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Try telling that to the guy who had to brake harder because his safety space was invaded by someone having fun.
Seriously - you're suggesting that the roads are there for entertainment?
Equally as bad as a speeding driver is the self righteous driver.
I ended up refusing to travel with a work colleague because he was a danger to all.
He would travel at 45 in the middle lane watching his mirrors, anyone he considered to be 'speeding' in the outside lane would be treated to a well timed (according to him) drift without indicating, towards that lane causing the other driver to brake hard and often have to swerve towards the lane we were in, as the poor victim was taking emergency action he would then drift in the opposite direction causing the driver to once again have to avoid him.
The nearer the unsuspecting driver came to a collision with say the middle barrier or another car the more this guy would smile and shout in a self satisfied voice, 'That'll teach him, no-one speeds past me if I can help it'.
No doubt he is still doing it and is still thinking of himself as a mobile traffic calmer, the rest of us just called him a stupid inconsiderate fool.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
I don't hear many people using the term overtaking lane these days, I usually hear it referred to as the outside lane and people tend to number them 1 2 3 4 5 etc.
I know anything pulling a trailer can't go in the outside lane but I still often see cars with trailers in the outside lane. Is there a weight limit as well as no trailers allowed in the outside lane?
I did saw it was the 70s Neil, even then you couldn't undertake anybody on the inside, there were usually only 3 lanes in those days, only 2 on part of the M5, but HGV and cars with trailers were also excluded from what was known as the overtaking lane, 3rd lane, that included caravans too, I think car towing a caravan were also limited to 50mph
Equally as bad as a speeding driver is the self righteous driver.
I ended up refusing to travel with a work colleague because he was a danger to all.
He would travel at 45 in the middle lane...
I remember seeing one of those Police Camera type programs, and there was an "advanced motorist" sitting in lane 3 at 70mph. The police pulled him over and booked him even though his defence was "I was driving at the speed limit - nobody should need to overtake me because they would be the ones breaking the law"
He got a fixed penalty as far as I recall - on the basis that traffic management is not his responsibility. Your ex-colleague sounds more dangerous than that, though.
I'm entitled to be a bit self-rightoeus about people who drive too fast. Last week I slowed to a stop behind a car waiting to turn right. The car behind skidded to jogging pace and used my car to finish his braking manoeuvre.
Nothing self righteous about asking drivers to take responsibilty for their own actions.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking drivers to take responsibilities for THEIR actions, you speed you get booked, don't complain.
THERE is something self righteous about an idiot that gets pleasure from putting folk in danger, he is far worse than anyone that breaks the speed limit.
Or would you like to come back with some sort of response that he was acting in a responsible manner and entitled to do what he did?
We can only drive one car at a time, drive yours to keep yourself safe, don't try to correct the rest of the traffic!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking drivers to take responsibilities for THEIR actions, you speed you get booked, don't complain.
THERE is something self righteous about an idiot that gets pleasure from putting folk in danger, he is far worse than anyone that breaks the speed limit.
Or would you like to come back with some sort of response that he was acting in a responsible manner and entitled to do what he did?
We can only drive one car at a time, drive yours to keep yourself safe, don't try to correct the rest of the traffic!
There is no excuse for what he was doing, and I don`t blame you for refusing to travel with him, sounds a right tool.
im sorry lol but just as it seems teh waters have smoothed less chucks a boulder in the pond lmao
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right