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31-01-2007, 07:08
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
professionals cost more than the single Mum is likely to earn, especially if she has more than one child - so what does that gain anybody?
mmmmpppphhhh never any gender police around when you want them 
31-01-2007, 08:48
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Re: Political Claptrap
Well it does tend to be the single Mums who end up in low paid jobs. Not saying that single Dads don't struggle to be able to work and look after kids but if there's a relationship breakdown the Dad has probably been in work when the children were little whereas the Mum may not have been, so if he's suddenly alone with the children he is likely to already have a decent job (OK, maybe not always) which hasn't had a break in the employment record so he's probably more likey to be already earning a reasonabl wage and more likely to be able to pay for childcare than a woman left on her own with kids who has to start looking for work if she has been at home looking after them up to then. It would be harder for her to find a job which would pay enough to cover childcare or alternatively to fit in with school hours and holidays. Does that make more sense?
I honestly don't know how any lone parent manages with the possibilities of children's illnesses and accidents, if theres more than one child that multiplies the possible time off work that would be needed. On the one hand the government is saying that parents should take responsibility for their children and on the other hand they are saying the lone parent should be elsewhere and someone else caring for their child.
As far as the age of the children goes, although a 14 year old may very well be a capable baby sitter that's a bit different to expecting a 14 year old to be able to take control of a rebellious younger sibling of say 12 or 10.
31-01-2007, 10:02
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Not saying that single Dads don't struggle to be able to work and look after kids but if there's a relationship breakdown the Dad has probably been in work when the children were little whereas the Mum may not have been, so if he's suddenly alone with the children he is likely to already have a decent job (OK, maybe not always) which hasn't had a break in the employment record so he's probably more likey to be already earning a reasonabl wage and more likely to be able to pay for childcare than a woman left on her own with kids who has to start looking for work if she has been at home looking after them up to then. Does that make more sense?
That only works if the childcare is available to pay for. It's also more likely that if the Dad is in a 'better' job it also involved longer hours and more responsibility. With that sort of job you would be amazed how many women get away with having time off to look after sick children but as soon as a man has to do it the emplyers attitude is totally different. I know from experience. I work in IT but my job opportunities have diminished considerably because I can only work the hours my childminder works. And of course I can't take a job where it may involve overnight stays. Very frustrating.
Of course there isn't a one solution fits all but the childcare facilites for school age children are still appalling despite the MP's claims. I think it's a case of I'm alright Jack with them because they can afford to pay top whack and of course there is no shortage of childminders who will do the job for that amount of money.
Despite all that I've been lucky to find a job and a childminder that fits what I need for the past few years, it's not made me rich but has kept us going. If only the facilites were available for lots more single parents to do that, it would sort the genuine ones out from the stereotyped ones.
31-01-2007, 10:10
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by lancsdave
Of course there isn't a one solution fits all but the childcare facilites for school age children are still appalling despite the MP's claims. I think it's a case of I'm alright Jack with them because they can afford to pay top whack and of course there is no shortage of childminders who will do the job for that amount of money.
The really well-to-do of course have au pairs and live-in nannies - maybe they should pay single parents enough to cover the costs of a nanny. That would make them sit up and think.
31-01-2007, 10:10
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Re: Political Claptrap
Gee i cant even do my weekly shopping atm, got one poorly child full of this bug going round & hasnt improved so shopping goes bye byes cos the difficulty of being in 2 places at once means that i either drag a sick child around or stop in & hope for the best not an ideal decision either way is it, i cant leave a 9year old alone unsupervised - darn curse of the lone parent!!
Least in a partnership one could do one while other nurses the ill child!
31-01-2007, 10:12
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
The really well-to-do of course have au pairs and live-in nannies - maybe they should pay single parents enough to cover the costs of a nanny. That would make them sit up and think.
I've often thought of getting an au-pair 
31-01-2007, 10:14
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by accymel
got one poorly child full of this bug going round
I know how he feels, had to drag myself to work in my death bed this morning.  Still at least he has a nurse lol.
31-01-2007, 10:14
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by lancsdave
I've often thought of getting an au-pair 
Send the bill to Mr. Hutton. 
31-01-2007, 10:23
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I honestly don't know how any lone parent manages with the possibilities of children's illnesses and accidents, if theres more than one child that multiplies the possible time off work that would be needed. On the one hand the government is saying that parents should take responsibility for their children and on the other hand they are saying the lone parent should be elsewhere and someone else caring for their child.
As far as the age of the children goes, although a 14 year old may very well be a capable baby sitter that's a bit different to expecting a 14 year old to be able to take control of a rebellious younger sibling of say 12 or 10.
I couldnt take a job this year even if i was offered the perfect one as my youngest has to have an operation which has min of 9-10 weeks of recovery & will be struggling to walk certainly during that time, i doubt any employer would let me have that amount of time off - plus weekly hospital visits & copious appointments to attend this year because of it.
Jobcentre said to me last year, that when my youngest is 11 then im actually encouraged to actively seek work more so than before & that a 14year old looking after sibling a bit younger would be a possibility for me to work, mm as u point out willow thats exactly what i said to them! Also the judgements i'd receive that if my kids were mucking about while i was at work, like my friend suffered alsorts of gossip & complaints because 'they' thought she put job before looking after her kids & that she should have someone looking after them, she had to work but she had no other means of chilcare but her eldest @ 14yrs old whom by no means totally responsible at all, my mate went tho hell even thrat of prision & hefty fine because her troublesome teens were bunking off school knowing full well they could come home & have key as mum was at work!! Wtf was she to do?? This gov makes parents accountable for their kiddies behaviour but how can they when they cant be there to supevise as at work ?!?
31-01-2007, 10:27
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by lancsdave
I know how he feels, had to drag myself to work in my death bed this morning.  Still at least he has a nurse lol.
With not much gas & loose change cos i havent been to the bank, to make things better i may not be able to tommorow i've got inspector from HH to inspect my heating again 
31-01-2007, 12:32
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by accymel
like my friend suffered alsorts of gossip & complaints because 'they' thought she put job before looking after her kids & that she should have someone looking after them, she had to work but she had no other means of chilcare but her eldest @ 14yrs old whom by no means totally responsible at all, my mate went tho hell even thrat of prision & hefty fine because her troublesome teens were bunking off school knowing full well they could come home & have key as mum was at work!! Wtf was she to do?? This gov makes parents accountable for their kiddies behaviour but how can they when they cant be there to supevise as at work ?!?
That's exactly what I mean - damned if you do and damned if you don't. I personally think that children are much better off with their parent(s) if at all possible and don't like this idea of forcing people into work when they have responsibilities towards their children.
31-01-2007, 12:47
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Re: Political Claptrap
heres where i become unpopular again
perhaps before actualy having children people should make sure they can afford to have them instead of relying on teh benifit system to support them and their children
yes not all parents can help been single parents ,i certaily wasnt planning on not seeing my son grow up when me and my ex partner decided to keep our child but the amount of single mothers would be greatly reduced if it wasnt so easy to get hand outs from the benefits system
say what you like and defend your corner , i have no doubt that there are valid reasons for single parents which get rammed down my throat every time i post on these subjects but like i have said many times before there are plenty of women out there especialy in teh teenage category that see having a baby as a cash provider , i would dread to think how much tax payers money that is supposed to be for the child actualy ends up in teh pub or off licence
if i had custordy of my child i could work part time and get my wage topped up to more than what it was when i was in full time employment plus the extras like free dental , prescriptions and help with teh rent and child benefit on top of all that
to me it seems very wrong that peopel have to work full time and pay lots of tax just to support other peoples kids
we shoudl adopt chinas rule that your first child you can get help from teh state with but any after that you have to pay for yourself
i dont know about anyone else but in teh summer it realy brassed me off when i was working shifts and seeing people with prams sat out in the sun outside the pub as i headed off to work 
Last edited by chav1; 31-01-2007 at 12:52.
31-01-2007, 13:08
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by chav1
but the amount of single mothers would be greatly reduced if it wasnt so easy to get hand outs from the benefits system
You really think that makes up the majority of people who claim benefits ?
if i had custordy of my child i could work part time and get my wage topped up to more than what it was when i was in full time employment plus the extras like free dental , prescriptions and help with teh rent and child benefit on top of all that
You reckon ?? Easy life isn't it !!
31-01-2007, 13:10
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Re: Political Claptrap
Last edited by accymel; 31-01-2007 at 13:12.
31-01-2007, 13:15
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Re: Political Claptrap
Originally Posted by accymel
Well done on the certificate but should you really be doing all that when the pubs are open to spend your benefits in. Don't want to spoil Chav's steroetyping views now do we 
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