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Old 13-10-2013, 11:37   #181
Junior Member+

Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
nothing to do with it, better to know what your talking about before writing it down
as the reason Mrs Thatcher refused to privatise the business sooner was the refusal to "privatise the queens head" and the likelihood of any foreign controlling interest to remove said head from future stamps I would consider the comment a valid one plus diversifying the argument in progress mea culpa
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Old 13-10-2013, 12:18   #182
Junior Member+

Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

forgot to add the only things with queens head on is royal mail and currency as the queen will not allow her image to be utilised for advertising purposes can her head remain on a privatised stamp
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Old 13-10-2013, 13:16   #183
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post

The reason that produced goods are cheaper is a tad more complex...multi national companies looking to make maximum profit for investors pay sweat shop wages in countries without adequate employment laws, spend a few quid on a footballer advert and a product placement in a major film, charge top dollar for the latest fad for a few weeks and then offer them at sale prices (circumventing pricing regulations)...all the kids buy said product...vicious circle until some newspaper latches on, shames the multinational with photos of people with relatives who died in locked sweat shop fires, multinationals then hold their hands up aghast and say..'we didn't know, honest guv'..yeah right!

Yet again, the government is at fault, it should be a government responsibility to ban imports from countries without adequate employment laws. It really is that simple.
Again some interesting points....and I know that the reason goods are cheaper from these foreign countries is more complex...but if we had not sold the machines and th skills in the first place then they may have had to look elsewhere...but I am not so naive to think that someone in this great big world would not have stepped in and the result would be exactly the goods from abroad.
And I'm sure I remember times in the past where import tariffs were placed on goods to make them less attractive cost wise here, but the countries producung these goods complained about us blocking their industries and trade, and of course they were lifted.

Since Platts/Bullough/Saco Lowell, there have been many governments in power what did they do to try and stem this trade?...not much .
And while the wages abroad are the countries where the goods are made the cost of living is cheaper, raw materials cheaper too.......and it means the people who often would not have a job, are employed and can provide for their families...where otherwise this would not be possible.
We cannot influence the employment laws in other countries by not buying the goods they produce.

Businesses are in business to make a profit, not for philanthropic reasons...and businesses have overheads, development costs etc......not all the profits go to the shareholders, though there has to be something in it for them to invest.
My gripe is with businesses who make big profits but do not pay their share of taxes, because this increases the burden on the small tax payer like you and me...and what galls me even further is that HMRC will chase me or you for a few hundred quid, but will let the big boys get away with that is what gets my goat!

If these big multi nationals paid what they should pay, then there would be more than enough money to go around to make sure those in genuine need are looked after.
And this is the governments fault, and that of the governments who came before...because they know of these loopholes and yet they fail to close them....this applies to all parties what ever colour banner they travel under.
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Old 13-10-2013, 13:50   #184
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

the thing is the multi nationals don't care about any country or any nationality especially the so called British ones owned by foreign governments. we need companies with social cohesion not like the diageos who destroy and betray the forefathers of the founding companies.. if they had any social conscience they would have built a museum ,a distillery and kept johnnie walker in Kilmarnock .. johnnie walker is no longer johnnie walker to me or most people from Kilmarnock.
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Old 13-10-2013, 14:38   #185
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

and governments can make them care? How exactly is that done?
Caring is an emotion, there are no friends, no emotions in exists simply to make a profit.......what companies do with that profit is what signifies them as responsible, or irresponsible. It is irresponsible to trade in a country and not be prepared to pay what the taxes are in that country...but most of these companies will tell you that they pay their dues...what the tax specialists tell them is their dues...our government and ones before it allows these companies to pay little, by not closing the tax loopholes...and that is the great shame of both this government and ones before it...because they know that these loopholes exist, and let the big companies get away with it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 13-10-2013, 16:14   #186
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

I wouldn't miss the queens head - off with it !
Liberty, Fraternity, Egality -

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Old 14-10-2013, 07:37   #187
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I wouldn't miss the queens head - off with it !
Liberty, Fraternity, Egality -
Well you have always been a pork pie short of a picnic
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Old 14-10-2013, 07:43   #188
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
see the usual tory tactic , I don't need envy I live quite comfortable thank you very much I believe in a fair society which will work for future generations. not the quick buck schemes that are changing the country for the worse. the tories stand in front of a union flag but they are the party who most threaten the existence of the union flag. other countries used to envy the uk now they think we are a jumble sale of assets.
You ooze jealousy from head to foot, you despise anybody who'll get of their arse to better themselves, you and your communist mates only set on bringing everybody down to your pathetic way of working, namely bring this country to its knees, for your own political purpose.
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Old 14-10-2013, 10:06   #189
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

ha ha just because im not a tory doesn't mean I haven't run my own business. your now acting like a clown lol im all for fair competitive companies. I don't agree that certain infrastructure should be in private hands as it gives companies an unfair advantage as there is no competition. the only competition there is to see who can charge the most. in fact they aren't even companies they are other countries governments. how can you run an economy when your competitors control your energy firms
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Old 14-10-2013, 17:23   #190
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
ha ha just because im not a tory doesn't mean I haven't run my own business. your now acting like a clown lol im all for fair competitive companies. I don't agree that certain infrastructure should be in private hands as it gives companies an unfair advantage as there is no competition. the only competition there is to see who can charge the most. in fact they aren't even companies they are other countries governments. how can you run an economy when your competitors control your energy firms
You make sure Labour don't get their sticky fingers on Power, insidently never heard to much about Labour trying to re nationalize all the businesses when they were in power and if you remember it was Labour that first muted selling off the post office As for running your own business, when did you go bank.
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Old 14-10-2013, 17:47   #191
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

it was mandelson and his cronies ive already stated my views on them. its like having an advertisement in the paper asking people to send 2.99 to a po box to get the answer how to keep your hands soft while washing the dishes... and getting the answer let somebody else do it
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Old 14-10-2013, 17:49   #192
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
it was mandelson and his cronies ive already stated my views on them. its like having an advertisement in the paper asking people to send 2.99 to a po box to get the answer how to keep your hands soft while washing the dishes... and getting the answer let somebody else do it
Sorry read Mandelson read Labour Party end of story
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Old 14-10-2013, 19:15   #193
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
it was mandelson and his cronies ive already stated my views on them.
That's what you are saying now......pity you didn't say it back then as well.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 14-10-2013, 19:35   #194
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

i did onwards and upwards
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Old 14-10-2013, 20:18   #195
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

I do not recall you ever saying anything critical about the Blair I reckon you are being economical with the truth. You have proved you posted something criticising the Labour government in respect of the post office, but nothing else.

Most of the stuff you post is cut and paste sensationalist headlines, and the rest is gobbledy-gook...hard to plough through, and even harder to make sense of.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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