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26-12-2010, 13:36
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Re: queen's speech
Does it not make you wonder what these entertainment/sport 'diversions' are diverting attention from?
26-12-2010, 15:10
Coffin Dodger.
Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Does it not make you wonder what these entertainment/sport 'diversions' are diverting attention from?
not really,as you frequently say the "Real News" is suppressed, only told as much as they wish us to know, so don't really give a toss. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
26-12-2010, 18:04
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Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by alan7554
get rid off this family of sponging wasters,and make this country a republic,and we vote in who we want every 4 years like the usa,if it dont work lets change it,the civil list is just a waste on our resorses as most off them sit on there backsides, when hrh dies the royal family should die with them,and who will be paying for wills and kates wedding, US the british taxpayer SHOOT THEM ALL NOW
Now Monsewer Bonaparte, lets say we do as you desire, would not the replacement in whatever form or whomever it may be not also fit your description of the present incumbents ? Family of sponging wasters, I believe your expression was. Even worse we may have the misfortune to gain a Franco, Hussein, Ahmadinejad, Amin or Mugabe ! But lets say we're lucky & don't gain a tyrant like those mentioned, what or who then would be your preferred choice ? Who could rule the British people so well that we'd be happy with them & under what style of rule/governance, would you be happy hmm ?
26-12-2010, 18:10
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Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Now Monsewer Bonaparte, lets say we do as you desire, would not the replacement in whatever form or whomever it may be not also fit your description of the present incumbents ? Family of sponging wasters, I believe your expression was. Even worse we may have the misfortune to gain a Franco, Hussein, Ahmadinejad, Amin or Mugabe ! But lets say we're lucky & don't gain a tyrant like those mentioned, what or who then would be your preferred choice ? Who could rule the British people so well that we'd be happy with them & under what style of rule/governance, would you be happy hmm ?
Bring Maggie out of retirement, she was like the yanks, shoot then answer questions.....
I await the avalanche   
26-12-2010, 19:23
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Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Whoa ! Bit sharp isn't it ? Lets have a little balance in all things Gynn, would you say the same about the following ? No Worse than standing outside an arena for hours on end to get tickets for some produced "Pop star" who'll disappear up their own hoop within a couple of years.
The "SciFi Geeks" & the "Potter fans" who'll queue for days on end in all kinds of weather just for the latest Book or Film to be released. Even footie fans who'll traipse round the Country or World for that matter following their team.
All these are personal choices that these people have made themselves because it is something that appeals to them & as long as you're not forced to follow in their shadow where's the problem ? Believe me I'm not a raging Royalist, the Royal Family are just another aspect of the British way of life, take them or leave them. Queens Speech ? Turn over or switch it off. I personally can't stand all these "Reality shows", "Make me famous" or "Soaps" for that matter but I wouldn't call folk who do that is their choice & the last time I looked freedom of choice was still one of the things the UK Governments hadn't fully managed to outlaw or abolish.
Each to their own ?
Well said that man. This isn't perhaps the right forum for criticism, but today's TV is verging on the diabolical and the advert interruptions so irritating that I much prefer to log into the Accy website.
There's no FOOL like an 0LD FOOL!
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Put the GREAT back into BRITAIN.
26-12-2010, 19:28
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Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by cashman
its fine fer those who enjoy being a "Subject" i don't regard meself as anyones Subject, so therefore have never listened to this drivel. 
If you've never listened to it how do know it is drivel ?
27-12-2010, 00:06
Coffin Dodger.
Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by JCB
If you've never listened to it how do know it is drivel ?
strangely enough i occasionally read the papers or links, watch the news, its hard to avoid snippets of it, no matter how ya try. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
27-12-2010, 11:09
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Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by cashman
strangely enough i occasionally read the papers or links, watch the news, its hard to avoid snippets of it, no matter how ya try. 
So maybe you are a secret admirer .
I think the Queen is great . Some of her family may let her down , but she is beyond reproach .
When I reach her age I won't have done a billionth of what she has for her country .
27-12-2010, 12:25
Coffin Dodger.
Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by JCB
So maybe you are a secret admirer .
I think the Queen is great . Some of her family may let her down , but she is beyond reproach .
When I reach her age I won't have done a billionth of what she has for her country .
yer entitled to be, as i'm entitled not too, i have no admiration fer anyone who regards me as a subject, if you wanna be one thats fine your choice. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
27-12-2010, 12:34
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Re: queen's speech
Errrm, forgive me for pointing out the obvious and pouring cold water on your republican fantasies but, actually if you were born in Britain or hold a British passport you are a subject of the crown whether you like it or not. It is not something that you can opt into or out of to suit your political preferences. The only way to get out of it is to seek citizenship from another country.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
27-12-2010, 13:56
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by JCB
When I reach her age I won't have done a billionth of what she has for her country .
You lazy, unambitious...

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
27-12-2010, 15:16
Coffin Dodger.
Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Errrm, forgive me for pointing out the obvious and pouring cold water on your republican fantasies but, actually if you were born in Britain or hold a British passport you are a subject of the crown whether you like it or not. It is not something that you can opt into or out of to suit your political preferences. The only way to get out of it is to seek citizenship from another country.
well yeh really are talking balls wi that un A-B, i have no republican fantasies or political preference, these days as all are a complete waste of space, n why can i not opt out of being a subject? i have simple as that, i refuse to accept the fact, as i said to JCB, you can be one if you desire, carry on i don't give a toss, its your choice. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
27-12-2010, 20:06
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Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by Less
You lazy, unambitious...


27-12-2010, 23:23
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Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by accyman
i would watch teh speech if prince philip was doing it ,now that woudl be intersting 
I like that idea. Let Brenda put her feet up next year, after all that ribbon-cutting and troop-inspecting. Let's hear Phil the Greek let rip! 
28-12-2010, 08:16
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Re: queen's speech
Originally Posted by cashman
well yeh really are talking balls wi that un A-B, i have no republican fantasies or political preference, these days as all are a complete waste of space, n why can i not opt out of being a subject? i have simple as that, i refuse to accept the fact, as i said to JCB, you can be one if you desire, carry on i don't give a toss, its your choice. 
Rail against it all you like mate, it does not alter the facts. Under our splendidly unwritten constitution we are all defined as subjects of the crown and since the crown is embodied in the monarch we are all subjects of Her Majesty. This can only change when the system of government changes from monarchy to a republic, or, as I said earlier, if you choose to seek the citizenship of another country.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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