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Old 25-02-2005, 13:26   #61
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Re: pope

[QUOTE]You might not be bothered but a statement released like that could and would upset many Catholic people.
you're implying that catholics haven't got a mind of their own, i can't see how it can hurt to point out the facts.
if your'e granny was terminal wouldn't you like to know
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Old 25-02-2005, 13:27   #62
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Re: pope

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
You might not be bothered but a statement released like that could and would upset many Catholic people
It's gonna happen one day though............the only thing that is 100% hereditary is death.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 25-02-2005, 13:27   #63

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Re: pope

We are all as bad as the media discussing this mans passing before he actually does . Leave him in peace to pass on nayurally without all this speculation.
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Old 25-02-2005, 13:29   #64
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Re: pope

[QUOTE]We don't get told that other people are on their way out do we? We are usually informed when they are ill and eventually when they have passed away. In some cases we don't even realise famous people were ill until they've pegged it. I think it would sound a bit like hovering vultures to announce to the media that someone is on their last legs.

willow you are right, but we did'nt bring the story to the media. but now it's here the truth would be nice.
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Old 25-02-2005, 13:31   #65
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Re: pope

You might not be bothered but a statement released like that could and would upset many Catholic people.
you're implying that catholics haven't got a mind of their own, i can't see how it can hurt to point out the facts.
if your'e granny was terminal wouldn't you like to know
My Nan was terminally ill with cancer and even after she had slipped into coma i thought she would recover!! It's called denial!!!
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Old 25-02-2005, 13:33   #66
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Re: pope

Well maybe they are keeping us as informed as they can with the information they have from the doctors. I mean we know he's had a tracheotomy and we know he wasn't able to speak but we do know he had a "serene" night.

It sounds like the sort of thing hospitals tell you about your own loved ones:

"How is he?"
"Comfortable, well as can be expected."

I remember the late Queen Mother saying that her interpretation of the word "comfortable" and the hospital's were very far removed.

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Old 25-02-2005, 13:35   #67
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Re: pope

people deal with grief in different ways. but facts are facts and the vatican bury these facts. not just about this but about loads of issues.
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Old 25-02-2005, 13:37   #68
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Re: pope

Like the 3rd secret of Fatima?

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Old 25-02-2005, 13:38   #69
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Re: pope

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Well maybe they are keeping us as informed as they can with the information they have from the doctors. I mean we know he's had a tracheotomy and we know he wasn't able to speak but we do know he had a "serene" night.

It sounds like the sort of thing hospitals tell you about your own loved ones:

"How is he?"
"Comfortable, well as can be expected."

I remember the late Queen Mother saying that her interpretation of the word "comfortable" and the hospital's were very far removed.
Nurses are usually almost sure when someone is dying, it is just NOT good practise to actually say this to the family of the DYING person, because above all until that person is pronounced dead no-one knows for sure. I agree with the queen on this one.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 25-02-2005, 13:38   #70
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Re: pope

[QUOTE]Like the 3rd secret of Fatima?
please expand, i'm not aware of this one
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Old 25-02-2005, 13:38   #71


Re: pope

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
But wouldn't we still be criticising the Vatican if they released a statement saying the Pope won't be with us long?
I think we must be realistic and maintain our senses in this matter. This gentleman in indeed a lovely man and deserves to die with the grace of his stature and with dignity. He may himself wish to maintain oversight of his church until the end and he deserve credit for that, but to believe no matter how religious an individual maybe that this man will survive the spring let alone the year is stretching it. I have no doubt that the Vatican as set in motion it’s great wheels and the call among the bishops to identify their candidates for the next incumbent to the holy order.

This man is dieing of that their can be no uncertainty, what should now happen is that this gentle man’s life should be celebrated for like others have already said there is something worth celebrating irrespective of your religion. I myself was born into the Church of England and believe in god and an afterlife. I also have a bent towards witchcraft but maintain a healthy respect, understand and care toward all the worlds’ religions. Let this man rest in the knowledge that he holds something lost not only on his Church but on many previous Popes. And that is the love and respect of many peoples and religions throughout the world.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 25-02-2005, 13:41   #72
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Re: pope

Originally Posted by Doug
I think we must be realistic and maintain our senses in this matter. This gentleman in indeed a lovely man and deserves to die with the grace of his stature and with dignity.
I totally agree with you Doug
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Old 25-02-2005, 13:42   #73
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Re: pope

Originally Posted by Doug
I think we must be realistic and maintain our senses in this matter. This gentleman in indeed a lovely man and deserves to die with the grace of his stature and with dignity. He may himself wish to maintain oversight of his church until the end and he deserve credit for that, but to believe no matter how religious an individual maybe that this man will survive the spring let alone the year is stretching it. I have no doubt that the Vatican as set in motion it’s great wheels and the call among the bishops to identify their candidates for the next incumbent to the holy order.

This man is dieing of that their can be no uncertainty, what should now happen is that this gentle man’s life should be celebrated for like others have already said there is something worth celebrating irrespective of your religion. I myself was born into the Church of England and believe in god and an afterlife. I also have a bent towards witchcraft but maintain a healthy respect, understand and care toward all the worlds’ religions. Let this man rest in the knowledge that he holds something lost not only on his Church but on many previous Popes. And that is the love and respect of many peoples and religions throughout the world.
Doug would you like TONY BLAIRS job because I'LL vote for you!!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 25-02-2005, 13:43   #74
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Re: pope

I'll second that.

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Old 25-02-2005, 13:44   #75
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Re: pope

And my vote too Doug
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