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Old 22-06-2007, 10:45   #16
I am Banned

Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

sorry to put the cat amongst the pidgeons but its a good move,according to lancs utd health and safety rules only 3 buggies are allowed on a bus at any one time,but how many times have you got on a bus and you cant get passed because there are more than 3 on,they block the bus aisle up and are dangerous they some times even dont use the front spaces which are designated for them and as for trying to get past one to get of its nearly impossible,and yes i am a parent who has in the past put a buggy on the bus and unless there is sufficient room on there i have many times had to wait for the next bus,
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Old 22-06-2007, 10:54   #17
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

Originally Posted by alan7554 View Post
sorry to put the cat amongst the pidgeons but its a good move,according to lancs utd health and safety rules only 3 buggies are allowed on a bus at any one time,but how many times have you got on a bus and you cant get passed because there are more than 3 on,they block the bus aisle up and are dangerous they some times even dont use the front spaces which are designated for them and as for trying to get past one to get of its nearly impossible,and yes i am a parent who has in the past put a buggy on the bus and unless there is sufficient room on there i have many times had to wait for the next bus,
Well this isn't about certain types of prams. This is about the amount of prams on. If there is a larger buggy on then the driver should say theres no room for another one. I have waited for the next bus because there is 1 big pram on. but i do not begrudge this at all.
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Old 22-06-2007, 10:54   #18
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

I've never tried to get my buggy (a 3 wheeler) onto a bus, fortunately I live close enough to walk, though I do agree to some extent with L U, the 3 wheeler (well Quinny Buzz) is quite easy to unbalance, if you hit a large stone or the kerb wrong it does nearly tip up, this of course could just be my steering
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Old 22-06-2007, 10:58   #19
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

Originally Posted by panther View Post
my daughters always being asked for a pass, because she looks over 14, but she is not, and they look at her as if she is a liar!!
why should i payfor a pass to prove my daughters age??
they should be letting em have them for free, its just another way of L.U making more money!
in london panther all under 16 are free on the buses
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Old 22-06-2007, 11:16   #20
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

Originally Posted by alan7554 View Post
sorry to put the cat amongst the pidgeons but its a good move,according to lancs utd health and safety rules only 3 buggies are allowed on a bus at any one time,

This wasn't about the number of buggies. Hers was the only one. The Health and Safety spokesperson said there is no reason why such buggies should not be transported by bus. In fact he got quite uptight about that particular model of bus being designed for that very purpose.

I do agree that when the buggy/wheelchair area is full then they shouldn't try to cram more on because it is difficult trying to get past them. I had a struggle one day and the mother tutted at me as if it was my fault for having shopping bags.

Walking is all very well if it's within walking distance but if it's several miles then the mother probably needs to get home quicker.

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Old 22-06-2007, 11:57   #21
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

I walked almost everywhere with my big, coach built pram when my children were babies. If I needed to get back earlier - I set out earlier. I was very fit - all that walking - and my babies were very healthy - all that fresh air.

Of course people with buggies do need to travel by bus, sometimes, but don't the modern buggies fold flat? Are we talking about the large, ultra-padded things that seem to have replaced the pram, even for new-borns? I had a "push-chair" when mine were toddlers. Not plush and not particularly stylish but it supported their backs and it folded easily to fit on a bus or in a car boot.

Oh well, things change don't they? But I think life, in this respect, was less complicated for me than for today's mums.
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Old 22-06-2007, 12:03   #22
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

I thought those baby slings were a brilliant idea when they came out - for babies ,not toddlers, or back strain would be likely.
You rarely see a baby crying when in one of them because they can hear their mother's heartbeat, like a continuous cuddle.

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Old 22-06-2007, 12:20   #23
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

These baby buggies are a public nuisance; the transport company should use their common sense and ban the lot. After a hard day's work I want a peaceful bus ride back to my local pub. What do I get? A trip from hell, all due to these unsociable women and their screaming little brats making as much noise and taking up as much room as they can. Result? My first three or four pints ruined. Well, if this lot can afford babies, they can afford taxis - get 'em off public transport. They might even consider walking and maybe even lose some weight at the same time.
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Old 22-06-2007, 12:47   #24
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
These baby buggies are a public nuisance; the transport company should use their common sense and ban the lot. After a hard day's work I want a peaceful bus ride back to my local pub. What do I get? A trip from hell, all due to these unsociable women and their screaming little brats making as much noise and taking up as much room as they can. Result? My first three or four pints ruined. Well, if this lot can afford babies, they can afford taxis - get 'em off public transport. They might even consider walking and maybe even lose some weight at the same time.
I hope to God your joking!!

If this is what you believe you clearly have not got children, or never look after them. I can afford to get taxis, but I would not risk it without a child seat. I have a small pram and don't take up much room on the bus. And I walk a lot of places!

If you can afford to go to the pub everyday, then you can afford a taxi - keep moaning drunks off public transport!!
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Old 22-06-2007, 12:55   #25
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

2/10, poor effort, you should really have been paying attention lately T, theres been enough practice going on...

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Old 22-06-2007, 12:59   #26
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I thought those baby slings were a brilliant idea when they came out - for babies ,not toddlers, or back strain would be likely.
You rarely see a baby crying when in one of them because they can hear their mother's heartbeat, like a continuous cuddle.
when my daughter was a baby it was the only thing i use to use margaret, kept her quiet for hours
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Old 22-06-2007, 12:59   #27
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

Its the 4 wheeled buggies that are allowed. Theres new types of buggies with 3 wheels where the on at the front is very small and I guess they must have failed some sort of crash test on the bus?

I've never seen anyone refused on the bus with one though, its a little OTT to tell someone they cant get on the bus. Why didnt the driver just suggest to fold down the buggy?
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Old 22-06-2007, 13:17   #28
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Theres new types of buggies with 3 wheels where the on at the front is very small and I guess they must have failed some sort of crash test on the bus?

Why didnt the driver just suggest to fold down the buggy?
especially the ones with the wheel that doesnt swivel, they are just stupid, as for folding i only agree with that if the kid can walk, but a newborn you shouldnt have to.
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Old 22-06-2007, 15:27   #29
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Its the 4 wheeled buggies that are allowed. Theres new types of buggies with 3 wheels where the on at the front is very small and I guess they must have failed some sort of crash test on the bus?
No they haven't. The Health & Safety spokesman stressed that they are perfectly safe. 99.9% of bus companies have no rules banning them - only Lancashire United.

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Old 22-06-2007, 17:56   #30
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?

Do we know *why* they are banned? Has anyone asked Lancashire United?
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