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Old 28-04-2015, 07:08   #1
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"Poo dunnit"

Most of us are aware of the dog fouling epidemic that's swooped across the country,from the canal side to the countryside,we've all stood dog mess at one time or another.
While some councils are getting rid of dog mess bins (due to costs),HBC (alongside 100ish new bins in the past year) are offering residents £50 in a new campaign for information leading to the conviction (or a fixed penalty) of 'irresponsible' dog owners who refuse to clean up their pets mess and spoil our local parks etc.
Time to get clicking folks,there's good money to be made here

For more info:-

Hyndburn Labour Group: HBC: Poo Dunnit? £50 dog fouling reward scheme
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Old 28-04-2015, 08:30   #2
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

They also have these signs on the actual boxes as well, I noticed that it did state that to claim the reward for dropping your neighbour in the sh..ocking stuff it says you have to be able to prove it was them (or rather, their dog). I wonder what they consider to be proof? A photo of the dog taking a dump? (That would look good in today in pictures wouldn't it), taking the turd as evidence around to the Council Offices? Nah, this isn't a new hobby that appeals to me I think I'll give it a miss.🐩
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Old 28-04-2015, 08:48   #3
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

I often "borrow " a dog to walk. I go a two mile round trip and only pass two doggie bins both quite close to each other near the cemetery on Dill Hall Lane. Rightly or wrongly I often drop the doggie bag ( with contents ) into litter bins, if this is wrong then I am sorry , I do clean up as we go but I do not wish to carry this package any further than I need.
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Old 28-04-2015, 09:26   #4

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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Sounds rather police state to me, report your neighbour and receive a reward.
What's next, people who walk on the cracks in the pavement?
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Old 28-04-2015, 09:42   #5
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

We'd all have to plead guilty to that one given that the condition of pavements obviously has a lower priority than catching the desecrators of grass verges.
One observation I have made is that there seem to be more doggie deposits around the houses where the owners idea of exercising their pooch is to go to the front door in slippers and nightie, throw the dog onto the street then strike up a fag whilst awaiting the next deposit to be laid at their neighbours doorstep. As with so many other things in life, the majority of dog owners are responsible, take their animals for good long walks, use the facilities provided then take the dog safely home again. It is always a minority that ruin things for everyone else.
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Old 28-04-2015, 12:40   #6
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

We see a lot of people out with their dogs. Some are on their mobile phones, miles in front of their dogs, so how do they know what their dogs are doing? We walk with Max in front of us so we can watch him.
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Old 28-04-2015, 15:08   #7
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

while we had Normie (passed away) we made sure to pick up his mess in the litter bags.
Even had a MP stop me and question what I was doing and why?
1. IT WAS Post Policy
2. It as the right thing to do
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Old 28-04-2015, 17:15   #8
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

I have on a couple of occasions seen people allow their dogs to do the 'necessary' and if they show no sign of picking up......I offer them a poo bag......with a comment something like...'Isn't it a nuisance when they need to 'go' more than once?'
This usually has the appropriate effect, but without getting into a 'mind your own effing business' conversation.
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Old 28-04-2015, 17:33   #9
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I have on a couple of occasions seen people allow their dogs to do the 'necessary' and if they show no sign of picking up......I offer them a poo bag......with a comment something like...'Isn't it a nuisance when they need to 'go' more than once?'
This usually has the appropriate effect, but without getting into a 'mind your own effing business' conversation.
A diplomat as usual is what you is.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 28-04-2015, 19:01   #10
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
HBC are offering residents £50 in a new campaign for information leading to the conviction (or a fixed penalty) of 'irresponsible' dog owners
One word, "Stasi".
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Old 28-04-2015, 21:44   #11
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
One word, "Stasi".
Quite a few similar organisations DinG - even 1984
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Old 29-04-2015, 02:27   #12

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Re: "Poo dunnit"

I don't agree with Hyndburns dog bin policy. I think it is a gimmick to make Councillors and/or the Council look good. Instead they should just be putting in general use bins. This might help reduce litter. The only reason dog bins smell is because they have a lid on them. Almost every litter bin you see on a street post will have dog bags put in them because if you are carrying one you look for the nearest bin to use. Dog waste used to be classified as hazardous and had to be treated differently than general waste. Several years ago it was declassified and many Councils started using multi use bins. Instead of hundreds of dog only bins we would have 100's extra litter bins in Hyndburn. Much better use of our Council tax money
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Old 29-04-2015, 06:32   #13
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

If dog walkers should pick up after their pets, why do horse riders not clear up after their horses have crapped on roads, footpaths and pavements?
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Old 29-04-2015, 07:12   #14
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Sadly, I am old enough to remember when folk used to come out of their houses with a shovel to pick up the deposit from the milk chaps horse, the rag chaps horse and the coal mans was a valued commodity as many folk had allotments and grew their own veg.
You don't see much horse 'feathers' now....unless you live on a route favoured by the horsey set.
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Old 29-04-2015, 08:36   #15
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Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Sadly, I am old enough to remember when folk used to come out of their houses with a shovel to pick up the deposit from the milk chaps horse, the rag chaps horse and the coal mans was a valued commodity as many folk had allotments and grew their own veg.
You don't see much horse 'feathers' now....unless you live on a route favoured by the horsey set.
I too remember those days Margaret, our road and the footpath (ginnel ?) leading to an adjacent road is a favourite route for the horsey set - a footpath just wide enough for two people to walk through is often covered in horse droppings.
On TV the other day was a young blind lady that had a small pony as a guide instead of a dog - she fitted a bin liner at the rear end of the pony so that any droppings were collected in the bag.
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