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Old 29-04-2015, 09:26   #16
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

I called in the council offices on Ormerod Street today to get some free poo bags. The are really thin and see through.We will not be using them. We will stick to the paid for ones from the tourist information centre in the town hall.
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Old 29-04-2015, 10:21   #17
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

I use nappy sacks.
Studio25 and Accyexplorer like this.
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Old 29-04-2015, 11:00   #18
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
...a comment something like...'Isn't it a nuisance when they need to 'go' more than once?'
I never set off with fewer than a dozen poo bags. One of my boys needs at least five poos over his three-mile walk.

The other (the one in my avatar) only goes once, but he likes his privacy and runs to the opposite end of the field. Luckily he has to then turn around ten times before he starts, so we do have time to get over to him and pick it up before it's lost in the long grass.

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Old 29-04-2015, 11:47   #19
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by Studio25 View Post
I never set off with fewer than a dozen poo bags. One of my boys needs at least five poos over his three-mile walk.

The other (the one in my avatar) only goes once, but he likes his privacy and runs to the opposite end of the field. Luckily he has to then turn around ten times before he starts, so we do have time to get over to him and pick it up before it's lost in the long grass.
This is because you are a responsible owner, and go out prepared and ready.
Those who do not pick up after their dogs go out without any intent on cleaning up the dog mess...but it is far safer for them to think that you think they have run out of bags and the offer of a poo bag has never been refused.
I suppose that I have this vain hope that it will instil some feeling of responsibility in these people...but I won't hold my breath.

We used to have a dog who always looked embarrassed if you watched him doing the necessary.......strange isn't it?
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Old 29-04-2015, 18:40   #20
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

I actually support this council initiative (very rare for me).
As mentioned above,sadly,a few spoil it for the rest.
Some (irresponsible) folk appear to think that it is perfectly acceptable to leave dogs... where other folk can stand in it (footpaths) or worse in places that children could potentially get it on their hands while playing (parks).
I seen folk actually picking up other folks dog mess up ...

....not something I'd be over keen on doing myself although it has been known for me to pick other folks rubbish/litter up when I go on my wanders.
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Old 01-05-2015, 02:11   #21
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Dog poo is dangerous in that it can cause potential diseases that can cause blindness and even be fatal. Horse poo doesn't. Horse poop is mostly digested vegetation.

Also, horse poop is much easier to see.

It annoys me (as an owner of two dogs!) to see folk not picking up after their dogs, however it equally annoys me that where I walk my dogs, there's one bin in sight after I run a three and a half mile stretch around a popular walking area. I don't not pick up nor do I leave bags of poo lying around, I've managed to coax my dogs to mostly poop before we get to the binless area.

But it seems a lot of people do-they'll pick up then hang it on a tree or put it on a wall.. Surely the council can agree that the price of a few bins will be less than paying workers to 'police' the area and clear away the mess.
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Old 01-05-2015, 10:11   #22
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Many areas have litter bins that you can put doggie bags into.....and are labelled to that effect.
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Old 01-05-2015, 12:21   #23
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Perhaps with this new scheme the council will dish out hefty fines to offenders then we could have a doggy bin every 10feet,maybe even the odd horse muck bin
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Old 01-05-2015, 13:30   #24
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

It doesn't need doggy bins...allowing ordinary litter bins to be used for this purpose would be far better and if other councils can do it then why not ours.
I cannot understand why someone would pick up doggy do's and hang them in a tree...where is the mentality in that?
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Old 01-05-2015, 15:13   #25
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

I know people who hang doggy doo bags on trees to remind them when they walk back to pick it up and bin it.
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Old 01-05-2015, 15:27   #26
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

I left mine at the side of the path on one walk (a long route in Gt Harwood with just one bin at the very start), with the intention of collecting it on the way back. It was in a bright pink nappy bag - couldn't miss it.

Someone else had tidied it up by the time I returned.

(When I say "mine" I mean "my dog's".)

Incidentally, I got some clear video on the dashcam of someone letting their dog take a dump while I was driving under the railway bridge on Blackburn Road.

Doesn't meet the criteria for getting a reward, though. The camera didn't show the owner walking away without scooping. I only saw that in my mirror as the lights had changed to green.

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Old 01-05-2015, 15:36   #27
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Just had a read of the actual criteria. It's not going to work, as there's no anonymity for the "witness".
  • Minimum of three clear photos of the act of dumping, dog's departure, picture of uncollected poo. (Owner doesn't have to be present.)
  • Informant must establish dog owner's address
  • Dog owner just needs to say "don't know what you're talking about" to the dog warden, or refuse to pay, and the informant would then need to appear in court as a witness.

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Old 01-05-2015, 16:48   #28
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
I know people who hang doggy doo bags on trees to remind them when they walk back to pick it up and bin it.
So why don't they pick it off the tree then?
As I said it would be much more effective for dog mess to be put into ordinary litter bins.
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Old 01-05-2015, 18:34   #29
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

There are quite a few folk who seem unwilling to use ordinary litter bins for their rubbish,perhaps this reward scheme could be extended to this issue also?

Putting dog poo in normal bins means it will probably end up in the landfill for "tip rats" like me to dig up in forthcoming years
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Old 01-05-2015, 18:54   #30
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

At least it is biodegradable.....unlike the plastic bags it is in.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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