I'm such a klutz.
Got up this morning, had my array of coloured tablets, switched on the kettle, and popped the bread in the toaster.
Everything went off.
Still groggy until the drugs kick in, I checked the fuse box, and everything looked ok.
Power cut thought I.
No coffee, no toast, no radio or computer, no landline, no hot water.
Managed to find some matches to light the cooker, and boil a pan of water, and toast my fruit loaf.
Reread the Sunday papers, even the boring sections I normally leave out.
Three hours later decide to get a cold wash, and get dressed.
Pop next door.
Lights on, radio blazing.
Panic now, realising it's just me with no electicity.
Old lady turns up with a plate meat pie, and an apple pie, as she does every alternate Wednesday.
Put pan of water back on to make her a cup of tea.
Have another look at fuse box.
Turn one switch that I don't know the purpose of.
Radio, kettle, lights all come back to life.
Miffed at wasting three hours....but happy I wasn't still sat here in darkness tonight.