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Old 06-04-2005, 16:17   #16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Portal Developement Officer

Originally Posted by chav1
if it had been a virus and he had kept his mouth shut some of us could have been in trouble
I'm sorry chav but I don't think he should be excused if he was concerned he could have p.m.'d me or got in touch with the moderators as it is he has just kept everyones attention away from what the thread was started for!
If he's trying to show how clever he is then so far as I'm concerned he has FAILED, and again I ask if he wants to discuss links will he sod off & start his own thread & leave this one alone!
(I will now go and lie down in a darkened room for an hour or so, if he wants to help why doesn't he join the samaritans at least then he is anonymous & like doctors can bury his mistakes).
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Accrington Web
Old 06-04-2005, 16:45   #17
I am Banned
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Re: Portal Developement Officer

no offence ws meant less i was just trying to smooth the water so to speak

i am best suited to making trouble i think i will stick to that
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Old 06-04-2005, 17:00   #18
Resting in peace
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Re: Portal Developement Officer

Portal Development Officer at £24K - I'll take it! NOW!!
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Old 06-04-2005, 20:26   #19
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Re: Portal Developement Officer

Originally Posted by pendy
Portal Development Officer at £24K - I'll take it! NOW!!
Its not that good pay for a_good_web monkey. I for one wouldn't do the job for that.

As for the discussion about posting links, In my eyes it is your own responsibility to keep your PC secure, I do it by using a secure OS. If you choose one where you need third party software (Anti Virus, Firewalls, Spy/Malware etc) then if you are prepared to click a link without knowing you will be protected then perhaps the Internet is not a place for you. You wouldn't go out your house without locking all your doors and windows, You don't think you should be protected automatically in that situation then why should the Internet be any different? Its a big bad world out there, Be safe...
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Old 06-04-2005, 22:15   #20
Resident Waffler

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Re: Portal Developement Officer

Originally Posted by entwisi
Its not that good pay for a_good_web monkey. I for one wouldn't do the job for that.

So do you reckon that's how come Clicks&Links got the job of creating Hyndburnlite? What happens when the funding runs out?

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Old 07-04-2005, 09:52   #21
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Re: Portal Developement Officer

Probably, The other funny bit that you usually see in techy job adverts are people asking for 20 years experience in Windows 2003( or some other obvious impossible amount of exposure). Some people will bull through that they have it.

A 'good' web monkey knows his stuff, a lot of people play at web sites and think they are programmers. They usually have no idea about things like DDA compliance etc.
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Old 07-04-2005, 14:04   #22
Resident Waffler

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Re: Portal Developement Officer

Originally Posted by entwisi
They usually have no idea about things like DDA compliance etc.

heehee you'd get on well with Brian when he was trying to point out the shortcomings of Hyndburnlite to the site owners (in the forum set up on there for that very purpose) and was being told to shut up until he knew what he was talking about and just let people enjoy the website - by people who so obviously had no idea what he was talking about!

Some of it has been ironed out since then but not without difficulty in actually trying to get them to believe that there were problems. I'm not sure what condition it's in now but I even tried contacting the creators direct and they were most indignant that I had found out how to do so. It wasn't difficult to find out who they are. I just had a naive hope that they would understand the problems and want to rectify them, working on the assumption that it was simply the mods etc who didn't have the background knowledge or ability. I was wrong.

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Old 07-04-2005, 17:29   #23
Accrington Web Mascot

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Re: Portal Developement Officer

Well the job sounds OK - but I think I'll hold out applying until they want to employ someone capable of exciting the ABOVE AVERAGE citizen - which would include everyone on AccyWeb!!! That job will be worth a fortune!!!
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