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Old 01-06-2008, 21:02   #16
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I think that Bernie said punishment...she didn't mention smacking...she didn't say what kind of punishment.
I will say smacking then.

Being banished to your room clutching a sore arse for an hour or so certainly catches a child’s attention.
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Old 01-06-2008, 21:03   #17
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
With most children your way will work but if children need a slap (and I don't mean a beating) think it should be the parents decision.
Hey, I didn't say I didn't agree with a parent giving a child a Slap,it's just not my way ...... some of the kids round here could probably push the most placid person to throttle them!!!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 01-06-2008, 21:04   #18
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Katex, and will we, the tax payer end up paying because the parents can't afford to?
Well, cheaper than keeping them in jail, and cost of clearing up the kid's crimes later in life. Would have to be done by percentage, not set fines.

Perhaps, as Slinky has said, we perhaps could take away some of the parent's toys then .... taking away children's enjoyments is not what this thread is about Slinky .. just trying to make the parents do this in the first place.
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Old 01-06-2008, 21:06   #19
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

The system has given kids more rights than their parents. As a parent you can only hope your raising of them is enough to make them stop and think when temptation to do something wrong gets put in front of them. Peer pressure is a stronger force than parent pressure these days.
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Old 01-06-2008, 21:09   #20
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Well, cheaper than keeping them in jail, and cost of clearing up the kid's crimes later in life. Would have to be done by percentage, not set fines.

Perhaps, as Slinky has said, we perhaps could take away some of the parent's toys then .... taking away children's enjoyments is not what this thread is about Slinky .. just trying to make the parents do this in the first place.

Hiya Kate
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 01-06-2008, 21:11   #21
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Hey, I didn't say I didn't agree with a parent giving a child a Slap,it's just not my way ...... some of the kids round here could probably push the most placid person to throttle them!!!
No I know you didn't say you didn't agree with it but I know someone who got a visit from SS because she had smacked her child. It is time parents were allowed to discipline without fear of a visit from SS. We got a smack when little and if we got smacked at school we certainly didn't go home and moan about it because we knew we would get a smack there as well.
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Old 01-06-2008, 21:20   #22
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

I don't think they should be talking prison with the parents of these children, as they obviously can't keep the criminals they have in prison for the term of their sentence, what would be the point in that?

Punishing them yes, making use of the time they don't spend with their children (cos they manage to go and get drunk)

Also, not just punishing the parents, the children too, some parents could do the best for their children and no matter what they have, how much love they have had or how they have been brought up, sometimes "children" (teens) just turn! They wanna see their parents suffer, is it fair to punish these parents too?

I think it's the same with anything, different circumstances with different people
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Old 01-06-2008, 23:13   #23
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Oh yes, punish the parents, those adults that the children don't even listen to anyway. Who then has the responsibility of looking after the children?

Brilliant idea, I don't know why I didn't think of it.

Oh wait, it's because I'm not stupid like the majority of the Labour government.
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Old 01-06-2008, 23:29   #24
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

It's a stupid idea. I agree with Blazey - what's to be gained by punishing the parents who the children are ignoring anyway? The children won't be worried by threats like that and the parents won't have any more influence over them. It's like jailing the parents of children who play truant when you've seen the mothers struggle to get the kid to school and then the kid runs away once the mother's back is turned. How does jailing the parent help?

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Old 01-06-2008, 23:36   #25
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
It's a stupid idea. I agree with Blazey - what's to be gained by punishing the parents who the children are ignoring anyway? The children won't be worried by threats like that and the parents won't have any more influence over them. It's like jailing the parents of children who play truant when you've seen the mothers struggle to get the kid to school and then the kid runs away once the mother's back is turned. How does jailing the parent help?
basically what i was infering on first page, ya got a cashy in yer camp you two............ god help ya.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 01-06-2008, 23:47   #26
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
basically what i was infering on first page, ya got a cashy in yer camp you two............ god help ya.
I didn't read all of the posts because it makes me feel bad that I should be reading law cases instead of peoples opinions on a forum
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Old 02-06-2008, 01:14   #27
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
It's a stupid idea. I agree with Blazey - what's to be gained by punishing the parents who the children are ignoring anyway? The children won't be worried by threats like that and the parents won't have any more influence over them. It's like jailing the parents of children who play truant when you've seen the mothers struggle to get the kid to school and then the kid runs away once the mother's back is turned. How does jailing the parent help?
Jailing the parent is, in theory a good idea, it ensures that the rest of the ineffective, couldnt give a toss parents see the results of their lack of effort.
Children are not born out of control they are allowed to develp to be that way because some parents are more interested in themselves than their offspring.

However, I personally object to the cost of all this which again will be born by the hardworking parents who do put their children first.

I would rather that parents of drunk or otherwise misbehaving children were made to spend time with them.Compell them to give up their daytime TV and all day drinking to attend special education units together with their children instead of lumping all the responsibility on teachers, police and social workers. they should also be charged for this and if they arnt working let them pay with their cars, 50 inch TV's and laptops, the less of these they have the more they are likely to notice what the little dears are doing.

I also think compulsory attendance at some type of institution would hit another group, the middle class parents who dont have time to see what their children are doing. It would do some of them the world of good to spend time off work with their child/ren even if they have to miss a term time holiday abroad.
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Old 02-06-2008, 09:13   #28
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Jailing parents won't work, its been said before the jails are full, unless we let out robbeers and murderers to make room. Why not punish both kids and parents at the same time, make them wear an orange boiler suit in the centre of the town on a Saturday afternoon, cleaning the pavements and anything else that spring to mind, if they do this for a few weeks it may just concentrate the minds of both kids and parents, but certainly the parents
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Old 02-06-2008, 10:39   #29
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Jaysay I have suggested this before for other types of anti-social crimes...apparently it could be seen to contravene their human rights!
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Old 02-06-2008, 10:40   #30
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Re: Punishing the Parents.

Maybe the government should look at taking alcohol out of convenience stores and supermarkets.....make it harder to buy alcohol...but then that is another 'nanny state' tactic.......where the responsible are penalised for those who are irresponsible.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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