23-06-2007, 12:26
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Pushchairs and Wheelchairs could be banned from bus travel?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I remember her saying they were more stable when going round a bend that a 4 wheel buggy because with a 4 wheeler sometime two wheels come off the ground if the buggy is heavily laden and then it's only half as stable and can fall over sideways but with a 3 wheeler only one wheel would come off the ground so it's always got two thirds on the ground which is majority on the ground and less likely to fall over. Only she put it a lot better than that.
Sorry WillowTheWhisp but a four wheeled vehicle is more stable when cornering than a three wheeled vehicle. It’s a question of the centre of gravity in relation to the wheels in contact with the ground, the acuteness of the turn and the forward speed whilst cornering. Although speed doesn’t really come into the equation for buggies, unless supermum is pushing.
Take a Reliant Robin and a similar sized four wheeled car like a mini. At a given speed and tightness of turn the Reliant Robin will start to roll over before the four wheeled car. Remember how easy it was to turn over a three wheeled trike when trying to corner too tightly?
However having said all that if the H&S deem a three wheeled buggie to be safe then that is that and the bus company need to think again.