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Old 30-08-2018, 15:59   #91
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Re: Political Correctness, again!

I agree with that Less I have nothing against any immigrant that is here legally and integrates, race or colour dont mean jot if thats the case, Those that refuse to integrate GET SHUT as far as i'm concerned.
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Old 30-08-2018, 16:56   #92
Beacon of light

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Re: Political Correctness, again!

I am with you all the way on this Less.
The truth is these incomers do not want to be part of a westernised community....the Burqa is a symptom of that.
These women want to separate themselves by living inside their own little bubble....divorced from any interaction with the locals of the community they live in.
I am never sure if they do it for themselves(some insist that they do) or whether it is part of male dominance in their culture.
Which ever it is, it is a huge barrier to integration and social cohesion.
How can you relate to, or trust someone whose face you cannot see?

On a personal level, I feel intimidated by women wearing this garment.
I do not like to be in places where they are...and isn't that sad?
And wrong on every level.
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Old 30-08-2018, 17:34   #93
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Political Correctness, again!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I am with you all the way on this Less.
The truth is these incomers do not want to be part of a westernised community....the Burqa is a symptom of that.
These women want to separate themselves by living inside their own little bubble....divorced from any interaction with the locals of the community they live in.
I am never sure if they do it for themselves(some insist that they do) or whether it is part of male dominance in their culture.
Which ever it is, it is a huge barrier to integration and social cohesion.
How can you relate to, or trust someone whose face you cannot see?

On a personal level, I feel intimidated by women wearing this garment.
I do not like to be in places where they are...and isn't that sad?
And wrong on every level.
Personally, I don't give a damn about these women covering themselves up, I ain't no looker but if I looked like some of them I would want to keep up the mystery of, 'am I worth looking at or not?' by covering myself.

It could be a blessing when looking at the rest of us if we took on this guise, just to relieve everyone else from having to put up with how we look.

Unfortunately, this is a western society in which we put up with how others look, I am what I am see me and weep, not a great situation for the eye, but by heck, it's an honest approach to life and offers all around you the security that they are no worse than you, nor are we threatening in our appearance to others.
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Old 30-08-2018, 19:33   #94
Beacon of light

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Re: Political Correctness, again!

Less, if you are fishing for compliments, you need to put better bait on your hook.
I make no apologies for how I has taken a long time and a lot of money to look like this.
No, they are no worse than me, but no better either(and yes, I know you never said they were)

I DO give a damn about what is under the burqa.

If these women do not like the western civilisation then they should go to a place where this kind of clothing is the norm.
Afghanistan seems a good place to get accepted in that get up.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 30-08-2018 at 19:35.
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Old 30-08-2018, 21:46   #95
Full Member

Re: Political Correctness, again!

If any that are wearing the full face veil try talking to me ( not that they would) then my sudden deafness will result in flat hearing aid batteries so Ill have to read their lips instead
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Old 31-08-2018, 07:03   #96
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Re: Political Correctness, again!

Rainbow Six, they are about as likely to speak to you as I am to become a space engineer, or pope.
I don't even think they would say 'ouch' if you trod on their toes....accidentally of course.
This garb is meant to deter you from any level of communication....that is why it is bad for cohesion.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 31-08-2018, 08:37   #97
God Member

Re: Political Correctness, again!

what gets me about the head gear they wear is that i,ve lived over 50 years in areas of high muslim immigration and its only the last few years that it seems to have become an issue due to the number of women starting to dress this way. years ago it was rare to see one in full headress so the question is why do a good number of em decide to use this dress now.
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Old 01-09-2018, 05:27   #98
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Re: Political Correctness, again!

..and still more re the P.C. stuff. The longer I live the more I question the sanity of some folk who have nothing better to do than come up with stupid suggestions. The latest here is that a school in Sydney has changed Father’s Day and Mother’s Day celebrations to Parents’ and Carers’ Day, while several schools in Melbourne have changed their celebrations from Father’s Day to Special Person’s Day. (It’s Father’s Day here tomorrow). It’s all to do with making everyone ‘feel more comfortable’ irrespective of their family situation.

These moves have been described by people from various bodies as 'loopy' and 'political correctness gone mad' - I could think of stronger words to use.
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Old 01-09-2018, 06:50   #99
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Re: Political Correctness, again!

That is not much different to the PC brigade referring to Mothers to be as
'Pregnant people'....please enlighten me. How many men get pregnant?
I am fed up of hearing about all this pandering to what the media term as 'gender fluid' or 'non binary'. They are a small minority of the population, yet we are being foisted with gender neutral public lavatories just to make sure we do not offend these poor souls.

If you have male genitalia, then you are is encrypted in your DNA....regardless of what your brain tells you.
And likewise, if you have female genitalia, you are biologically female.

I feel sorry for those who are genuinely confused about what gender they are, but feel that there are some who are just trying it every sense of the word.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 01-09-2018, 08:28   #100
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Re: Political Correctness, again!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

I feel sorry for those who are genuinely confused about what gender they are, but feel that there are some who are just trying it every sense of the word.
the more they talk about it the more confused they will get. my partners brother actually wanted to be a dog and thought he was one as a kid. suppose nowadays there would be someone or organisation spouting on about encouraging his canine antic to fulfill himself.
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Old 01-09-2018, 09:34   #101
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Re: Political Correctness, again!

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
the more they talk about it the more confused they will get. my partners brother actually wanted to be a dog and thought he was one as a kid. suppose nowadays there would be someone or organisation spouting on about encouraging his canine antic to fulfill himself.
Bet you didn't help him by keep telling him to sit then throwing a ball for him to fetch.
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Old 01-09-2018, 10:04   #102
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Political Correctness, again!

Originally Posted by ferret man View Post
Bet you didn't help him by keep telling him to sit then throwing a ball for him to fetch.
Nor would he have taken him for a walk, bad enough having to clean up after a dog, imagine the fine if he fouled the pavement?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 01-09-2018, 10:08   #103
God Member

Re: Political Correctness, again!

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Nor would he have taken him for a walk, bad enough having to clean up after a dog, imagine the fine if he fouled the pavement?
would have been fine as you could have said he was a horse.
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Old 02-09-2018, 01:18   #104
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Re: Political Correctness, again!

Regarding gender neutral toilets. As a person who has developed severe claustrophobia over the years, paranoid to the point of feeling really ill when in a confined space, I am very nervous when in ANY small place at all that I feel I might not be able to get out of. I can’t even enjoy a pee in peace in our loo at home if our toilet door is locked as I am too worried that the lock might not work when I’m done and I won’t be able to open the door. Then, like those three old ladies who have been immortalised in song, I would be well and truly stuck in the lavatory…..

So when I’m out and about and I desperately have to use a public loo (there is, after all, only so far a person can walk with legs crossed) I close the door but don’t lock it properly so it probably still shows ‘vacant’ on the door. You can bet your sweet bippy I definitely would not use a gender neutral toilet, it’s enough worry knowing that a woman might try to come in but would be more embarrassing if it was a bloke – just guide me to that bush you mentioned earlier on this thread, Margaret.

And I bet you all needed to know this.....
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Old 17-09-2018, 16:04   #105
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Re: Political Correctness, again!

It's simple "everything's whiter than white!"
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