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View Poll Results: Should parliament vote to suspend post office closures?
Yes 22 75.86%
No 7 24.14%
Don't know 0 0%
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Old 21-03-2008, 20:55   #166
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Re: Post Office Closures

We seem to be going round in circles, so I fear we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

Anyway I'm off to renew my car tax...on-line, but I'll leave you a little gift.

I want to see you've made a profit by Easter next year, otherwise I'll be shutting you down.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 21-03-2008, 20:56   #167
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
If Cllr Jones won't answer you onlyme, i'll try to. If you don't know I'm well known for being a member of the Tory Party, and was very much involved with Council Leader Peter Britcliffe, as his campaign manager and his work in Ossy. However due to very poor health I stepped down from front line politics some seven years ago, but the lovely Graham seems to think I'm talking to PB every day, the truth is I have not seen Peter since May Day last year, and have talked to him around 5 times since then, mainly about our support of BRFC as we are both lie long fans. The bottom line is i'm not really interested politically any more, but some of the tripe spouted on her by our Graham, justs tends to turn the clock back a little. Graham thinks he is Mr. Infallible, but to my way of thinking there was only ever one person who was worthy of that title and its around 2008 years today since the Romans crucified him on Calvery. After that onlyme if you can work out where Cllr. Jones is coming from please let me know, I would find it very enlightening
Ouch!! What an unfortunate spelling mistake
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 21-03-2008, 22:07   #168
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
He may cope, but to be honest, his posts on here has changed my voting tendencies.

Probs not the way he wanted either
Democracy is about freedom of speech and freedom to choose. If other Councillors came on and the debate was opened up, I think it would make for a better Hyndburn.

I spoke with Cashman in Sydney St club and I admitted if people have Conservative views when I am out canvassing, I don't encourage them to vote for me. I tell them to vote Conservative and I have even told them why they should vote Conservative. That's just being honest and helping them represent their views. I wouldn't be able accept when I got home that someone had voted for me because I had managed to pull the wool over their eye's. That's not me.
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Old 21-03-2008, 22:18   #169
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
That's just being honest and helping them represent their views. I wouldn't be able accept when I got home that someone had voted for me because I had managed to pull the wool over their eye's. That's not me.
I would hope the gentleman could reply to my posts on page 9 if this is the case.
formerly cyfr
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Old 21-03-2008, 22:20   #170
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
He may cope, but to be honest, his posts on here has changed my voting tendencies.

Probs not the way he wanted either
I am not interested in politics or who you are or not voting for and if you can change your allegiance over a few posts on a message board then I don't think Graham be either
.. "There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other.
That word is 'ENGLAND.' 'Sir Winston Churchill'

.. "The more u see the less u know. The less u find out as u go." 'Sir Bono'

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Old 22-03-2008, 09:18   #171
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by WalkOnBRFC View Post
I am not interested in politics or who you are or not voting for and if you can change your allegiance over a few posts on a message board then I don't think Graham be either
Before the hate mail I just want to apologise to onlyme that last post was slightly b*tchy and I didn't intend for it to come across that way
.. "There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other.
That word is 'ENGLAND.' 'Sir Winston Churchill'

.. "The more u see the less u know. The less u find out as u go." 'Sir Bono'

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Old 22-03-2008, 09:31   #172
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Ouch!! What an unfortunate spelling mistake
Hi slinks saw that myself but it was to late to edit, it wasn't actually a spelling mistake, its this flaming lap top, it keeps missing letters, if you look at a lot of my posts, they have reason for edit, error, it gets right up my nose sometimes
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Old 22-03-2008, 09:49   #173
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Re: Post Office Closures

[quote=g jones;549841]Democracy is about freedom of speech and freedom to choose. If other Councillors came on and the debate was opened up, I think it would make for a better Hyndburn.

I spoke with Cashman in Sydney St club and I admitted if people have Conservative views when I am out canvassing, I don't encourage them to vote for me. I tell them to vote Conservative and I have even told them why they should vote Conservative. That's just being honest and helping them represent their views. I wouldn't be

Good grief something we can agree on Graham, my sentiments entirely. I was on the knocker a few years ago and I had with me a very keen newcomer, we were in knuzden at the time. There was a house with a Labour poster in the window and this young man was walking up the path, I asked where he was going,he replied I'll try to change their minds. Shaking my head, I said anyone who has a poster in their window ain't going to change and I wouldn't even insult their intelligence by trying, besides that its just wasting our time, I only hope he learned a lesson that night. Just for the benefit of WalkonBRFC i'm not answering Grahams ost I'm agreeing with him

Last edited by jaysay; 22-03-2008 at 09:54. Reason: error
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Old 22-03-2008, 09:59   #174
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Re: Post Office Closures

I don't know what happened on my post 173, I was actully quoting on g.jones post 168, put it hasn't appeared like that, its just like a continuation of that post, gremlins are afoot on Accy Web Maybe mods could have a look at it, strange very strange

Last edited by jaysay; 22-03-2008 at 10:01. Reason: add on
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Old 22-03-2008, 10:30   #175
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
I would at least expect you to have some form of clue about what is going on in the world of Politics. The last general election was not even fought by Peter Britcliffe in Hyndburn.
I meant the last time Peter stood. I stand corrected. You're right.

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
You seem to believe that the whole election was based on a cult of personality, he's just an ordinary man, you might want to think about policy at elections because thats usually what people care about.
I have always fought for policies. People that know me know that. Ordinary people don't tell get caught telling outright lies, call people the most offensive names, have to apologise through the courts for breaking the law deliberatly, get caught setting policies that put money in their own pocket (bus station). The list goes on.

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
You bat on about these 40 uncosted items, I'd like to know what they were if we are to believe your story.
Some are finished some are not because of partnerships and complexity. We will bring them forward in good time. Many have already been rejected by the Tories such as more enforcement officers.

Our best ideas last year went straight on Tory leaflets as 'Tory ideas'. We want the Council to do well but last year people said they were voting Tory because they liked the (Labour!) ideas being put forward on Tory leaflets. It's was dishonest from a dishonest party and it won't happen again.

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post

It isn't however very belivable right now, because you talk about corruption, you talk about sleeze, you talk about misleading people, then you go ahead and tell us the Conservatives are raising tax by 5% when its actually 3.7%
Just shows how naive you are Cyfr. What Clr britcliffe did was merge County Council's 3% and District's 5% to say he was bringing a Council Tax of 3.7%. You have been had son. One of the oldest tricks in the books.

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post

Last time we had a Labour council we were £2million in debt, now we're 500k in the positive.
The debt

Tories won power in 1999. Council £11m in debt. Three years of Tories £22m in debt. December 2001 Clr B calls in City Accountants De Loitte Touche. Money going missing (not frwaud - incompetence). De Loitte Touch agree money going missing.

Robson Rhodes Council auditors annual report summary 2000, 2001, 2002 - financial incompetence.

De Loitte Touch report back may 2002 - Labour win elections. Labour Councillors told Council bankrupt - panic - can't trace the money - poor accounting. De Loitte Touche says can't afford the wages. You need to get rid of staff. Redundancy programme begins. Britcliffe blames redundancy programme for eating into Council finances. £40,000 is removed from his Litter Comission to Finance as the computer system is from the dark ages. Hyndburn ranked with Tower Hamlets, 2nd from bottom. New system put in. Britcliffe screams labour don't care about litter.

Labour decide to get rid of senior management. Uncover scale of debts. End of year debts/overspending revealed to be £2milllion a year. New management put in place. 5 year plan put together. Council financial systems shaken up.

Britcliffe opposes all these measures. Objects to his officers being got rid of.
Council turned around. Britcliffe wins election and claims it was all him.

The 500k

1. Council tax has gone up 67%. £3.5m to £5.25m.
2. Gov't grants have gone up from £5.9m to £9m excluding concessionary fares and HB. +65%
3. Council service budgets have all been slashed by 30% and told to get on with it. So there are a lot of hidden problems not on the balance sheets

Total Budget 1999 - £8.4m
Total Budget 2008 - £15.0m
Council cuts 30%

If we had been rate capped our budget would be £12m. Our debts year on year minus £3m and thats with the 30% cuts.

We are the most expensive Council in Britain. You can now see why Labour Councillors are angry. People are being ripped off with incompetence.

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
Are you sure 2% increase is well costed and isn't just for votes?
Because there is no need for 500k in the bank.
"Give the people their money back, it's not yours it's their's" .... Peter Britcliffe budget attack on Labour in 2003

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post

Is it any wonder people don't trust Labour with the council when you'd be in charge?
The opposite. I saved £400,000 in one day last year when I forced officers to call in the private sector to run the line over a deal. That's one example of many. Pretty much Ian Ormerod saved the Council, not me. He is the person who people should be saying thank you too.

The Tories have lost £600,000 on a Hyndburn Life, £500,000 on Leisure Services in the last 12 months. Those are just the big ticket failure's.

We have been told our multi million loans programme is a disaster and FORCED!! to change it. I argued for a change, that it was costing Hyndburn residents a fortune, and I worked behind the scene's to expose the incompetence. I saved the authority another shed load. If I had been in charge I would have saved even more.

I saved the flats development and ensured another shed load of financial add on's was put in the deal.

The Market Hall. Its still chao's. It took 3 years for the Council to almost arrive at the right position but now I have been kicked off for being too successful in pushing policy. This is a big subject that I go on an don about Tory incompetence.

Your a very confused easily influence young man who is entitled to his opnion but whose opinions are very dangerous because they contain less than 5% of the truth.

You do not represent anyone but yourself. The ordinary person never voted for you. Weird and wacky people often in desperation claim the title of 'people's champion'. To be that Cyfr you need to go to the ballot box.

You promote idea that I am stupid, corrupt, and other slur's. Politics of desperation. Come to Peel Ward, open you eye's, I'll take you around. If your honest enough you'll take up the offer.

Last edited by g jones; 22-03-2008 at 10:39.
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Old 22-03-2008, 10:44   #176
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Re: Post Office Closures

And I would add... I wouldn't compromise public safety by handing out Taxi Licences to convicted sex offenders. There is more to that story than can be proven absolutely.
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Old 22-03-2008, 11:01   #177
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
Oh and lets get something straight, we currently have a £150million subsidy, which works out as a little over £2 per person a year. I don't think thats too much is it? (and thats if it was all equal, in actual fact the rich pay much more than £2 and the middle/lower classes pay less in terms of tax).

For that price I really think its worth keeping.
I agree £150 million is but a drop in the ocean,Less than a pint of lager a year,less than 10 fags,less than the amount of money lost down the back of sofas and left in taxis,far less than the amount of junk mail generated by govt.department's, probably less than the electric used in this thread and half the price of a cooked chicken
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Old 22-03-2008, 11:18   #178
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
I meant the last time Peter stood. I stand corrected. You're right.

I have always fought for policies. People that know me know that. Ordinary people don't tell get caught telling outright lies, call people the most offensive names, have to apologise through the courts for breaking the law deliberatly, get caught setting policies that put money in their own pocket (bus station). The list goes on.

Some are finished some are not because of partnerships and complexity. We will bring them forward in good time. Many have already been rejected by the Tories such as more enforcement officers.

Our best ideas last year went straight on Tory leaflets as 'Tory ideas'. We want the Council to do well but last year people said they were voting Tory because they liked the (Labour!) ideas being put forward on Tory leaflets. It's was dishonest from a dishonest party and it won't happen again.

Just shows how naive you are Cyfr. What Clr britcliffe did was merge County Council's 3% and District's 5% to say he was bringing a Council Tax of 3.7%. You have been had son. One of the oldest tricks in the books.

The debt

Tories won power in 1999. Council £11m in debt. Three years of Tories £22m in debt. December 2001 Clr B calls in City Accountants De Loitte Touche. Money going missing (not frwaud - incompetence). De Loitte Touch agree money going missing.

Robson Rhodes Council auditors annual report summary 2000, 2001, 2002 - financial incompetence.

De Loitte Touch report back may 2002 - Labour win elections. Labour Councillors told Council bankrupt - panic - can't trace the money - poor accounting. De Loitte Touche says can't afford the wages. You need to get rid of staff. Redundancy programme begins. Britcliffe blames redundancy programme for eating into Council finances. £40,000 is removed from his Litter Comission to Finance as the computer system is from the dark ages. Hyndburn ranked with Tower Hamlets, 2nd from bottom. New system put in. Britcliffe screams labour don't care about litter.

Labour decide to get rid of senior management. Uncover scale of debts. End of year debts/overspending revealed to be £2milllion a year. New management put in place. 5 year plan put together. Council financial systems shaken up.

Britcliffe opposes all these measures. Objects to his officers being got rid of.
Council turned around. Britcliffe wins election and claims it was all him.

The 500k

1. Council tax has gone up 67%. £3.5m to £5.25m.
2. Gov't grants have gone up from £5.9m to £9m excluding concessionary fares and HB. +65%
3. Council service budgets have all been slashed by 30% and told to get on with it. So there are a lot of hidden problems not on the balance sheets

Total Budget 1999 - £8.4m
Total Budget 2008 - £15.0m
Council cuts 30%

If we had been rate capped our budget would be £12m. Our debts year on year minus £3m and thats with the 30% cuts.

We are the most expensive Council in Britain. You can now see why Labour Councillors are angry. People are being ripped off with incompetence.

Because there is no need for 500k in the bank.
"Give the people their money back, it's not yours it's their's" .... Peter Britcliffe budget attack on Labour in 2003

The opposite. I saved £400,000 in one day last year when I forced officers to call in the private sector to run the line over a deal. That's one example of many. Pretty much Ian Ormerod saved the Council, not me. He is the person who people should be saying thank you too.

The Tories have lost £600,000 on a Hyndburn Life, £500,000 on Leisure Services in the last 12 months. Those are just the big ticket failure's.

We have been told our multi million loans programme is a disaster and FORCED!! to change it. I argued for a change, that it was costing Hyndburn residents a fortune, and I worked behind the scene's to expose the incompetence. I saved the authority another shed load. If I had been in charge I would have saved even more.

I saved the flats development and ensured another shed load of financial add on's was put in the deal.

The Market Hall. Its still chao's. It took 3 years for the Council to almost arrive at the right position but now I have been kicked off for being too successful in pushing policy. This is a big subject that I go on an don about Tory incompetence.

Your a very confused easily influence young man who is entitled to his opnion but whose opinions are very dangerous because they contain less than 5% of the truth.

You do not represent anyone but yourself. The ordinary person never voted for you. Weird and wacky people often in desperation claim the title of 'people's champion'. To be that Cyfr you need to go to the ballot box.

You promote idea that I am stupid, corrupt, and other slur's. Politics of desperation. Come to Peel Ward, open you eye's, I'll take you around. If your honest enough you'll take up the offer.

Blimey that's a big post
.. "There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other.
That word is 'ENGLAND.' 'Sir Winston Churchill'

.. "The more u see the less u know. The less u find out as u go." 'Sir Bono'

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Old 22-03-2008, 11:21   #179
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by WalkOnBRFC View Post
Blimey that's a big post
I know!!

Didn't leave ebnough time to make breakfast!!!
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Old 22-03-2008, 11:30   #180
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Re: Post Office Closures

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
I know!!

Didn't leave ebnough time to make breakfast!!!
Hope you didn't over boil your eggs!!
.. "There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other.
That word is 'ENGLAND.' 'Sir Winston Churchill'

.. "The more u see the less u know. The less u find out as u go." 'Sir Bono'

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