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Old 30-09-2009, 11:37   #1
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Gayle's Avatar

Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

I received a letter from George McNamara asking for my support for the candidacy for the Labour Party in Hyndburn.

I don't think that the Labour Party have made the decision about who's representing them yet so presumably we'll get many more letters asking for support yet.

Mr McNamara's CV sounds quite impressive but he doesn't live or come from around here - he's from Southport. I guess it's not a million miles away (and to be fair, he has said he would move to Hyndburn) but I would prefer a suitable local candidate. Hope they find one.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 30-09-2009, 11:49   #2
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

I have just had a phone call from a good friend of mine to tell me that he also is looking to stand in the Hyndburn area.

His name is James Shorrock and he lives in Shadsworth but his family are from Hyndburn
it was only a quick call so I dont know the full details yet but I have suggested that he come on here to introduce himself

As soon as I have more info I will post but if he does get the chance to stand although I cant support his area I will be giving him my support where I can.

At the moment he is with Blackburn with Darwen for his area and has been for a few years
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Old 30-09-2009, 11:52   #3
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

I wonder if this character Macnamara could possibly be a scouse comrade of that Militant scallywag Keva Coombes, who was chosen as Labour candidate in the '87 general election. Some of us with long memories will remember what a disaster he was.

I suggest you play safe and stay well away from this mon; there are some good locals who could throw their hat in the ring yet, you included, Gayle.
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Old 30-09-2009, 12:05   #4
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
I wonder if this character Macnamara could possibly be a scouse comrade of that Militant scallywag Keva Coombes, who was chosen as Labour candidate in the '87 general election. Some of us with long memories will remember what a disaster he was.

I suggest you play safe and stay well away from this mon; there are some good locals who could throw their hat in the ring yet, you included, Gayle.
Thanks for that vote of confidence Tealeaf but I know full well that if I did say that I was going for it, you'd be the first to start saying how ill qualified I was for it.

Just for the record, I'm not eligible for being a candidate because I'm no longer a member of the Labour party.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 30-09-2009, 12:27   #5
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Thanks for that vote of confidence Tealeaf but I know full well that if I did say that I was going for it, you'd be the first to start saying how ill qualified I was for it.

Just for the record, I'm not eligible for being a candidate because I'm no longer a member of the Labour party.
What makes you assume that I will question your qualifications for this role? I may well have criticised some of your schemes and ideas but I have also agreed with others and it is more than a shame (for the town) that they have not born as much fruit as could be expected.

In any case, is membership of the Labour party still a prerequisite to holding office? Brown has stuck quite a few characters in the House of Lords who had no previous form when it came to party politics, so I don't see why - if the labour party is serious about winning the next election - that that policy can continue, especially given the fact that most current MP's have been exposed as at best, morally bankrupt and at worse, crooks. Anyway, the chances are that Brown will have gone by the next election and that labour prospects will look nowhere as grim as they do today, so with your local background, you may have a good chance.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 30-09-2009 at 12:31.
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Old 30-09-2009, 12:29   #6
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by cherokee View Post
I have just had a phone call from a good friend of mine to tell me that he also is looking to stand in the Hyndburn area.

His name is James Shorrock and he lives in Shadsworth but his family are from Hyndburn
it was only a quick call so I dont know the full details yet but I have suggested that he come on here to introduce himself

As soon as I have more info I will post but if he does get the chance to stand although I cant support his area I will be giving him my support where I can.

At the moment he is with Blackburn with Darwen for his area and has been for a few years

Jim Shorrock stands for Intack and Whitebirk ATM Mel (or he did)
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Old 30-09-2009, 13:00   #7
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
Jim Shorrock stands for Intack and Whitebirk ATM Mel (or he did)
Yes thats right Flashy he still does
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Old 30-09-2009, 13:10   #8
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
What makes you assume that I will question your qualifications for this role? I may well have criticised some of your schemes and ideas but I have also agreed with others and it is more than a shame (for the town) that they have not born as much fruit as could be expected.

In any case, is membership of the Labour party still a prerequisite to holding office? Brown has stuck quite a few characters in the House of Lords who had no previous form when it came to party politics, so I don't see why - if the labour party is serious about winning the next election - that that policy can continue, especially given the fact that most current MP's have been exposed as at best, morally bankrupt and at worse, crooks. Anyway, the chances are that Brown will have gone by the next election and that labour prospects will look nowhere as grim as they do today, so with your local background, you may have a good chance.

Perhaps, this is the one to lose. I suspect that there will be a Tory landslide this time and so any potential candidates for Labour will have a hard time. The next election in 5 or 6 years time could be the one to win. Not that I'm saying that I'll go for it then either.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 30-09-2009, 15:52   #9
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

doubt. wery much you will find one. white- wash next election all labour out can't come soon enough. all these year's country on it's knee's again thank's to no elected.. prime minister. ???????????
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Old 30-09-2009, 15:59   #10
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

The local party is in the process of selecting a candidate for the next election. It's not unusual for potential candidates to contact various people within Hyndburn. Hyndburn' a very desirable seat for someone.

There will no shortage of potential candidates believe you me.
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Old 30-09-2009, 16:29   #11
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

I agree there will be no Shortage of Potential candidates....its whether they will be worthwhile candidates!! Lets face it, that the main reason nobody is challenging Gordon Brown for the leadership is because they all think they are on a hiding to nothing at the next election, nobody wants to blot their copybook, by challenging now, and immeadiately lose an election, they would rather leave that for Gordon!

So it will be interesting to see what calibre of candidates come forward!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 30-09-2009, 19:00   #12
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Gayle, why not stand as an independant? Lets face it, Labour since 2001 - and especially since Brown took over the shop - has been the most inept government since that of Lord North in 1782. However, the alternative is probably worse. Does anyone in Accy really and truthfully wish to elect an MP who will do no more than lick the arse's of some third-rate ex-Etonian toffs and their fifth-rate string along fags? I think not.

As for the Lib Dems - forget it - those ******* had their best chance in years to take over in 2009/10 with a decent leader. What did they do? Instead of putting Vince Cable in charge they've bunged in some clown who pretends to be a Tony Blair (Mk 9). I can't even remember his name.

Stand as an independant and play to your strengths - local born and bred, marginal political ties , worked steadily over the years for the good of the town, etc......and then given that people will be pretty p*ssed off with rotten party politics, I think you should have a good chance. Anyway, I doubt if you'll lose your deposit.

PS..written after 6 pints of good ale
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Old 30-09-2009, 19:23   #13
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

ken hargreave's best we ever had.. he soon lost interest in way thing's run in london. government ?????? shame... local man. and did try his very best.... if you read this ken.. all the very best....
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Old 30-09-2009, 19:26   #14
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Agree with Tealeaf, I'd vote for Gayle !
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Old 30-09-2009, 20:01   #15
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
Agree with Tealeaf, I'd vote for Gayle !
Maybe we should start a petition....Gayle for MP...!!!!!!!!!!

This week is the Labour Conference; next week, the is Tory one in Manchester - and it is only there because Cameron needs to take quite a few northern seats if he is to form a government.

After that, then parliament begins. Our MPs, have of course, been away for the last 12 weeks, helping in bringing in their harvests on their estates in the countryside; None of them, as far as I am aware have been on Foreign Affair Select Committee fact-finding expeditions to the West Indies or somewhere similar at the taxpayer's expense.

I suspect, however, that within the next month or so we shall start to read and hear about some of the other perks that our illustrious representatives in the Palace of Westminster have been helping themselves to; as such, it would appear to me to time that the Hyndburn constituency sends to London someone who has a record of standing up for the best interests of their constituents, rather than one who makes the occaisional idiotic jesture of defiance only then to rollover, keep numb, pick up his payroll and finally end up with a nice fat pension -way, way above that of anyone else in their constituency.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 30-09-2009 at 20:08.
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