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Old 16-03-2005, 13:55   #1
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In the rest of Europe 'Adult' material is widely available, not just in Amsterdam and Hamburg but in little French villages in Cafe Tabacs. ln the UK R18 films are only available in shops licenced by the council.[ Please don't move thread to link this with Anything goes' Accrington's Licenced Sex Shop', l think it's a different argument?]
Leaving this to local councillers undermines both European and National law. ln Glasgow because of the power of the Kirks there aren't any [legal] shops. Edinburgh has five. ls this undermining our rights as citizens, or should existing laws be tightend and pornography outlawed?
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Old 16-03-2005, 15:13   #2
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Re: Pornography.

I'm broad minded but pornshops etc should be kept well out of the way of children,We've had a clean up campaign over in Blackpool cos the place was getting very seedy, souvernear shops were selling really vulger stuff where kids could see,Pornography as been going for thousands of years,but not in front of the children please!
Make mine a PINT.......

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Old 16-03-2005, 15:20   #3
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Re: Pornography.

What he said ^

I'm glad to hear Blackpool has had a bit of a clean up because it was embarrassing to walk along the prom with kids.

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Old 16-03-2005, 15:28   #4
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Re: Pornography.

It was getting very bad in Blackpool,they are trying to get families back after going all out for the hen and stag party lot,I'm no prude, but when people are walking around with kids they don't want drunks and porn all over the resort in full view!
Make mine a PINT.......

Last edited by wayneyboy1942; 16-03-2005 at 15:30.
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Old 16-03-2005, 16:23   #5
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Re: Pornography.

Alcohol and Sex are something the British have always had a problem with compared to the rest of Europe. We always seem to want to take things to extremes. I am getting a little bit tired of this child centred society. If pornography bothers you that much, then how about keeping your precious little darlings away from the porn, instead of expecting the rest of society to do your job for you?

I thought we lived in an adult world, not a bl**dy nursery!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 16-03-2005, 17:07   #6
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Re: Pornography.

Hey A-Bob,

I never took you for one of the dirty mac and handjob brigade!
While I've no problem with porno, surely there is a problem with some of the stuff thats now "in your face" in an awful lot of newsagents shops. I do think that young kids should not have to feast their eyes on this stuff..let 'em grow up naturally, with a little bit of innocence. Afterall, for those who want this stuff, it is so easily available elsewhere. Or so I'm told.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 16-03-2005 at 17:27.
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Old 16-03-2005, 17:26   #7
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Re: Pornography.

How could I keep my "precious little darlings" away from the filth that was at child level in almost every shop along Blackpool front? Not take them to Blackpool at all? Excellent decision - hence my not being aware that anything had been done about it. If Blackpool wants to attract more families then they need to keep porn away from public view. If you want porn then go to the XXX shops. I have no objection to what other people choose to do (as long as it doesn't exploit children) but I don't want to have it thrust in my face.

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Old 16-03-2005, 18:31   #8

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Re: Pornography.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Hey A-Bob,

Afterall, for those who want this stuff, it is so easily available elsewhere. Or so I'm told.
Where? When? and How?

We live in a very prudish society. In europe you can just turn on there equivalent of sky box office and order a porn film. On Sky Italia after about 11pm they show 20 porn films a night. It belongs to the same company as our UK Sky. The same in France, Spain, Denmark, Norway etc etc etc. Why are the people in the UK being treated as children? Unless of course we are right and everybody in Europe is a ****er.
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Old 16-03-2005, 18:45   #9
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Re: Pornography.

The guidelines that allow councils to issue or not licences are very stringent. The shops can't be on a main highway, near a school or a church. There can be no window displays depicting anything 'obscene.' Councils are using this to limit choices and impose their own morality in the face of national laws.
Agreed Councils should be cleaning up areas were this is being flouted, and public taste is being tested, ie Blackpool.
It's a strange country that shows war, torture and killing everyday on the TV news, yet is still unable even post watershed, to show a male member with less errr... 'potency' than The Isle of Mull. This is an offical Broadcasting guideline, even for documentaries!
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Old 16-03-2005, 19:03   #10
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Re: Pornography.

Personally I think that pornography is a main part of society whether we chose to accept it or not. Maybe if we were more open about the whole subject then it would take it away from the seedy back street image it has and give it a more upperclass image.
I don't mean shoving it on the shelves of every high street store, but if the shops it was sold in were seen as more respectable then maybe we wouldn't have this 'shameful and guilty' attachment to going in one.
And at the end of the day, porn is the safest form of sex going.
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Old 16-03-2005, 19:22   #11
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Re: Pornography.

Have to say that i don't think parents should be constantly worried about what their offspring might see in some newsagents{ and other places if the Blackpool issue was so bad.**Maybe this censorship issue is the reason that Ann Summers is so popular;when I was repping it sold some seriously "risque" products but the stores and the parties are an unthreatening environment unlike your average back street sex shop which no -one wants to be seen near!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 16-03-2005, 19:45   #12
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Re: Pornography.

I used to work in forecourt of a petrol station, and all magazines of this type, had to be put in a bag, so only the title was visible, and placed on a shelf out of the reach of kids, I thought this was what all shops selling this type of material was supposed to do.
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Old 16-03-2005, 20:30   #13
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Re: Pornography.

All it is though is pictures of naked women.

I have 2 young kids and don't rush to cover myself up, and neither of them are particularly bothered about it - no issues have been made about it.

When I was young I was given the definite impression that nudity was bad, and that is probably the impression that a lot of other people are given, hence the seedy back street image that it has now.
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Old 16-03-2005, 20:58   #14
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Re: Pornography.


I have 2 young kids and don't rush to cover myself up, and neither of them are particularly bothered about it - no issues have been made about it.

YEAH I agree vorlon, when we was kids we used to go and sit in the bathroom talking to my mum while she was in the bath, it was like a mad house with 3 teenage girls and a dad, so that was the place where you could go and pour our heart out to mum. Because there wasn't a big issue made of it, we didn't think otherwise.
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Old 16-03-2005, 21:07   #15
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Re: Pornography.

I agree in theory but it depends what pornography we are talking about? I don't think anyone in their right mind would invite the children into the bedroom to watch their parents intimacy and this is basically what pornographic videos are showing. I think children should be kept innocent for as long as possible.
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