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Old 15-06-2015, 23:04   #46
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I had to share what happened to me and Mr Sunflower earlier!

We were walking our two dogs and he had just picked up after one of them, approaching the bin we saw about five children aged from about 5 to 10 ish, rummaging in it, getting out bags of poo and throwing them at one another! As we got closer one of them said 'scuse me can we have your poo we're playing a game!

What the chuff?!

Of course we said no and carried it home but honestly what on earth. When we walked back the same way they had gone but there were loads of half splattered half full poo bags dotted around the floor. I guess It's not always dog owners to blame for the mess.

Also on another note, someone said to take the poo home and put it down your own toilet-isn't it illegal or at least ill-advised to put any waste other than human, down the toilet? Something to do with our sewage system not being designed to cope with any poo other than that of our species?

I could be wrong but I am sure I have heard that somewhere.
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Old 16-06-2015, 02:30   #47
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by Sunflower49 View Post

Also on another note, someone said to take the poo home and put it down your own toilet-isn't it illegal or at least ill-advised to put any waste other than human, down the toilet? Something to do with our sewage system not being designed to cope with any poo other than that of our species?

I could be wrong but I am sure I have heard that somewhere.
Worrying about stuff like this may be an indication you have too much free time on your hands. I'm sure there's more important shiite to worry about.
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Old 16-06-2015, 14:20   #48
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Did you not tell the kids about the dangers involved in dog poo?
It's not something to be playing a game with.

I hate carrying my dogs poo - it's just too stinky lol

It helps to walk it in parks where there are bins, but I still see some leaving it - usually either te type that have the rough dogs that they want to fight with or kids who just won't pick it up. Most others are considerate and will pick it up.
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Old 16-06-2015, 16:15   #49
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

if a kid has the mentality that a good idea is to pay with dog turds then id put that down to thinning of the herd and let them get on with it..

lets face it unless space travel is going to revolve around methane they aint going to be rocket scientists
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Old 16-06-2015, 16:45   #50
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
if a kid has the mentality that a good idea is to pay with dog turds then id put that down to thinning of the herd and let them get on with it..
There are times when I question the works of Charles Darwin
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Old 17-06-2015, 00:55   #51
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
There are times when I question the works of Charles Darwin
Darwin got it spot-on, it's other "intellectuals" who are causing the problem. By making the world safe for people who would otherwise end up as a smoking, carbonised crisp before reaching puberty, they are artificially preventing survival of the fittest.

To prove my point, this is the not-so-fine print on the bag of cat litter I use for my little feline.
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Old 17-06-2015, 02:17   #52
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

we live in a world where bags of nuts come with a warning that the packet may contain nuts

if you have a nut allergy and eat from a packet labeled KP nuts your either dim or suicidal
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 29-06-2015, 03:41   #53
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
If dog walkers should pick up after their pets, why do horse riders not clear up after their horses have crapped on roads, footpaths and pavements?
Reminds me of a day out with my late Grandad (god rest him) when I was but a snip of a lad....

After a day out to Blackpool, my Grandad (who never used the motorways ) was driving back to Accy down the back roads through Fleetwood / Garstang....

After a while driving down the country road....Grandad slams the brakes on and promptly gets out of the car ( an old Allegro as I remember ) & goes to the boot...opens it and pulls out a shovel and a big plastic bucket !!

Intrigued...(as any 8 / 9 year old would be ) I jumped out of the car to enquire as to what Grandad was up find my Grandad shovelling up a great pile of horsemuck and depositing it into the aforesaid plastic bucket !!!

"What's that for???" I enquired wondering.......

"It's for the desert" Grandad replied......

"What's for desert???" I asked wonderingly......

" A Splunge " my Grandad answered quickly....

"What's a Splunge ???" I asked......bewildered.......

" A bucket of muck with a crust on it.." was the reply.......

Joking apart, I always remember my Grandad had a great head of Rhubarb at the bottom of the garden, fed regularly with such finds of the aforementioned horse droppings. My Gran always made the tastiest Rhubarb crumble, accompanied by lashings of custard and thoughts of horsemuck never entered the equation !!

Back on a responsible dog owner, I'm often infuriated by other dog owners who don't clean up after their dogs....I am regularly forced to vent my splein at such folk who often look on bemused when I point out the basics of being a responsible dog owner. Like has been said before on this thread....they all seem to use the excuse of not being in possession of poo bags...

As for bins.... with all the cutbacks.....dedicated dog waste bins in my area of Blackburn have become a rarity.....we're now encouraged to place properly bagged dog waste into regular rubbish bins.....not knowing how waste is dealt with once it goes to processing, I'm unsure of the impact of said action and whether there is any long term consequence???

That said, I'm all for fines for irresponsible dog owners. Where I take my beloved hound for a stroll, It's got to the stage where I have to watch where the hound is walking for fear of her treading in some other beggars muck.....
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Last edited by Mick; 29-06-2015 at 04:43. Reason: language
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Old 29-06-2015, 21:43   #54
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

"It's a real pain when they use up your last bag and then want to go again - here have one of my bags."

Thats ready & waiting for the next conversation where someone says they have no bags, I always carry about a dozen in various pockets often when I dont have the dog with me lol.
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Old 30-07-2015, 06:04   #55
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

As usual the majority are being punished for a irresponsible acts of a few:-
Dogs could be banned from sport pitches and play areas in Accrington - Accrington Observer

HBC are proposing to introduce new dog control orders,one of the aims is to ban off-lead dogs from public spaces which have been marked as sports areas.
Some responsible owners may need to find alternative areas to exercise their K9 friends if they implement this new order,being a user of sports fields in the past I remember a few smelly incidents where folk had slid through dog muck while playing football and now,as a detectorist,I am also sick of seeing dog muck on fields designated for the enjoyment of everyone and with HBC spending more money on doggy bins...there is no excuse.
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Last edited by Accyexplorer; 30-07-2015 at 06:07.
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Old 30-07-2015, 09:10   #56
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
As usual the majority are being punished for a irresponsible acts of a few:-
Dogs could be banned from sport pitches and play areas in Accrington - Accrington Observer
I don't have a problem with this, even though it means that I'll have to walk a mile with my dogs on the lead before they can be let off for their run, instead of just crossing the road and letting them off.

In every aspect of life, you get a minority of scummy, antisocial people who spoil it for the rest. whether it's driving, watching a match, going for a night out or walking your dog. There's very little that can be done about these types of people, in fact the behaviour of the majority promotes further antisocial behaviour by the minority.

The football field over the road from my house isn't too bad - I only see within the playing area once a fortnight or so. There's always some in the rest of the field, though. Having said that, the parents of players seem to think it's OK to discard drinks bottles, food wrappers and dead umbrellas where they stand instead of taking it home, but I suppose they are only dangerous to wildlife, whereas excrement is dangerous to their little darlings.
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Old 30-07-2015, 10:25   #57
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Close to where I live there are two notices that threaten folk that allow their dogs to defecate on the field with a fine.
It doesn't work...Why?..Because no one enforces these rules.
Will the environment dpt be any tougher with this rule? Hmmm.

Without enforcement these rules are not worth
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

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Old 13-08-2015, 23:38   #58
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

An object lesson in what can happen when rules are not observed:-
Dog poo on pitch almost cost rugby player his foot « Shropshire Star
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Old 15-08-2015, 09:41   #59
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Clearly this individual feels very strongly about the subject. I just hope he does not suffer from giving advice 'to the wrong sort of low life who's dog is not a pet'.

Leiston bush camouflage man given dog mess advice - BBC News
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Old 17-08-2015, 11:49   #60
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

What on earth someone is walking a dog on the pitch for is beyond me, there is plenty of space elsewhere to do so. But as he says, no one follows the rules there - perhaps it's about time they enforced them.
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