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View Poll Results: Is Prince Charles right?
Yes! 8 80.00%
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Doesn't matter either way!? 2 20.00%
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Old 21-01-2013, 18:23   #46
God Member

Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by davebtelford View Post
I don't think it's Prince Charles' place to pontificate on anything (the Queen doesn't do it). If he'd been born into an average family, with his intelligence & physical attributes, he'd probably have just about made a living as a factory or office worker.
not a royalist by any means but considering how much charlie does for the people of this country above and beyond what is required of him and although not the most physicaly gifted man he cant be that stupid if he manages to maintain and run the many organisations he has set up plus his royal duties.

the only way you could think prince charles to be dumb is if all you knew about him is what is printed in the sun.

besides rich or poor anyone can have an opinion it just so happens the press care about what he has to say but not so much about us.

Plus on this occasion hes right
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 21-01-2013, 19:08   #47
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
not a royalist by any means but considering how much charlie does for the people of this country above and beyond what is required of him and although not the most physicaly gifted man he cant be that stupid if he manages to maintain and run the many organisations he has set up plus his royal duties.

the only way you could think prince charles to be dumb is if all you knew about him is what is printed in the sun.

besides rich or poor anyone can have an opinion it just so happens the press care about what he has to say but not so much about us.

Plus on this occasion hes right
Can't argue with any of that accyman
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Old 22-01-2013, 08:58   #48
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
not a royalist by any means but considering how much charlie does for the people of this country above and beyond what is required of him and although not the most physicaly gifted man he cant be that stupid if he manages to maintain and run the many organisations he has set up plus his royal duties.

the only way you could think prince charles to be dumb is if all you knew about him is what is printed in the sun.

besides rich or poor anyone can have an opinion it just so happens the press care about what he has to say but not so much about us.

Plus on this occasion hes right
I think he may have a little help doing that !!!!!
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Old 22-01-2013, 09:04   #49
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Re: Prince Charles: Doctors must have Care and Compassion!

Most high flying businessmen/women do it all on their own then?
No, of course they don't...they have people who do the menial things for them.
Prince Charles is no different to these, in that respect.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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