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07-11-2007, 00:11
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Well unfortunatly, technology has gone as far as having a lot of texts on the internet, but the problem is that you cant always be sure who the author is, and with being a law student, u have to buy up to date text books, so lovely second hand ones are out of the question, and books are around 30 pound each on average and thats just the basic reading, so to buy others to help further your knowledge it can be very costly alone.
All I can say is that its a good job I'm not a drinker and enjoy the gospel choir 
07-11-2007, 01:45
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by blazey
Well unfortunatly, technology has gone as far as having a lot of texts on the internet, but the problem is that you cant always be sure who the author is, and with being a law student, u have to buy up to date text books, so lovely second hand ones are out of the question, and books are around 30 pound each on average and thats just the basic reading, so to buy others to help further your knowledge it can be very costly alone.
All I can say is that its a good job I'm not a drinker and enjoy the gospel choir 
Law, eh. Don't worry you will be able to recover the cost by inflating your bills  when you graduate. If you wish to read a satirical comment on the law, try the second book of Gulliver's Travels. 
07-11-2007, 01:54
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by Eric
Law, eh. Don't worry you will be able to recover the cost by inflating your bills  when you graduate. If you wish to read a satirical comment on the law, try the second book of Gulliver's Travels. 
Theres a second book of gullivers travels? I've only ever read it when I was teeny and it was a few pages long  I never liked the story. I dont even have time to read anything that isnt relevant to my studies, but accyweb gets posted on during my breaks
On looking on the web, I see now that there are several parts to gullivers travels and I only knew of the first. Seen as I genuinely don't have time, would you like to tell me about the 'satirical comment on the law', I'm keen to know what it says now.
Last edited by blazey; 07-11-2007 at 01:58.
07-11-2007, 01:57
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by Nickelson
well you cant claim jobseekers till your 18 anyway flashy...
Actually you can it is £35.65 pw for 16-17 yr olds rising to £46.85 for 18-24yr olds then after that it is £59.15
Not that I advocate it of course
I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
07-11-2007, 02:00
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by harwood red
Actually you can it is £35.65 pw for 16-17 yr olds rising to £46.85 for 18-24yr olds then after that it is £59.15
Not that I advocate it of course
They used to let you claim it during summer holidays as well if you where at college, but of course they've stopped that now, but my law teacher at college told me that thats what all the students did. Terrible really.
07-11-2007, 02:01
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by blazey
Theres a second book of gullivers travels? I've only ever read it when I was teeny and it was a few pages long
I'd hate to see how many pages are in what you define as a big book!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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07-11-2007, 02:05
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by Less
I'd hate to see how many pages are in what you define as a big book!

It was a shortened childrens version in a book of many stories, I still have it actually at home. The law text book in front of me has 815, so thats a medium book  the big books are in the library  and there are volumes and volumes lol.
07-11-2007, 02:58
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by blazey
Theres a second book of gullivers travels? I've only ever read it when I was teeny and it was a few pages long  I never liked the story. I dont even have time to read anything that isnt relevant to my studies, but accyweb gets posted on during my breaks
On looking on the web, I see now that there are several parts to gullivers travels and I only knew of the first. Seen as I genuinely don't have time, would you like to tell me about the 'satirical comment on the law', I'm keen to know what it says now.
The only capital crime in Brobdingnag is writing commentary on the law  . A giant step in the right direction. 
07-11-2007, 15:33
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by Eric
The only capital crime in Brobdingnag is writing commentary on the law  . A giant step in the right direction. 
I understand your pun on the word giant, but wouldn't it be a giant step in the wrong direction? Sounds like a law a dictator would make to me!
07-11-2007, 16:31
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by Nickelson
yes im sure that is the way as whats to stop a child leaving school and then starting life on the dole 
Hobson's Choice, give them 3 shovels and tell them to take their 'pick', NO WORK NO EAT. Do not forget our Grandparent's worked half time, but still managed to aquire the basic's of educationTHE THREE Rs, the wrong subjects are being taught, in the name of statistics.
07-11-2007, 17:05
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by Ianto.W.
Hobson's Choice, give them 3 shovels and tell them to take their 'pick', NO WORK NO EAT. Do not forget our Grandparent's worked half time, but still managed to aquire the basic's of educationTHE THREE Rs, the wrong subjects are being taught, in the name of statistics.
If the wrong subjects are being taught, then how come some people are not failing in the education system?
I think its more a case that you arent taught the benefits of it during high school. I dont recall anyone ever asking me what I wanted to do when I was older, and being taught how to aim for it. I was just fortunate that I made the right choice when I left school that i did definatly want to go to college, but I had no idea what. I nearly ended up doing BTEC's in Music, and thankfully I didnt, and luckily at college they drill it into your head that you need good grades for uni, and so here I am at uni, when I didnt even know what choices I had other than that.
I think the High school stage is the failing part, and if i'm not mistaken gordon brown is bringing economics and things into the school curriculum is he not? Which I guess is quite useful. I still dont have a clue about how to get a mortgage and a loan or anything like that, its like important life skills dont matter.
07-11-2007, 17:43
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by blazey
I understand your pun on the word giant, but wouldn't it be a giant step in the wrong direction? Sounds like a law a dictator would make to me!
Satire is meant to be taken seriously, but not literally  Whatever you do, stay away from Dean Swift's "Modest Proposal." 
07-11-2007, 17:47
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by Bonnyboy
I aknowledge what you are saying, just would like to highlight that some parents cannot work, it's not always a case of not being bothered.
Of course, I 100% understand that some people do need this money, however the vast, vast, vast majority who do get it don't need it.
07-11-2007, 19:26
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by Eric
Satire is meant to be taken seriously, but not literally  Whatever you do, stay away from Dean Swift's "Modest Proposal." 
Unless you're very, very hungry. 
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
07-11-2007, 20:38
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?
Originally Posted by SamF
Of course, I 100% understand that some people do need this money, however the vast, vast, vast majority who do get it don't need it.
And alot of people who do need it dont actually get it. To be honest, every single student in england could be forced to work part time to get money to fund their education, except those of course with disabilities that are very limited to work, but why should they if the money is there? One day they are more likely to have a job due to having more qualifications, and they will be tax payers and pay it all back, so its hardly unjust to give students money.
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