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Old 19-03-2013, 01:58   #61
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

if a 1st class stamp gets any more expensive im going to expect the queen her self to deliver it and not just donate her face to the stamp
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 19-03-2013, 09:31   #62
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
dont forget more rises in april. with a new parcel being a packet to cost £5.00
And nothing went up when your shower were in power, well it did actually more than its doing now clown
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Old 19-03-2013, 10:19   #63
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

On the subject of postal deliveries , mine has improved since the new system for delivery began a few weeks ago .
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Old 19-03-2013, 10:28   #64
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by JCB View Post
On the subject of postal deliveries , mine has improved since the new system for delivery began a few weeks ago .
You don't mind paying a bit more if there is an improvement in the sevice, sadly that isn't always the case
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Old 19-03-2013, 10:28   #65
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Ours has too.
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Old 19-03-2013, 10:39   #66
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Ours has too.
Mine too, just had a parcel delivered and the posty brought it in for me now I can no longer go to the door, he was only too pleased to help
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Old 12-09-2013, 22:23   #67
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

they have wasted billions on this already say goodbye to your daily post it will be 3 days a week to save money. another great British institution ruined by ideology and idiotism .
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Old 13-09-2013, 17:26   #68
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
they have wasted billions on this already say goodbye to your daily post it will be 3 days a week to save money. another great British institution ruined by ideology and idiotism .
Ya Labour have a lot to answer for haven't they. It might be better if you actually knew what your talking about before opening your stupid mouth, delivery, price's etc are governed by OFCOM, the fact is that by selling off the postal service raising around £3 billion, will enable money for investment that wasn't there as a state owned business, to make alterations of this magnitude money would have had to be diverted from other budgets such as the NHS or Education. Lets not forget that Labour, when in power, were all in favour of selling off the post office, never heard Jock Strap saying anything then.

Last edited by jaysay; 13-09-2013 at 17:29.
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Old 13-09-2013, 18:10   #69
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

your the idiot the truth hurts . 21,000 nurses have been made redundant in the last 2 years to pay for this. lets have a look what the tories have achieved. propaganda on the news every day telling us how bad the nhs is doing while they get rid of nurses and try and shut hospitals = fail beaten by the law. tough on immigration, sack half the people who try and stop illegal immigration and now immigration goes up = borrow less = fail universal credit = fail economy keep telling everybody everything is alright= fail unemployment try and take credit when its going down when actually its the students going back to further education and in real terms its up 10,000 =fail the bedroom tax which the united nations is discrediting =fail now lets see the mess they make of the royal mail... they are destroying everything that was good about Britain .
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Old 13-09-2013, 18:13   #70
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Just remind me what was good about Britain?? it was goosed before Cameron, all he has done is make things worse.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 13-09-2013, 19:07   #71
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
your the idiot the truth hurts . 21,000 nurses have been made redundant in the last 2 years to pay for this. lets have a look what the tories have achieved. propaganda on the news every day telling us how bad the nhs is doing while they get rid of nurses and try and shut hospitals = fail beaten by the law. tough on immigration, sack half the people who try and stop illegal immigration and now immigration goes up = borrow less = fail universal credit = fail economy keep telling everybody everything is alright= fail unemployment try and take credit when its going down when actually its the students going back to further education and in real terms its up 10,000 =fail the bedroom tax which the united nations is discrediting =fail now lets see the mess they make of the royal mail... they are destroying everything that was good about Britain .
That's the biggest load of bollocks you've ever put on here, for a start the economy was a basket case (like it always is after a Labour government) now we are seeing the measure put in place are working, where you get this idea about 21,000 nurses made redundant, is cloud cuckoo land full, if not they should save a place for you. In 2010 there was absolutely nothing good about Britain after the Blair and Brown show, that's why they were kick out of office, and looking at the answer to the dynamic duo MR ED, god help use if he ever gets even close to downing street, come back Michael Foot (and donkey jacket) all is forgiven
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Old 13-09-2013, 19:16   #72
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
your the idiot the truth hurts . 21,000 nurses have been made redundant in the last 2 years to pay for this. lets have a look what the tories have achieved. propaganda on the news every day telling us how bad the nhs is doing while they get rid of nurses and try and shut hospitals = fail beaten by the law. tough on immigration, sack half the people who try and stop illegal immigration and now immigration goes up = borrow less = fail universal credit = fail economy keep telling everybody everything is alright= fail unemployment try and take credit when its going down when actually its the students going back to further education and in real terms its up 10,000 =fail the bedroom tax which the united nations is discrediting =fail now lets see the mess they make of the royal mail... they are destroying everything that was good about Britain .
I do not recall you posting such figures about how badly the last incumbents were doing, while they were in are a one trick cannot, or perhaps, will not see how the last labour government dismantled the culture of the UK....diluting it with mass immigration, which they knew would have catastrophic effects, but they didn't want us, the electorate to think that...they just kept banging on about multiculturalism...they forgot that we didn't have the infrastructure to cope with such volumes of incomers....well no they didn't forget...they just neglected to mention it.......voters could see it, but would those in power listen...NO, of course they wouldn't.

If by some mad chance a labour government had been elected last time, they would be doing the same things that this government is doing and I wonder what your reactions would have been then.......NO, I don't....we would have had complete silence from you.

The three parties are ALL THE SAME.........they do not care about what the electorate want...they just follow the directives of those unelected mandarins in Brussels.
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Old 13-09-2013, 19:48   #73
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

yes I did waiting lists were down. new hospitals etc does anybody remember before 1997 ? nobody can deny labour raised the standard of living. I did say mandelsons idea of privatizing the post office was plain wrong. hopefully the labour party have moved on. they are called one nation labour. there are already pressure groups in labour to re- nationalize when labour come back to power. its the only way to save money, to raise revenue for the tax always things go bad and they bring up immigration. immigration rose last year I don't see this all over the news.
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Old 13-09-2013, 20:36   #74
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

I do not recall those posts. That is what I said......not that you didn't make them, but that I did not recall them.
Labour raised the standard of borrowing money that they could not afford to pay back.

New Hospitals.....yes we got new hospitals alright, with PFI which means that the trusts will be paying off private companies for God knows how long, using maintenance staff at inflated rates.....budgets out of the window because labour gave us new hospitals bought with money that belonged to someone else..personally, I would have preferred to have soldiered on with the old one already paid for, and be able to pay for staff to care for patients.
Instead NEW labour put money into the pockets of the big companies - you know, those companies which you scathingly decry for making money for shareholders...capitalists.......those who only want to make a fast bag of money.....and we are paying
They borrowed money so that it looked like everything in the garden was rosy - all top show.
The Labour party are just a mauve shade of conservatives......and I can't see them getting back into government anytime soon...well, not on their own...they would have to be shackled to someone like Nick Clegg and his cohorts...which would seriously limit their ability to do much of what they you keep on dreaming.
Believing what you want to believe, it must give you great comfort.

Anyway, it won't matter to you when you are an independent nation.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 13-09-2013, 21:38   #75
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
they have wasted billions on this already say goodbye to your daily post it will be 3 days a week to save money. another great British institution ruined by ideology and idiotism .
it all depends on the quality of the tender requirements document.
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