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Old 12-10-2006, 07:53   #1
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expat's Avatar

Potatoe cakes

My wife said to me the other Saturday morning " do you know what I could eat right now" no what " a pototoe cake " we haven't been near anything like it for the last 17 years , I remember there used to be a stall on Blackburn Market that used to sell them , I have had a couple of goes making them, but not the same , I know it,s flour and potatoe, we have argued about eggs being there to.
So if anybody out there has the secret recipe, and all the secret herbs and spices, you would make an old man happy, and the old women to.
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Old 12-10-2006, 07:56   #2
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Re: Potatoe cakes

There's definitly egg but I haven't made one in ages. I'll see if I can find a genuine recipe.

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Old 12-10-2006, 08:06   #3
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Re: Potatoe cakes

I might open up a shop over here I would make a mint. Potatoe Cakes, Steak & Kidney Puddings, Malt Loaf , Dandelion and Burdock , Iron brew ,walnut whips, Polo mints.PG tips, Blah Blah Blah.
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Old 12-10-2006, 10:20   #4
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Re: Potatoe cakes

My mum used to make the pastry separately, put a load of mash spud in the middle them keep rolling it and folding it till it was nicely mixed before frying it off. Top with garlic butter- delicious

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Old 12-10-2006, 11:34   #5
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Re: Potatoe cakes

I adore potatoe cakes, bought some from Iceland 2 week ago, no-one in the house likes them at all!!

Got to say though I do prefer home-made. I don't think my mum ever used eggs while making hers, that's were I get my recipe from, she uses lard to binde hers together. Not very healthy but bloody tasty
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Old 12-10-2006, 17:17   #6
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Re: Potatoe cakes

Originally Posted by expat
So if anybody out there has the secret recipe, and all the secret herbs and spices, you would make an old man happy, and the old women to.
Inspired by your message, I went and sussed out my own recipes and - even better - decided to make them for breakfast, so I can guarantee that the recipe is tried and tested. Hope it is what you were looking for.

The following recipe is for the very basic version, which works out at just over 50 cals each.

But it is a very versatile recipe. You can season it with lots of different spices and flavours, such as grated onion (with a pinch of sage, if you like it) or chopped up spring onion or finely chopped leek; caraway seed; curry powder; grated cheese; ground cumin seed; there are loads of variations.

You can also double the amount of flour and add 2oz unsalted butter and an egg yolk (or an egg white if you are health conscious) for the enriched version - or if you want to use a whole egg, double the other quantities.


500g 1lb peeled floury potato
35g 1 oz plain flour
5g 1tsp salt
(White pepper – optional, to taste)


1.Cut the potatoes into large chunks. Boil for 15-20 minutes (no need to salt at this stage)..
2.Drain the cooked potatoes in a large sieve, cover with a paper towel and allow to steam themselves dry for 5-10 minutes.
3.Sieve or rice the cooked potato or put the chunks into a large mixing bowl and crush them with your hands, making sure there are no lumps left. Add the flour, salt (and pepper, if used) and knead the mixture until well blended.
4.Shape into individual patties:
·Either divide the mixture into eight equal portions, then take each portion and roll it into a ball in the palms of your hands. Flatten it and pat it into shape with your fingers.
·Or place all the mixture on a floured pastry board, roll out into circle and cut out patties with a pastry cutter or cut into eight triangles with a sharp knife.
·Either: cover the base of a large skillet with a thin layer of golden cooking oil (corn oil is ideal). Alternatively they can be fried in bacon fat or beef dripping, if you are not worried about your heart or your waistline!
·Or place on a hot greased griddle or baking stone and cook each side until golden brown.


·Choose a floury type of potato (such as Estima). Waxy potatoes (such as Desiree) are not so good for this dish as they do not collapse, but tend to remain lumpy, though you can use them if you have no others available.
·For an extra light result, use self-raising flour instead of plain flour.
·For an extra crispy finish, before cooking each patty, place it on a floured plate or pasty board scoot it around to distribute the flour. Turn it over and repeat the process. Brush with your fingers to remove excess flour.
·For an extra extra crispy finish, dip the cakes in beaten egg and then into fresh breadcrumbs before frying (this will not work with the griddle method as more fat is needed to crisp the breadcrumbs).
·If you choose to use pepper, then white pepper is much better in this recipe.
·You can use yesterday’s left-over mash, but they taste better if you make them with hot, freshly cooked potatoes. It is also easier, since cold potatoes tend to be very glutinous.
·If you are using the frying method to cook your potato cakes, any of the golden seed oils are suitable, but corn oil is ideal. Peanut ("vegetable") oil or olive oil would completely change the character of the cakes – not at all the traditional Lancashire flavour.


Serve hot with a breakfast fry-up (eg, eggs - fried, scrambled, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, sausages, black pudding, etc.) or with golden syrup or (not exactly Lancashire, but delicious) maple syrup.

Sorry this is so long, but you did ask!!
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Old 12-10-2006, 17:20   #7
Passed away 25-11-09
West Ender's Avatar

Re: Potatoe cakes

I used to make them with cold mashed potato, flour and a beaten egg. Mix it all together, with seasoning, until it's like a stiff dough, flatten into pancake shape and fry on both sides until golden brown.

For those whose arteries can stand it: - Grate raw potato and cheese together, combine with a beaten egg and roll in flour, flatten out and fry gently until brown - it's a nice alternative to the ordinary ones.
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Old 12-10-2006, 22:38   #8
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Easy Peasy. Warburtons - bout 69p at Asda. They are great.
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Old 13-10-2006, 07:11   #9
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Re: Potatoe cakes

Tattie scone, beans fried egg bacon and tomato's thats the best combo for them, well in my book anyway. Grill them though as the soak up frying oil like an alky soaks up cheap wine.

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Old 13-10-2006, 08:37   #10
bygum's Avatar

Re: Potatoe cakes

Wow Thanks for putting the recipe down I to have tried to make these and failed.

Now for those who miss there steak puddings and not been able to get there pastery like Hollands infact these are for tea to night.

I had tried and failed every time to get the pastry right I tried a mix of different flours I even tried sueit flour still not right so I wrote to Hollands from Australia and asked them I thought they would not reply but I got a nice message from the manager of the time the pastry is nothing more that shortcrust just go to your supermarket and buy those flat sheets just mould them into your small dish fill with what ever meats suit you and and cook in pressure cooker or steamer and I can assure you it will be the same as you buy from the chippy.
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Old 13-10-2006, 12:04   #11
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Re: Potatoe cakes


There not round I know, but I'am working on that,
Thanks everybody especially Tricia

Last edited by expat; 14-10-2006 at 01:07. Reason: adding photo
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Old 13-10-2006, 17:09   #12

T.C.'s Avatar

Re: Potatoe cakes

Try this one

450g (1lb) Potatoes
110g (4oz) Plain Flour
50g (2oz) Butter
1 tsp Salt
Pinch Pepper
Butter or Bacon Fat (Optional)

Wash and scrub the potatoes, but don't peel.
Boil in lightly salted boiling water until tender.
Drain and set aside in the hot saucepan to "dry in their steam".
Allow to cool slightly, peel the potatoes.
Mash the potatoes to a smooth consistency, ensuring that there are no lumps.
Season with salt and freshly ground pepper and pour in the melted butter.
Add enough flour to make a pliable and easily manageable dough.
Knead gently to combine.
Roll out on a lightly floured board to form a round of about ¼-½ inch thickness.
Cut the round into triangles, or make small individual round cakes using a biscuit cutter.
Cook on a hot dry griddle or dry frying pan until both sides are golden brown.
The cakes can also be fried in a hot pan in butter or bacon fat.
Serves 4

from T.C.

Last edited by Mick; 14-10-2006 at 06:28.
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Old 14-10-2006, 09:40   #13
Tricia's Avatar

Re: Potatoe cakes

Originally Posted by expat
Success... Thanks everybody especially Tricia
Looks like a result!! I hope you both enjoyed them.

You are very welcome. If you have any more requests, let me know. Cooking is sort of a specialty of mine. (I am working on a "Mum's cookbook" to bequeath to my sons).

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