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Old 16-05-2013, 09:15   #16
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
The roads need to be repaired, I agree with that, but I don`t think someone who has commited a crime, whatever the crime is, has a right to say where his fine is spent.
I mentioned the Road Tax first off in the other post, yeh never mentioned that n as far as i'm aware road repairs are supposed to come out of it. So were should money from motoring fines go then? personally its not about the right to say were money goes, more about common sense.
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Old 16-05-2013, 09:33   #17
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Re: police speed checks m65

I thought road tax was for road repairs, as far as the fines go, the money can go to wherever it`s needed the most. Doesn`t it just go into the governments pot with everyones tax money?
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Old 16-05-2013, 09:39   #18
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
I thought road tax was for road repairs,
Thats the general idea as i understood it, but it sure as hell don't happen, watched a documentary on it years ago n still sod alls changed, so cmon can't blame the Tories cos both sides are as bad, as me car has been damaged due to bad roads i think i'm entitled to bitch.
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Old 16-05-2013, 09:42   #19
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Re: police speed checks m65

speed cameras in built up areas or outside schools and hospitals etc i agree with but theres a hell of a lot of cameras that are set in places deliberatly to sneakily catch a motorist unawares.

i did meet a nice copper one time on the motorway he had stopped me to inform me that i was touching 99mph and that if it had been busy on the road he woulda done me but because it was late and no traffic he would let me off with a verbal warning.Its a pitty a lot more coppers dont have the same shred of integrity and common sense this copper did
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Old 16-05-2013, 09:57   #20
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by cashman View Post me car has been damaged due to bad roads i think i'm entitled to bitch.
You`re also entitled to put in a claim for it`s repair. - How to claim
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Old 16-05-2013, 10:00   #21
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
speed cameras in built up areas or outside schools and hospitals etc i agree with but theres a hell of a lot of cameras that are set in places deliberatly to sneakily catch a motorist unawares.
But if you aren`t breaking the speed limit, it doesn`t matter how sneaky they are.
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Old 16-05-2013, 10:06   #22
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
speed cameras in built up areas or outside schools and hospitals etc i agree with but theres a hell of a lot of cameras that are set in places deliberatly to sneakily catch a motorist unawares.

i did meet a nice copper one time on the motorway he had stopped me to inform me that i was touching 99mph and that if it had been busy on the road he woulda done me but because it was late and no traffic he would let me off with a verbal warning.Its a pitty a lot more coppers dont have the same shred of integrity and common sense this copper did
Sorry but if there is a speed limit catching motorist unawares doesn't come into it, if your driving through any town you know the speed limit is 30 so if your caught doing 40 who's fault is it, same thing on the motorway if you get clocked at 80 you deserve all you get, everybody knows the speed limits if you break them there's only one person to blame you
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Old 16-05-2013, 10:06   #23
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
You`re also entitled to put in a claim for it`s repair. - How to claim
Wasn't aware of it ta, not much use now as was a couple of years back n different car, but will file away.
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Old 16-05-2013, 10:16   #24
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Wasn't aware of it ta, not much use now as was a couple of years back n different car, but will file away.
I read somewhere a while ago, it`s cheaper to pay the claims to repair the cars damaged by the roads, than it is to repair the roads.
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Old 16-05-2013, 10:17   #25
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
But if you aren`t breaking the speed limit, it doesn`t matter how sneaky they are.

one local example

as you enter great harwood coming from rishton there is a 50mph sign

about 40 yards after that sign maybe less in a dip in the road there is a 30mph sign and this is a spot where speed trap cameras like to hide

i know that i am about to enter a town but someone not familiar to the area will see that 50mph sign and by the time they see the 30mph sign and start to slow down its too late they are zapped
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Old 16-05-2013, 10:21   #26
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Wasn't aware of it ta, not much use now as was a couple of years back n different car, but will file away.
you can claim for dammage caused to your car but you best have a tape measure and camera to hand because as soon as you report it they nip up and fix it so you cant prove it was too deep and a danger
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Old 16-05-2013, 10:26   #27
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
you can claim for dammage caused to your car but you best have a tape measure and camera to hand because as soon as you report it they nip up and fix it so you cant prove it was too deep and a danger
No need for a tape measure, just something to show scale, like a coin for example.
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Old 16-05-2013, 10:27   #28
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Re: police speed checks m65

another example same town different exit

if you are leaving rishton to come to accrington past the dunk hotel you pass a fixed speed camera then head down a steep incline.Police and speed traps like to hide there at the bottom to catch people that are putting their foot downa little to get their car ready for the steep incline ahead.Iv known people get tickets for doing 33mph on that one which is a tad harsh but like its been said speeding is speeding ]

funny thing is 2 miles away the police do sod all about red light jumpers at whitebirk which is a more dangerous threat in my opinion and more likely to cause death
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Last edited by accyman; 16-05-2013 at 10:30.
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Old 16-05-2013, 10:29   #29
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
No need for a tape measure, just something to show scale, like a coin for example.

i think it was flashy a membe ron here whos sisters tyre was blown out by a hole in the road a while back.Im not sure how she got on with teh council .Maybe she will see this and let us know if she got her dammage repaired by the council
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Old 16-05-2013, 10:41   #30
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Re: police speed checks m65

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
funny thing is 2 miles away the police do sod all about red light jumpers at whitebirk which is a more dangerous threat in my opinion and more likely to cause death
I certainly agree with that, there`s definitely worse offences, there`s this right pratt I see a lot on my way home, I come down shad road to the lights at intack, in a queue waiting to turn right, he just comes right passed everyone down the wrong side of the road and straight through the lights.
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