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05-10-2009, 20:01
Beacon of light
Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Graham, I was not getting at the local Labour Party....to me, Local Politics and National Politics are very different........I was referring to the promises made by the Labour party in the run up to the last election.......Crime may be down, but there are times when the streets after dark feel scary........and I do not trust the spin and statistics of any political party.
A lot of the apathy in politics, is that people feel that it doesn't really matter who they vote for, it will still not make a difference....it will be more of the same old same old......because the promises made when a party wants to be in power fail to bear any fruit.
I also think that there needs to be more education on politics.......I never had any education on politics....what I have learned has been by what I have observed and what I have read....but maybe people do not feel 'qualified' to vote....
It is very hard to trust National politicians with all that has been going on recently. It feels like most of the politicians are in it to screw the electorate.
In the past, people went into politics with the aim of making a difference to the lives of ordinary people....now it seems like they go into it to make sure they have a nice fat nest egg, a comfortable living and a fat pension.
Who? which party is going to dispel these feelings?
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05-10-2009, 20:48
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Originally Posted by jaysay
I think the majority would sooner have PB than you any day Graham, the nastiness was started locally by Labour before your time, in the days of Goldsmith and Delaney and also involved the then MP Ken Hargreaves, there are those of us who can't forget
Not sure where you get that idea from Jaysay, I prefer to vote for a man who actually answers his phone and cares about what happens in his ward, to his constituents!
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05-10-2009, 20:53
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
In the past, people went into politics with the aim of making a difference to the lives of ordinary people....now it seems like they go into it to make sure they have a nice fat nest egg, a comfortable living and a fat pension.
Who? which party is going to dispel these feelings?
Margaret , I'm thinking its maybe a generational thing , I think most folks over 50 look at present day Labour leadership and say to themselves "who are these people, how the heck did they get to lead the Labour party " Don't think one of them has what could be described as "working class roots" , no way can I imagine Blair/Brown/Harman/Mandleson addressing a TUC meeting in the 60s .
05-10-2009, 23:39
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Originally Posted by andrewb
Oh give it a rest Mancie. The country is in a mess. Debt is off the scale. It's not going to be a nice painless recovery - but your assertion that the Tories would 'seek revenge' is just incredibly distasteful.
and we all know who the Tories will make pay for the mess..the sick, the low paid and the old.... these people always pay under Tory Governments and it won't be any different this time.
05-10-2009, 23:49
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Originally Posted by nortype
to. mancie.... I know not who you are. or where you live.. but having read a lot of your silly ranting's can only think one very silly old ? man.. get a life ...
to.Moretripe.(edit) I meant Nortype...I know not who you are...or where you live... but I know what a raving right wing tory is and you fit the description. judging by your whinging, whining, moaning posts on here I'd say you have a pretty miserable life...and so if I need to "get a life" I'll do anything to avoid getting one anything like your own. 
Last edited by Mancie; 05-10-2009 at 23:54.
06-10-2009, 00:25
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Originally Posted by jaysay
Things like used condoms in the post, with the usual epithet of Tory Bastard. the phone calls at 4am which consisted of "woke you up again you Tory bastard", the poison pen letters threatening to Smash my windows, burn my home down and one death threat that did actually reach the media at the time and was investigated by the police, dog dirt smeared all over my front door, car window smashed all my tyres let down.
 ..and all that was from Tory HQ . 
Seriously.. there is no defence for what you suffered, it's disgusting. 
06-10-2009, 06:09
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Originally Posted by andrewb
Oh give it a rest Mancie. The country is in a mess. Debt is off the scale. It's not going to be a nice painless recovery - but your assertion that the Tories would 'seek revenge' is just incredibly distasteful.
what sort of dream world do you live in Andrew?..even the hardline Tories from the 80's would admit that Thatcher created the miners strike as revenge for the strike that brought down the Tories in '74 you should know your party history son...a final pitch battle to smash the working unions...something you and your freinds on here have claimed is a "good" thing the Tories did... history shows that your party will make the majority of this country pay with cuts to the less well off.. the rich will not be a factor in your so called "hard decisions" they never have been and never will...that is what I call distasteful, disgusting, and seeking revenge.
Last edited by Mancie; 06-10-2009 at 06:14.
06-10-2009, 07:25
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
to. mancie. ranting again ?? my life is full and well . all rosey in garden.. grow up and just get a life......
06-10-2009, 07:29
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Originally Posted by nortype
to. mancie. ranting again ?? my life is full and well . all rosey in garden.. grow up and just get a life......
you really are a funny old Hector 
06-10-2009, 10:10
Beacon of light
Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Why do you have to resort to the childish name calling. Once you do that, it is a sure sign that you have lost the plot, and the argument.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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06-10-2009, 11:27
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Back to the original question ...
Until Hyndburn constituency labour party members make their mind up who they want to stand in gregs place at the next general election then this is all up in the air anyway .. and unless more of the candidates are going to join accyweb and put their hands up yes im standing for nomination .. then you are not going to know any more .. and why isnt there a thread for potential conservative candidates?
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
06-10-2009, 11:34
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
I was sort of hoping that's what this thread would prompt - all the candidates to say hello.
The fact is that the decision which candidate to choose is made by members of the Labour party in Hyndburn (as it happens I'm not one of those so I'm not sure why I got the letter). Anyway, I thought it might be interesting for us to have the debate about who we want to represent us. That could, in turn, influence other members or help them clarify who they believe should represent us i.e. the person we believe would get the most votes.
This shouldn't have turned into a Labour v Conservative argument - it was about the Labour candidate. Someone should start another one to discuss the merits of the prospective Conservative candidates.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
06-10-2009, 13:00
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Originally Posted by Gayle
I was sort of hoping that's what this thread would prompt - all the candidates to say hello.
The fact is that the decision which candidate to choose is made by members of the Labour party in Hyndburn (as it happens I'm not one of those so I'm not sure why I got the letter). Anyway, I thought it might be interesting for us to have the debate about who we want to represent us. That could, in turn, influence other members or help them clarify who they believe should represent us i.e. the person we believe would get the most votes.
This shouldn't have turned into a Labour v Conservative argument - it was about the Labour candidate. Someone should start another one to discuss the merits of the prospective Conservative candidates.
The letter you got Gayle from George McNamara was sent to lot of people. He's got what he thought was an up to date list of Labour members in Hyndburn.
We are going through the process now of shortlisting for the seat. We would hope to have a candidate by the end of October,early November.
06-10-2009, 18:17
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
to. mancie... grow up.. send me a p.m. will sort this in quick time.... over to you.....
06-10-2009, 19:39
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn
Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson
The letter you got Gayle from George McNamara was sent to lot of people. He's got what he thought was an up to date list of Labour members in Hyndburn.
We are going through the process now of shortlisting for the seat. We would hope to have a candidate by the end of October,early November.
Typical of Labour. They do not even know who is a member of their own party. And this bunch of jokers is running the country?
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