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Old 26-07-2009, 06:32   #1
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question for Blazey,AndrewB,Shaker

just curious , any comments on the attached article ...
How Labour keeps the lower classes in their place - Telegraph
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Old 26-07-2009, 08:15   #2
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Re: question for Blazey,AndrewB,Shaker

Do you really expect a response
" The views or whatever I post on here are the ravings of a woman possessed, not the site"
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Old 26-07-2009, 08:53   #3
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Re: question for Blazey,AndrewB,Shaker

Originally Posted by LYNX1 View Post
Do you really expect a response
I do actually , just wondering how many thought/think they got a uni place on actual merit and not on social promotion
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Old 26-07-2009, 09:19   #4
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Re: question for Blazey,AndrewB,Shaker

I went to state schools and believe I have the capacity to achieve at University. As for the article I disagree completely that we should have a 50% 'target' of students going into higher education. It benefits nobody if we have people at university based on a target and not on their actual capacity to achieve. Not enough focus is being made on the alternatives. We still need builders, electricians, plumbers and many other skills which do not require a typical university degree. It would be a waste of a persons talents if they were placed into university when they would be better suited elsewhere.

The target proposes other problems with funding. Before Labour came to power university education was free. Now it costs around £3,200 (a year, typical degree lasting 3 years) and growing year on year. We get student loans to deal with this and then pay it back at a progressive rate based upon income when we leave; those who earn more pay back faster.

Currently our National Union of Students are trying to pressure the government into a new funding scheme where graduates are faced with a graduate tax based on earnings. This would mean those who earn the most, pay for those who go to university, drop out, or simply graduate with low grades and end up in low paid jobs. A punishment for achieving. This will no doubt mean that even more unsuitable people will attend university as there is no responsibility for the student at all. It's risk free, if you fail, you pay nothing, while those who succeed pay for you. No students have of course been asked if we agree with the NUS on this.

The problem is that some people seem to think that it's not 'fair' if everybody doesn't get to go to university, or it's not 'fair' if people fail at things.

At sports day when I was at school we were always told "it's not about winning, it's the taking part that counts" this philosophy was ingrained in various forms within the education system. I would not imagine grammar and private schools would have the same attitude.
formerly cyfr

Last edited by andrewb; 26-07-2009 at 09:25.
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Old 26-07-2009, 09:48   #5
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Re: question for Blazey,AndrewB,Shaker

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
I do actually , just wondering how many thought/think they got a uni place on actual merit and not on social promotion
Put very simply, if it aint on merit,it should never be.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-07-2009, 10:48   #6
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Re: question for Blazey,AndrewB,Shaker

[QUOTE=steeljack;731225]I do actually , just wondering how many thought/think they got a uni place on actual merit and not on social promotion [/QUOTE I got this on merit and not on social promotion.
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Old 26-07-2009, 11:38   #7
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Re: question for Blazey,AndrewB,Shaker

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Put very simply, if it aint on merit,it should never be.
I'm with you there cashy, It doesn't matter who you are or where you live, if your clever enough to opportunities should be open to you, there are those who are good academically and those who aren't plain and simple
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Old 26-07-2009, 17:43   #8
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Re: question for Blazey,AndrewB,Shaker

I got my university place by cruising through exams throughout primary school/high school/sixth form, never exerting much energy or effort. I don't think you can call that merit. In all honesty I wish there were less places, courses and universities. It's too easy to get there and achieve a lot of nothing. From my experience of the modern education system, there's far too much emphasis on obtaining qualifications and not enough on career direction.
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