such as cannabis yet allow the purchase of other, far more dangerous things such as Alcohol and Fireworks to be perfectly acceptable.
I respect the wishes of people who do not wish to smoke cannabis in the same way that people can choose not to drink alcohol or eat meat etc. but I do object to not being allowed to make a choice.

Just for the record, I would not even consider taking any of the white powders and mysterious tablets which are available these days, common sense tells me that they could contain anything. I have also seen first hand how such substances can turn coherent human beings into non functioning zombies in an alarmingly short time.
There is a sunset every day in Morecambe but some are better than others.

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Old 30-01-2009, 11:50   #41
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Re: police raid

Originally Posted by Morecambe Ex Pat View Post
There are convincing arguments from both sides of the legalising cannabis fence.
Medical use has been promoted for a number of years for conditions such as MS.
I have very limited experience of its medical use so would prefer to comment on the aspect I do have experience of which is social use.

The experts against legalising/non criminalising it tell us that it is addictive, causes paranoia, leads to the use of more powerful substances and turns people into social degenerates.
Smoked in small quantities, cannabis can be enjoyed as a recreational drug and the user suffers no after effects at all. It isn't addictive and does not automatically make the user want to try something stronger. It invokes a state of mild contentment and a feeling of extreme well being. In that respect, it is just the same as alcohol which when taken responsibly, creates a very pleasant atmosphere and causes the user no after effects at all, except in the case of alcohol a hangover the following day.

On the other hand, over use of cannabis does cause mental anxiety and can trigger some very serious mental problems. Smoked in large quantities, it is a very dangerous substance indeed.

Most cannabis smokers and alcohol drinkers take their chosen substance in controlled quantities and having enjoyed the effects, return back to their normal mental state and carry on with their lives.

Heavy smokers and heavy drinkers on the other hand, just don't know when to stop. Binge drinkers will quite happily drink themselves into oblivion and try the fight with the rest of the world on the way to the kebab shop after a session.
Heavy smokers will exceed the feeling of contentment and enter a state of near unconciousness. In the same way that excessive alcohol can damage vital organs of the body, cannabis too can damage the body, particularly the brain. Small amounts of cannabis have little, long term, effect on the brain but increased use can severely affect short term memory and induce paranoia.
The Government seem to have a strange attitude towards what we as the general public are and are not allowed to do. They make laws preventing us from using harmful substances such as cannabis yet allow the purchase of other, far more dangerous things such as Alcohol and Fireworks to be perfectly acceptable.
I respect the wishes of people who do not wish to smoke cannabis in the same way that people can choose not to drink alcohol or eat meat etc. but I do object to not being allowed to make a choice.

Just for the record, I would not even consider taking any of the white powders and mysterious tablets which are available these days, common sense tells me that they could contain anything. I have also seen first hand how such substances can turn coherent human beings into non functioning zombies in an alarmingly short time.
I actually think that you put a valid argument across here, but I think the Governments thinking in this case is not the actually smoking of cannabis, but the fact that doing so leads to addiction of other narcotics such as Crack Cocaine and Heroine. Its widely understood that the vast majority of drug addicts who use hard drugs start on the downward spiral by smoking cannabis
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Old 30-01-2009, 12:19   #42
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Re: police raid

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I actually think that you put a valid argument across here, but I think the Governments thinking in this case is not the actually smoking of cannabis, but the fact that doing so leads to addiction of other narcotics such as Crack Cocaine and Heroine. Its widely understood that the vast majority of drug addicts who use hard drugs start on the downward spiral by smoking cannabis
You really dont have a clue.

It people like you that give an opinion but do not have the foggiest idea what it REALLY like.

Cannabis leads to addiction to Crack Cocaine & Heroine, dont be so pathetic.

"Its widely understood that the vast majority of drug addicts who use hard drugs start on the downward spiral by smoking cannabis", says Who THE SUN newspaper.

If anything, Class A Drugs, Cocaine, Anphatamine (SP) Ect are mainly used by DRINKERS to help them when they GO OUT, to KEEP UP as they cant as tehy have DRUNK to MUCH ALCHOL.

As for Smack and Crack Cocaine, you find that more likely you use/try it because you assossiate with that group of people, not becaue you had a smoke of cannabis.

Do some checking up on FACTS.
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Old 30-01-2009, 12:26   #43
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Re: police raid

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Its widely understood that the vast majority of drug addicts who use hard drugs start on the downward spiral by smoking cannabis
Also the vast majority of people who have smoked cannabis never go on to be addicted to hard drugs.

Addictive personalities exist - whether they start by using cannabis or prescription drugs like codeine and valium - addiction is not capable of being controlled by legislation

The reason why cannabis is treated differently from codeine and valium is because the pharmacutical companies are unable to profit from it
(but they are trying)

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Old 30-01-2009, 12:51   #44
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Re: police raid

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
You really dont have a clue.

It people like you that give an opinion but do not have the foggiest idea what it REALLY like.

Cannabis leads to addiction to Crack Cocaine & Heroine, dont be so pathetic.

"Its widely understood that the vast majority of drug addicts who use hard drugs start on the downward spiral by smoking cannabis", says Who THE SUN newspaper.

If anything, Class A Drugs, Cocaine, Anphatamine (SP) Ect are mainly used by DRINKERS to help them when they GO OUT, to KEEP UP as they cant as tehy have DRUNK to MUCH ALCHOL.

As for Smack and Crack Cocaine, you find that more likely you use/try it because you assossiate with that group of people, not becaue you had a smoke of cannabis.

Do some checking up on FACTS.
i think you have been a bit hard on jaysay there... we are led to believe that canabis leads to hard drugs, i agree with you, i know a lot of people that have used cannabis but not gone onto anything else and i saw more hard drugs when i was working as a bar maid in pubs and nightclubs.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 30-01-2009, 12:53   #45
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Re: police raid

This youtube clip will show you that cannabis does not cause aggression

what a happy fireman

Last edited by MargaretR; 30-01-2009 at 12:57.
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