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Old 04-12-2009, 03:34   #106
God Member

Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

John Smith was a safe bet to win the 97 election and lets be honest any Labour leader would have won it because the Tories were years election has similar overtones.

It's funny when a debate about the next Tory candidate turns into a lament on the death of socialism..Cashman is correct when saying socialism was put aside in the 97 election but there is a clear drawn line between Labour and the Tories.

Tories will always have an ideal that encourages the vast majority to work harder and do more for the sake of the nations economy, this is a well trodden path were the rich remain in comfort, it's been that ideal for 200yrs and no matter how they tart it up it always will be ..anyone just about getting by in these times should have a look at the Tories history before they vote.

Last edited by Mancie; 04-12-2009 at 03:43.
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Old 04-12-2009, 08:45   #107

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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Tories will always have an ideal that encourages the vast majority to work harder and do more for the sake of the nations economy, this is a well trodden path were the rich remain in comfort, it's been that ideal for 200yrs and no matter how they tart it up it always will be ..anyone just about getting by in these times should have a look at the Tories history before they vote.
I have read this a lot on here.

Please explain what you class as "the rich" and the "vast majority" who it will appear will be working harder?

If Labour is supposed to be the working mans party where do those who avoid work fit into it? Don't the "vast majority" have to work harder to pay for all those who are not working? ( I am referring to those who avoid work not those who want to and can't find a job)
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Old 04-12-2009, 10:03   #108
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
John Smith was a safe bet to win the 97 election and lets be honest any Labour leader would have won it because the Tories were years election has similar overtones.

It's funny when a debate about the next Tory candidate turns into a lament on the death of socialism..Cashman is correct when saying socialism was put aside in the 97 election but there is a clear drawn line between Labour and the Tories.

Tories will always have an ideal that encourages the vast majority to work harder and do more for the sake of the nations economy, this is a well trodden path were the rich remain in comfort, it's been that ideal for 200yrs and no matter how they tart it up it always will be ..anyone just about getting by in these times should have a look at the Tories history before they vote.
In 1993 over 14 million people voted Tory, more than at any other election in history, by your yardstick Mancie that says there are 14 million rich people in this county, or is it there are people who saw Socialism for what it was, unworkable, because those who profess it don't practice what they preach
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Old 04-12-2009, 16:04   #109
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
In 1993 over 14 million people voted Tory, more than at any other election in history, by your yardstick Mancie that says there are 14 million rich people in this county, or is it there are people who saw Socialism for what it was, unworkable, because those who profess it don't practice what they preach
The French philosopher Rousseau wrote that progress is made by revolution and counter revolution. I think people would like to see a bigger difference between the two main parties.
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Old 04-12-2009, 19:42   #110
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I have read this a lot on here.

Please explain what you class as "the rich" and the "vast majority" who it will appear will be working harder?

If Labour is supposed to be the working mans party where do those who avoid work fit into it? Don't the "vast majority" have to work harder to pay for all those who are not working? ( I am referring to those who avoid work not those who want to and can't find a job)
When I say "the rich" I mean the established well off land owners and big business.
It's all to easy to say that Labour and Tory are the same but there is a basic difference.

Last edited by Mancie; 04-12-2009 at 19:50.
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Old 04-12-2009, 19:48   #111
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
In 1993 over 14 million people voted Tory, more than at any other election in history, by your yardstick Mancie that says there are 14 million rich people in this county, or is it there are people who saw Socialism for what it was, unworkable, because those who profess it don't practice what they preach
Come on Jaysay I never say that only the rich vote Tory..anyone can be conned.
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Old 04-12-2009, 20:58   #112
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by Mancie
Tories will always have an ideal that encourages the vast majority to work harder and do more for the sake of the nations economy
Originally Posted by Cambridge English Dictionaries Online
communism noun
) /ˈkɒm.jʊ.nɪ.zəm/US pronunciation symbol/ˈkɑː.mjə-/ n [U]
the belief in a society without different social classes in which the methods of production are owned and controlled by all its members and everyone works as much as they can and receives what they need.
I reckon Mancie's a closet Tory.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 05-12-2009, 11:07   #113
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Come on Jaysay I never say that only the rich vote Tory..anyone can be conned.
Nobody conned me Mancie, I made a decision to join the Tory Part when I was 17, I read the manifestos of the three main parties and decided accordingly, even though my Uncle was a Labour Councillor of many years standing
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Old 10-12-2009, 13:50   #114
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Have the tories not decided yet whos on their short list ... only asking because andrewb said he'd post the list .. and he hasnt done yet .. or have they not decided yet ...
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 10-12-2009, 16:26   #115
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
Have the tories not decided yet whos on their short list ... only asking because andrewb said he'd post the list .. and he hasnt done yet .. or have they not decided yet ...
Ain't decided yet Jen
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Old 10-12-2009, 19:31   #116
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Nobody conned me Mancie, I made a decision to join the Tory Part when I was 17, I read the manifestos of the three main parties and decided accordingly, even though my Uncle was a Labour Councillor of many years standing
You haven't changed your political views since you were 17. That's true Lancashire stubborn, dig your heels in right up to the elbows
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:07   #117
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
You haven't changed your political views since you were 17. That's true Lancashire stubborn, dig your heels in right up to the elbows
Well at least I'm not like members of the Labour Party who jumped through hoops to endorse New Labour and now don't want to be mentioned in the same century as them, fickle or what
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Old 05-01-2010, 17:30   #118
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

A journalist contacted me today, would I comment on the Tories not selecting their candidate. Apparently Tory HQ had not replied to the HCA correspondence and they were waiting? Why would HQ not reply to Hyndburn Tories?

A well connected London source says that HQ are actually waiting for Hyndburn Conservatives to draw up a list and arrange to select. I am informed a certain persons name is not on the acceptable Tory HQ list, I presume what you'd Tongue in cheek call a z-list candidate! If they do not proceed to select then HQ will impose an all womens A List.

Surely this is all down to the chair of the local Tories however this is deputy leader and friend of the Leader, Brian Roberts.

I can't see The Tories falling out when there is a chance of winning. If the election is 25 March then the last date to have a candidate on the ballot paper is mid Feb.

There's a candidates Q&A at the Accrington? British Legion this month. CPA, Labour and BNP have announced. Will that be the q&a panel with no Tory?

Last edited by g jones; 05-01-2010 at 17:36.
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Old 05-01-2010, 17:39   #119
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Slip a frock on

Everyone's happy.

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Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 05-01-2010, 18:25   #120
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Re: Potential Conservative Candidate for Parliament

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I would think, Graham, that you would be happier if they picked an outsider, surely that helps your chances.
I dont believe they will choose an outsider for that reason. Only one person can win this. I believe i know who.
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