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28-09-2006, 20:58
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Preemptive Appeasement
The German Opera Berlin stunned the cultural world when it decided this week to cancel a controversial production of the Mozart opera Idomeneo due to a perceived danger from Muslim radicals.
Does Europe have ANY guts at all? Link to article below:
28-09-2006, 23:28
Resident Waffler
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
Couldn't they just perform it as originally conceived without the end bit?
29-09-2006, 00:15
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Preemptive Appeasement
must say for once in my life i agree with the krauts. it is moral cowardice.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
29-09-2006, 02:02
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
Agree with Willow on this one , why would an Opera about Posiedon need to feature Mohammed or Buddha , the producer/director is just trying to be provocative , maybe a new production of the Madness of King George is in order featuring George W Bush and his daughters who lock him away because of his insanity,
the image of Helen Mirren as Queen Charlotte/Laura attacking George W's belly with her teeth is something to look forward to with relish
29-09-2006, 07:50
Resident Waffler
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
relish? Would that be Piccalilly or Branston? - sorry but I just had a funny image come to mind when I read your post
29-09-2006, 09:04
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Preemptive Appeasement
Originally Posted by bullseyebarb
Does Europe have ANY guts at all? Link to article below:
Yes Europe like America still has plenty of guts, it's easy to find examples of people going too far in one direction to appease a so called minority (even if that minority find there is nothing at all to fuss about), that does not mean the majority of the people are wimps.
After reading that article, I too thought, 'What is the World coming to?', notice that? not just Europe.
After which I had a quick look around that web site, not exactly a middle of the road sort of feel to it is there?
Then you see little tags such as:-
Send this to your eBrigade, And jump to the conclusion,
America is full of nothing but Redknecks.
The majority of Americans, like the majority of we, the people of Europe, are against this kind of drivel but we are also against the equally threatening minority that will use any form of propaganda to poison the minds of one group of people against another.
That was one site I didn't add to my favourites.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 29-09-2006 at 09:17.
29-09-2006, 18:15
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
A slight change to take out the offencive stuff would allow it to be shown but only if it does not affect its original concept too much. As it stands with Europe appeasment dosnt work ask the French they wanted to be distant from the trouble but are still possible targets. As soon as we started backing down the floodgates were opened. I take offence at our flag being burned but I dont go screeming and killing over it!
29-09-2006, 18:46
Resident Waffler
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
But that offensive bit wasn't part of the original so why include it anyway? It sounds like it was only bunged on the end in order to be offensive to as many people as possible.
29-09-2006, 18:50
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
But that offensive bit wasn't part of the original so why include it anyway? It sounds like it was only bunged on the end in order to be offensive to as many people as possible.
A bums on seats embelishment that back fired harder than a Highland Toffee fed on beans.
29-09-2006, 20:05
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
Originally Posted by Less
Yes Europe like America still has plenty of guts, it's easy to find examples of people going too far in one direction to appease a so called minority (even if that minority find there is nothing at all to fuss about), that does not mean the majority of the people are wimps.
After reading that article, I too thought, 'What is the World coming to?', notice that? not just Europe.
After which I had a quick look around that web site, not exactly a middle of the road sort of feel to it is there?
Then you see little tags such as:-
Send this to your eBrigade, And jump to the conclusion,
America is full of nothing but Redknecks.
The majority of Americans, like the majority of we, the people of Europe, are against this kind of drivel but we are also against the equally threatening minority that will use any form of propaganda to poison the minds of one group of people against another.
That was one site I didn't add to my favourites.
Well, you could have fooled me. I see plenty of appeasement going on all over the world. As for the opera production.....well, isn't artistic interpretation all a part of the scene? Ditto plays, films, books, et al. It's called freedom of expression. If people find such things offensive, they are under no obligation to subscribe.
Sorry you didn't cotton to the link I included. It isn't meant to be a middle of the road site. It was designed specifically to combat Leftist media. And goodness knows, we have more than enough of that. Personally, I believe in reading all I can. Well, almost all. There are some things even I can't stomach.
29-09-2006, 20:11
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
If you want a good example of why appeasment dosnt work look at what happened in the late 1930's when Neville Chaimbalen and Lord Halifax ruled the roost. We never seem to learn from our past mistakes and we are doing the same again to the point that an Opera is causing waves. History should be a warning as well as a lesson.
29-09-2006, 21:11
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
If you want a good example of why appeasment dosnt work look at what happened in the late 1930's when Neville Chaimbalen and Lord Halifax ruled the roost. We never seem to learn from our past mistakes and we are doing the same again to the point that an Opera is causing waves. History should be a warning as well as a lesson.
The human race never seems to learn the lessons of history.
30-09-2006, 09:35
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
Originally Posted by bullseyebarb
The human race never seems to learn the lessons of history.
For all our intelligence we are at times as bright as a the ark side of the moon. The more we bow down to them the worse it gets until we reach a point were we say no more by which time its too late.
30-09-2006, 13:58
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
The real villain of this piece is the pseudo sensitivity of Islam. Some Muslims will jump on anything to justify their cause.
All I can say is that it is a good job that Dave Allen isn’t around anymore because if he were he would get a Fatwah every week. No Catholic or Church of England member took offence at his jokes. But then we Christians and non religious can laugh at ourselves.
30-09-2006, 15:54
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Re: Preemptive Appeasement
There probably were Catholis who took offence. It's just that the worst they ever did was write a letter to the BBC.
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