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Old 27-12-2012, 12:25   #31
Resting In Peace
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Having read the comments by John and Margaret, my experience with a rapid heartbeat has been a bit different.

My pulse appears to be naturally high, above the "normal" 100bpm and up to 120 I would say. When I was in hosp in Jan, the night before my op this was noticed and caused some alarm, doctors were sent for, my chest was listened to and I had an ECG. I told them it would probably go higher thanks to anxiety about the op, they found nothing wrong and forgot about it.

Then a few weeks ago I had to have a procedure at Preston to insert a catheter into my heart, again they noticed a rapid pulse, I told them it was par for the course and would probably subside once the procedure was under way. Which it did and as I was hooked up to an ecg machine as part of the procedure again it was not taken any further.

Last week I went for a blood transfusion and the same thing happened, high pulse, everyone got very excited, I told them it would go away once I was hooked up to the drip but they sent for the doc anyway who listened to my heart and said all was fine, it must be just me as I'd been saying all along.

Of course when they get all excited about it it makes it worse so I asked if could have THIS PERSON HAS A NORMALLY HIGH HEART RATE plastered across the front of my notes

I know my pulse was nowhere near as high as John and Margaret describe and I know all the docs and nurses have to take note of anything unusual but I'm getting a teeny bit fed up of having to explain every time. I guess I should be glad they take it so seriously...
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Old 27-12-2012, 13:49   #32
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

If you are anaemic then your pulse rate does go up in relation/response to there being fewer red cells about and any nurse or doctor worth their salt would realise that......anxiety,a raised temperature and infection might do the same as well.
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Old 27-12-2012, 14:04   #33
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
If you are anaemic then your pulse rate does go up in relation/response to there being fewer red cells about and any nurse or doctor worth their salt would realise that......anxiety,a raised temperature and infection might do the same as well.
Yep I think they finally got that message Margaret at the transfusion - but I wasn't anaemic before the op in Jan so they had to put it down to anxiety.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 27-12-2012, 14:10   #34
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Most people are anxious before an operation......even minor ones..though I firmly believe that minor operations only happen to someone else...any operation that we ourselves have is a major disruption to our lives.
Just being in hopsital where you give all control of your life to someone else(who doesn't know you) is a worry.
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Old 28-12-2012, 00:49   #35
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

id setlle for doctors knowing their damn place in the system

i took my son to great harwood medical center and the doctor rubbished information/facts given to me by both a cancer specialist and saint marys genetics at manchester and as it turns out information that it is critical to my sons future safety has been negelctfully omitted from his personal records 10 years after them been sent to the practice

as soon as my practice is taking on again he will be switching his doctor pronto

i had to ring my cancer specialist and have him have a quick chat with my son to undo the crap this paticular doctor was shoveling
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 28-12-2012 at 00:52.
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Old 28-12-2012, 15:50   #36
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

A lot of GP's are clever clogs (they like to flex their know how for the sake of it!) and dispute information they don't agree with- also where you have medical centers with several GP's that you may see, they often contradict each other. For example one longterm GP at a place I use cut the strength of pain killers I was given. A week later I went in and a locum gave me the strongest type of pill of that type (without question) and had a bad attitude to boot!
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Old 29-12-2012, 13:22   #37
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I've just spent the last 10 weeks under the care of several doctors and to be honest when a doctor stands at my bed and says "seeing you have COPD without traces of Asthma we're going to try you on beta-blockers to regulate your heartbeat Mr Farrer", didn't exactly fill me with confidence. I just said excuse me asking but have you actually taken the trouble to even have a glance at my medical file, which is in your trolley, if you had you would have seen I had a severe asthma attack, on this ward, only 2 days ago, Doctor walked away from bed with very red face. I saw around 15 different doctors while in dock this time the only two I would give house room to where Dr Zaman and Dr Lynch, the rest I wouldn't have been happy if they'd been looking after my pet dog
That's the thing with Doctors because it seems to be an elite achievement to become one, they don't like being contradicted by us the patients and the complaints system is inadequate to deal with them. Because it seems that because they have become a Doctor then they are then apparently superior beings. I've watched at least 2 programs about NHS malpractice in 2012 and Doctors get away with many things that in other jobs you'd be dismissed for - like Murder!

Last edited by kestrelx; 29-12-2012 at 13:24.
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Old 29-12-2012, 14:03   #38
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Doctors get away with many things that in other jobs you'd be dismissed for - like Murder!
Think it'd be a bit more than just dismissal.
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Old 29-12-2012, 14:42   #39
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
so I asked if could have THIS PERSON HAS A NORMALLY HIGH HEART RATE plastered across the front of my notes
Perhaps you should have, 'READ THESE NOTES LIKE A PROFESSIONAL SHOULD', plastered over the front?

Everyone seems to have one thing in common, nobody bothers about the patient's history.
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Old 29-12-2012, 14:59   #40
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

This one of the reasons that my daughter has been unable to work since July.......not only did the trainee GP not read her notes(it appeared that he could not navigate the computer system), but he did not listen to the information which she gave him...and denies that this information was given to him verbally.

This meant that her initial treatment was inadequate, leading to two stays in hospital and possibly the need for medication for the rest of her life.
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Old 29-12-2012, 17:25   #41
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
This one of the reasons that my daughter has been unable to work since July.......not only did the trainee GP not read her notes(it appeared that he could not navigate the computer system), but he did not listen to the information which she gave him...and denies that this information was given to him verbally.

This meant that her initial treatment was inadequate, leading to two stays in hospital and possibly the need for medication for the rest of her life.
funny how medical records have vital omissons isnt it.The doctor that nearly killed me got away scott free because 3 years of notes about a paerticular ailment went missing.All other visits were logged regarding other aspects of my treatment over that 3 years but nothing regarding the repeated visits and begging from me to take a propper look or refer me
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 31-12-2012, 09:56   #42
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Perhaps you should have, 'READ THESE NOTES LIKE A PROFESSIONAL SHOULD', plastered over the front?

Everyone seems to have one thing in common, nobody bothers about the patient's history.
Think you've got that one spot on Less.
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Old 31-12-2012, 15:14   #43
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Think it'd be a bit more than just dismissal.
There was a couple of cases one a woman died giving birth because she was left on a trolley for too long and didn't get the care at the right time. Also a couple's baby died for similar negligence - both featured on Panorama.
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Old 17-01-2013, 10:12   #44
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Prince Charles has said this about Doctors - he's so right!

I don't think it's Prince Charles' place to pontificate on anything (the Queen doesn't do it). If he'd been born into an average family, with his intelligence & physical attributes, he'd probably have just about made a living as a factory or office worker.
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Old 17-01-2013, 11:02   #45
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by davebtelford View Post
I don't think it's Prince Charles' place to pontificate on anything (the Queen doesn't do it). If he'd been born into an average family, with his intelligence & physical attributes, he'd probably have just about made a living as a factory or office worker.
Are you sure about that Dave, he does talk to plants you know
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